Can't I take over?

That question was like a huge rock that crushed Xi Zhiyuan's heart. He was petrified! He was greatly shocked like a thunderbolt hit his soul.

His eyes widened as he watched YuYan turning her head to look back at him, staring straight to his eyes where he can see his own reflection in her pupils.

That kind of look in her deep black eyes made him trembled as it keeps on staring at him coldly as if it could freeze him over.

What made him held his breath was the fact that YuYan called him with his complete name while asking if he was keeping secrets from her!

With that same look seemed like another person, not the sweet and innocent baby he used to know but someone with a strong and frightening personality.

"Yu… Yu.." Xi Zhiyuan's voice was trembling, but before he can complete his words, YuYan swiftly stood in front of him.