The taste of her lips

Seeing YuYan was about to fall on her feet while an attack was about to hit her, Li FuJin's face turned dark; his blood were suddenly boiling in anger and immediately came to save her. 

Pulling YuYan into his arms, burying her little face on his chest like what his heart wanted to do while he blocked Fa Liling's attack with a murderous aura that emitted from his body and an urge to kill her opponent.

Before long, Li FuJin felt YuYan's head was about to fall away from his chest. Therefore, he retracted his other hand that blocked the attacked as he supported her head to remain leaning on his chest; tightening his arms on her waist.

Accompanied by his unknown yearning to imprison YuYan in his arms, her blood scent made Li FuJIn feel the same uncomfortable feeling and decided to leave with her right away.