One of your identity

Li FuJin was stunned. He had totally forgotten about his real identity. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, his heart began throbbing thinking about the consequences.  

Although Zhou Ruegen's identity is also him which YuYan accepted the truth after drinking her blood at the forbidden lake, Li FuJin still felt complicated about how to deal with the situation.  

He is hesitant to use his real identity for fear of YuYan finding out his connection with Xiao YuYi and the events twelve years ago.  

Li FuJin responded to Mo Yao Wang's telepathy. "This wouldn't have to happen if you didn't took her away from me!" He communicated with blame. His eyes shows detestation towards the old man.  

"Why, you stupid brat! If you did not hide at the first place, you could have been her husband by now!" Mo Yao Wang seethed in anger while staring right back at Li FuJin's murderous gaze.