Training X Nen

Their are two methods to open his aura nodes and become an Nen learner, first is through meditation this process is slow and gradual and the second is called Initiation or Batism, which consist in receiving an influx of aura that force the nodes to open this method is quicker but have more risk as a Nen user that is inexperienced or with malicious intent can harm the student.

The training to open their aura node was fairly easy and fast, Kurenai and Kushina were no stranger to meditation and Nen is similar to chakra in a sense it was like opening their tenkentsu so in 7 days they opened their aura nodes, Zoro was even faster as a swordsman and warrior meditation is a must and he is very familiar with it also with his Observation Haki he noticed all his aura nodes so he opened them in 7 days too.

Immediately after they opened their nodes they gained the ability to see their auras and they were impressed but Zoro quickly reminded them to use Ten to avoid their aura to run dry and they gained access to Ten instantly.

Zoro proposed to train in one major principe of the Nen at the time and seriously to build a strong Nen foundation.

When Zoro said to Kurenai and Kushina that Ten can reduce aging process and maintain a youthful vigor...

Well let's just say that the Ten training took another dimension in the mind of the two kunoichi.

The Ten training was a little long but they achieved success in maintaining Ten while sleeping in 4 months and after the Ten training they felt that their aura was at least 5 times stronger than the 4 months ago and their aura flow was faster and smoother.

Next was the Zetsu and Kurenai and Kushina has shown immense talent in this principe Kurenai more than Kushina but not by a large margin, Zoro was good too but not as good as the two ninja. By stoping the flow of the aura in the body Zetsu can make the user hardly or even impossible to sense and even Zoro with his Observation Haki has trouble to look for the exact position of Kurenai when she use Zetsu but he still can sense her and with time he can find her position, the training was relatively fast only 2 months.

And finally Ren, It focuse on outputting a large amount of aura, projecting it outwards explosively, This amplifies the user's physical strength and durability and provide a large pool of aura for any advanced technique or personal technique, Zoro and the girls trained the duration and quality of their Ren for 6 months and now Kushina and Kurenai can use it for 1 hour and 30 minute and Zoro for 3 hours.

In parallel with the Nen training Zoro has proposed to the Kushina and Kurenai to train their physical strength first they were reluctant but after Zoro completely trashed them in a hand-to-hand spar they agreed and they improved their overall strength, speed, stamina, agility and durability.

During this year living and training together a lot happened and Kushina and Kurenai were truly happy and came to accept and enjoy this carefree life, they have a better understanding of Zoro too and they deeply admire him for his incredible strength and felt something else but they don't know what it is. Zoro was truly a funny guy to be around even if he didn't do it on purpose he was just too funny ! His observation sense were completely inversed and Kushina always mocked him about that which caused some clash between the two but it was always minor and they didn't took it too far, Kurenai would just giggle at his antic and Zoro ? Well Zoro didn't really change if he isn't training then he is taking a nap or just getting lost somewhere sometimes he would just relax and chat with Kurenai or Kushina.

For Kushina life was truly good these times she never felt this free before and would not exchange this life for anything. She has already forgotten Konoha and the rest, she didn't have any real friend there anyway except Mikoto and Minato, anyway life was truly interesting here with the Nen training, Kurenai and this Zoro Baka. At the mention of the name Kushina let out a 3000 wats smile, this training freak is too funny ! He always play the strong man but he can't even differentiate his right to his left and when he lost himself he would blame you for misguide him.

"Well he is my Baka after all." Thought Kushina

Suddenly Kushina blushed when she caught what she though.

"Ehh W-what I am saying ? This must be Baka-Zoro fault, Baka ! Baka ! Urusai ! Urusai ! Urusai !" Kushina became furious when a chibi Zoro appared in her mind with a cocky smile and she began punch in the air with a red face, she looked quite stupid when you see her from afar, if a mother was there she would say to her children to study in school if not they would become like her in the future.

Zoro was looking at Kushina punching the air like it was her worst enemy with an expression with an expression akin to a doctor looking at his patient with a cancer.

He turned to Kurenai and said

"This is the end. We can't do anything for her, I told you this women was insane look at her she is lost."

Even Kurenai began to lost hope for her friend from Konoha, she wanted to defend her but she could not form any word.

For Kurenai too life was good, she became great friend with Kushina and this carefree life was something new for her so she was truly happy. Turning her head toward the green haired swordsman she began to think about him, she deeply admire him for his strength and his resolve and more than one time he moved her heart seeing him training like a madman, with Zoro she felt safe and warm this is a feeling that she never felt in Konoha. In Kurenai heart Zoro took a special place that no one can take and when she see him or even talk her heart would beat faster and she would have strange feeling inside her stomach, she would often peep him when he train half naked and she enjoyed the view of his body, she didn't know that Kushina too have to tendency to peep at him during his training.

For Kushina and Kurenai life was good and they took a liking at their routine.

Wake up at 6, Kushina or Kurenai would do breakfast as Zoro can't cook, after that they would train physically and train their Nen the evening. Sometimes they would just chat and relax or take a stroll at the city near, sometimes Zoro would sell the wild beast that he killed and the girls would take the money to buy girl stuff.

After one year Zoro was not as relaxed as Kushina and Kurenai. He was often thinking about his crew and what should he do. Should he aim to return ? But how can he do that ? Or should he just forget about everything and just live here ? No he can't do that. So after some times he just decided to live right now and see about the future another time as it was pointless to think too much about that.

Leaving that case aside, Zoro was quite satisfied with his progress in both the physical domain and Nen, but he didn't train Haki and he felt that it was the moment to train seriously his three Haki so he made a decision and he made his way toward the girl to annonce it to them.

After Kushina calmed herself she decided to relax herself so with Kurenai they went to the city for shopping. At the city a lot a male were drooling at the sight of the two woman and a few decided to talk to them but they were quickly rejected and for the more forceful, well Kushina wasn't called the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero for nothing.

As the girls were nearing the house they saw Zoro standing fully clothed with a backpack.

"Strange" they thought

When Zoro saw them he quickly came in front of them and said

"I need to train alone, we should take our own path now that we have achieved some strength, Goodbye and good luck." Zoro said

The two girls eyes widened and they felt their heart tighten.