Both playing stupid

Mo Yao Wang's words were like a cyclone that hits Xiao XiRan's heart. He is aware that he is not stronger than his father or mother to protect his wife and son.  

"I don't care!" Xiao XiRan screamed towards his grandfather after recovering from shock. It's not that he wasn't afraid, but his fear disappeared after being restrained. 

His scarlet eyes began gleaming just like his grandfather. Xiao XiRan pulled Marlene behind him as he let go of her hand and a dark flame suddenly appeared from his body. 

He was like a man burning in flames, but Xiao XiRan's skin wasn't harmed. Instead, he didn't notice that just like Mo Yao Wang, a part of his left cheek slowly turning into amber skin that look like a burning wood. 

It was indeed a fearsome sight that everyone did not expect; to see both grandfather and grandchild, revealing their own true demonic appearances due to anger.