The Great Sea (1)

Leaving the capital of Deltas behind after successfully showing how futile it would be to wage war against beings there were more powerful than they could imagine, Lux, Terra, Iris and Abel with a extra passenger traveled south to reach the great sea.

"So what's the deal with this beastkin?"

After traveling for an entire week with a eerily silent passenger that spent most of her time culled up in a ball in the corner clutching 2 poorly maintained short swords, Terra finally broke the silence.

"I believe I already told you, I picked her up. I asked if she wanted a trip south and she accepted."

"Nononono! She didn't 'accept' it, she said, and I quote: I will follow you wherever you go. That's not fucking normal, right Lilly?"

Not being able to convince Lux alone Terra called in reinforcements in the form of Lilly, which in hindsight might not have been such a smart idea.

"Just let the child do what she wants, she's not hurting anyone."