I hate you

YuYan shook her head. "I want to play. I still have a lot of toys in my playground. "A wicked smile appeared on her lips before she gets off from Zhiyuan's arms. 

Right after her veer landed on the ground: a strong arm suddenly hooked on her waist, holds the back of her head while hot lips covered hers. It was a deep kiss full of fear of losing her.  

YuYan: "..." 

Li FuJin can't hold it anymore. His blood is boiling in anger. The moment YuYan sat on Zhen Hai's waist, his heart felt like being twisted. Trepidation began to wrap his soul. He can feel YuYan is mad at him. 

What more, YuYan kissed Zhen Hai's cheek. She pounced at Zhiyuan, like a Koala stuck on his body. She is no longer a child, Li FuJin doesn't want her to be touched by anyone aside from him.