My fluffy white tiger

Therefore, Marlene chuckled and nodded, deep inside her heart, she felt warm that YuYan likes her. "Don't worry, I will tell you if your brother hurt me. Bite him many times, okay?" 

YuYan nodded. "But where's your baby? Does big brother YuYu really have a baby?" She curiously asked but Marlene did not answer. "Why? Did you fight with big brother?" 

Marlene shook her head. "My baby is at home, but I'm not YuMin's wife." Then she suddenly bent over to whisper on YuYan's ears before looking back at YuYan with sadness on her eyes. 

YuYan: "..." 

YuYan was dumbfounded after hearing Marlene's words. Her eyes were widened in disbelief. She was about to speak but she a familiar voice rang on their ears. 

"Marlene, where's Ruegen? There's something he needs to know and.." It was Zhiyuan, but his words were interrupted and his eyes widened in shocked.