Soul Chain

YuYan did not move. She stares at Zhen Hai's blushing face, looks cute. There was no malicious intent on his eyes, and he was shy. Her lips twitched, she can hear his pumping heart. 

A sweet smile appeared on YuYan's lips, but suddenly spoke with an innocent voice. "You will serve me, unless you want to die." She sounded cute, yet terrifying. 

Zhen Hai: "..." Huh? Serve? Than die? 

Zhen Hai was dumbfounded. His imagination turned wild, his heart beating fast. His eyes widened, he is afraid it is the same on his mind. "Se... Serve? I... I.. How?" His voice is trembling, and hard to speak. He still cannot look at YuYan in the eye. 

Lanyi: "..." Ugh, master? What's wrong with you? 

Lanyi did not move when he saw YuYan suddenly seated on Zhen Hai's waist, but a mischievous smile secretly appeared on his lips. His master never had a woman. He was always shy in front of a girl.