Fighting Back is the Artist’s Style

It was on the way back from the hot springs when Yujia ran into some trouble. 

She was just chatting with Yufeng as they walked down the halls to her room, truthfully not expecting anything to happen. Yet unexpectedly, she crossed paths with another group. 

It was a group of young men. She noticed the colors of their robes first. Though they were white and blue, like the Lingxin uniform, the white was on the inside of their robes, while the outside was a layer of darker blue fabric. The patterned embroidery on their sleeves was also different. She looked up at their faces, recognizing none of them.

Seeing as they weren't fellow Lingxin disciples, Yujia paused in her steps and bowed out of pure courtesy. 

That was when things went wrong.

The person walking at the front of the group, seemingly the leader of his friends, stopped in his tracks as well. Instead of bowing like a normal person, however, he lurched forward and grabbed her arm.