Her brother's condition

Little YuYan's sudden appearance followed by multiple questions made Mo MeiLi and Xiao MingRou looked at each other before looking back at their little daughter.

"What have you heard? Have you forgotten what I told you not to listen to someone else's conversation?" Xiao MingRou reminded with his commanding voice.

Little YuYan: "!!!" Daddy is angry!

This immediately made little YuYan shiver in fear and tightened her little arms on Xiao MingRou's legs while she said with a trembling voice. "Sorry daddy.. YuYan will not do again.."

Her voice cannot hide the fear towards her father while it also sounded like she is about to cry. Little YuYan can't help her tears to fall from her eyes while waiting for her parents to speak.

Watching their little daughter being frightened, Mo Mei Li and Xiao MingRou can only sigh. Although they knew their conversation should not have been heard, little YuYan is still a kid after all.