Who took advantage of you?

Although she doesn't know how it was possible for them to suddenly get separated, she had no time to think about it as she knew she needed to take over.

She looked at her other personality's face as she raised her hand and touched hers then she noticed her own hair before glancing back to the seeping one.

"Tsk, maybe this is what called difference between us." She claimed, but she then frowned. "Heavens might have made a mistake with our differences."

Putting aside the difference between them, she recalled all of their memories which made her blood boil in anger. "That lecher! What exactly was his relationship with me?!"

The moment that the previous regained memories appeared in her eyes, she was also confused because of Mo Rica's memories, but that didn't take too long.

As she tried to understand those flashes of memories, the part wherein the young man with silver hair and scarlet eyes conversing with her own voice made her suspicious.