"What the fuck is going on out there!? It's only two people, just kill them!"
After learning that she had lost over 10 people to an escaped teacher student combo Eva was understandably quite frustrated, all to Dax's amusement.
"What, you taught that you people could match us just because you copied our toys?"
Just as Eva tried very hard to not be affected by the qiton's taunt, rifle fire once more erupted in the distance.
"Sporadic rifle fire, 600 meters... Mixed in with highly disciplined fire coming from a single Rex-0999 which is a favorite of my disciple. You just lost 3 more people, hope you weren't close….. But I guess you will join them in a bit so it doesn't really matter."
Seeing that his taunt worked when Eva flared with anger Dax formed a large child like smile, but before the flustered elver got close to Dax he was knocked out by a certain pissed off angel.