You're not lying?

Xiao XiRan's face turned dark. His possessiveness immediately spread through his veins. He secretly gritted his teeth while thinking of Marlene having another husband makes him wanted to chain her again. 

How can he forget that Marlene knew him well? So he seriously said while suppressing his anger. "I'm telling the truth.." 

Xiao XiRan added. "It's one of the conditions for me to completely stay. I only have two months to make you pregnant again."

Marlene: "..." Two months? Is this for real?

Marlene didn't respond right away while she looked Xiao XiRan with a complicated expression. 

How can she not feel worried? He might be lying just to sleep with her, but what if it was true? Will she let him leave her again? Of course not!

Watching Marlene's worried face, Xiao XiRan shamelessly said. "So we should do it more.. Unless you want me to disappear completely.." He threatened while he tried to make his tone more serious.