Hunter Exam : I

It's been 2 week since Machi began to team up with Zoro and a lot of things happened, first she have a better evaluation of his strength but even then she is sure that he is hiding a lot, she estimated that if she wanted a real evaluation of his strength he would have to fight with a member of the phantom troupe like Phinks or Hisoka. There is a day when the job asked was to kill all the member of a medium sized organization with Nen user and Zoro decided to take them alone and told her to go home, she was curious so she stayed and she didn't regret it...

Santoryu : Kokujo O Tatsumaki

That was the name of the technique he used... the image of a tornade that can cut anything or anyone with Zoro half naked with his bandana around his head...

Let's just say that she will never forget this particular picture and she graved it in her heart.

She developped an obsession about him, he has too many secrets and his strength was terrifying, one day they did a quick spar, nothing too serious just some hand-to-hand combat and he seem to be able to predict all her attack and his time reaction and all his other base stats were top-notch. But she quickly understood from where his strength came when she saw his training.

Doing push-up with 30 ton on your back and 6 ton on your mouth is pure suicide ! No one does that ! He's insane ! And why does he do 3000 push up ? Normal people do 5 serie of 10 !

Just for his hard work alone Machi have great respect for Zoro, if only he wasn't that weird...

I mean... you can slash buildings, steel or any hard material, you have a pure force of multiple tons, you can predict attack, you can sense people around you easily !

But you can't tell your right and your left.

You are weird !

You are insane !

You are an idiot !

Machi never saw a guy this weird... for all his strength, all he's doing is training, eating and sleeping.

Machi was still in thought about Zoro when she heard him yelling

"Oi !!! Look out !!!" Zoro yelled loudly

Machi quickly turned her head and released her aura and all her sense, ready to kill anyone, but she saw nothing and turned toward Zoro.

Zoro was sitting on the floor, his eye with a sleepy tear, there was a silent when sudenly,


He yawned loudly and said with a tired voice

"What, It was a dream ?" And he returned to his sleep.

"What the hell is wrong with him !" Machi thought with angry expression

"Hey don't go back sleeping ! What's your problem ! I almost got a heart attack !" Yelled Machi angrily

These times Machi noticed that she was often acting out of her usual character, normaly she was cold and kept her cool at any moments but this guy was truly getting on her nerves sometimes but strangely she didn't mind that, in fact she truly enjoy these moments. Zoro make her feel a lot of emotions that she never felt like when she laught at his antics or when she lose her cool because of his idiotic moments like those, and sometimes she even felt something else that is completely foreign to her but she don't know what it is.

Zoro didn't seem to listen to her as he was snoring loudly with a bubble on his nose

"I am talking to you !" She yelled and throwed a book at his face only for him to dodge it.

"What's your problem ?" Zoro said angrily as he completely woke up

"What's my problem ? Baka you almost gave me a heart attack with your fake alert !"

"Ha ?! I already told you it was a dream ! And what heart attack ? Is there even a heart to attack inside your chest ?! Now shut up and let me take a nap, Yuki-Onna*" Said Zoro

The atmosphere was absolutely heavy, Machi has never been so angry in her life, she wanted to eat him raw.


Yes, these times she truly acted out of character.

1 week later

Zoro was ready for the Hunter Exam, he wore his traditionnal green coat that he leave open to show his bare chest and his green haramaki with his three swords strapped there. He made his way toward Machi to annonce his departure, he truly appreciate her company, she was not too much of a bother and was a nice girl, at least toward him. And he also have to admit that her Nen techniques were prodigious. So he made his way toward her chamber he didn't have to knock as Machi came out from her chamber.

"What can I do for you ?" Asked Machi with a façade of indiferrence but inside she was quite curious.

"Nothing I am just here to thank you for your help, I need to go now so i was just saying goodbye." Said Zoro with a small smile

What ?! Where he is going ?! Why ?!

Machi mind was in mess right now and didn't know what to do or say.

"It's nothing." She responded quietly her bangs shadowing her eyes.

"Anyway, these days were fun so here is my phone number if you have any work or anything else you can call me." Said Zoro with a grin

Machi took his phone number, meanwhile her mind was currently working on something to do.

She bit her lips and finaly said

"W-Where are going if i may ask ?"

"I am going to take the Hunter Exam." Responded Zoro

Machi's eyes widened and a strange light passed on her eyes and finaly she made her resolve and said

"Well can I go with you ? I mean the Hunter Exam ?" Said Machi with hope in her eyes.

Zoro was a little confused but he didn't mind that much so he quickly accepted

"I don't mind." He said

Machi banged her door and when she sensed that Zoro was far, she allowed herself to smile and pumped her fist on the air.

And so the adventure of Zoro and Machi toward the Hunter Exam began.

1 week later

Zoro and Machi traveled together toward the Exam place and during this time nothing much has happened but Machi was quite excited in her heart. They easily found the Exam place, well it's more like Machi found it because Zoro... well Zoro is Zoro so...

They entered a sort of big hose place with a lot of people, Zoro was number 56 and Machi 57.

They all looked nervous and some were trying to intimidate Zoro but with just a glare they turned their heads, Machi received a lot of look of lust but her glacial blue eyes made them weak in the knees.

"You two must be new ?" Said a voice from up there

"Hi." He said with a smile

He was a fat man with tanned skin and brown hair.

He received no reponse.

"Hello my name is Tonpa it's my 36th-"

"Get lost." Interrupted Zoro with a glare

Zoro's Observation Haki has made tremendous progress and now he can see throught the intention and emotion of people around him if he want and clearly this man has no good intention, even without Haki he can see it, Machi has very good analytical skills and is naturally

a suspicious person so even her knew that this guy was no good.

Tonpa felt his legs go weak and cold sweat in his back, he quickly ran away from this freak.

Zoro turned to Machi and said

"Oi Machi wake me up when the exam start please"

Machi nodded her head, she felt stange usually he never called her by her name, only "hey" or "you" or sometime "Yuki Onna", when he sayed her name she felt good.

Machi decided to guard Zoro of anyone who wanted to harm him during his sleep, she knew that even asleep nobody can do anything to him his sense were terrifying but she wanted to do this.

After some time a certain man entered the Exam place, he is a tall man with pale skin and a fairly toned physique. He is wearing a sort of magician outfit and some magician make up, at the sight of this man all the participant of the previous year tensed.

Hisoka was stroling looking at the participant when he saw a girl with pink hair that he was familiar with, his eyes widened in surprise to see her here but when he looked at the man asleep beside her... his eyes widened much more and a crazy manic expression appared on his face.

"96 ? 97 ? 98 ? Maybe 99 ?! No I can't value him !"

He let out his huge bloodlust.

Machi noticed him and her eyes widened in recognition and narrowed in with an angry expresion as she understood what he is doing.

Zoro opened his eye.