

At Warlfood mansion's study their were two youth sitting there sipping on some tea.

"Mister Ghost, is it. I am sorry I couldn't see you yesterday"

"I understand, It must be specially hard on you mister John as the only family member you have left now is your Grandfather."


John replied without much power in his voice as the memories of time together with his family passed through his mind.

Ghost smiled looking at the scene before opening his mouth again.

"Yeah loosing your parent's few year ago, loosing your grandmother now...

not to forget loosing your brother early on"

Listening to the last sentence color drained out of John's face

"You, you... How do you know this?"

"Because I am the best, that's how...

And thing's related to your family are really easy to find out anyway"


Listening to Ghost, John was speechless. He took a moment before he started speaking again.

"Mr Ghost I know you won't tell anyone something they shouldn't know"

Saying this a cold glint passed through John's eye's.

"I respect employee confidentiality"

John looked at Ghost's smiling face for a while weakness completely disappearing from his face.

"Calling your the best. I hope that is not just arrogance"

"Carlie Grant, The women you loved and raped. She died 2 month's ago but her daughter is now 2 year's old living in a XXX orphanage in Saxony, Germany. The orphanage is a bit shady so you may want to find her soon"

John's eyes got wide before his face turned normal.

"What are you talki..."

"I am not judging you Mr John. She has nothing to do with me and I don't care about what you did 3 years ago. I told you this to let you know that I may be arrogant but I have right to be"

"Are you sure she is my daughter?"

"I am going to tell you this last time, please stop doubting my abilities. I am going to start with your grandmother's room. Please let the security know that I will be roaming around the whole island"

Ghost got up saying that much and walked out the room walking towards Mrs Warlfood's room like he already knew everything about mansion.

John looked at the back of Ghost before taking out his phone and called someone

"Walter it's me. I want you to go search for a girl 2 year's of age from XXX orphanage in Saxony, Germany... Her name..."

"It's Amelia"

Another voice sounded from the entrance of the door. John looked at the one standing at the door before continuing

"Her name is Amelia... Yes... I want you to go right now"

Saying that much John ended the call before looking at Ghost laughing a bit.

"You really are Ghost. Appearing just like that...

Did you come here just to tell me that name"

"No, that's just free service. I wanted to ask you to prepare some diving equipment and few oxygen tank. I will be diving in the sea in a few hour's"

"Looking around the mansion and in the sea, those detective's have already..."

John had only said this much when he felt the room grow increasingly cold and he had cold sweet on his body in just a second. He felt his senses screaming out in fear not to continue. When he looked in Ghost's eyes his body started trembling.

Only then did he remember about Ghost's warning not to doubt his abilities.

"I... I... I... won't d... doubt your abilit... ties"

Hearing John stuttering like that Ghost seemed to be finally satisfied and walked away.

John looking at Ghost finally leaving finally fell down on the sofa.


Ghost stood inside Miss Warlfood's room glacing over everything. Moving his eyes from the open closet which most probably has been opened by the police; to the carpet which doesn't have a single hair which looked a bit odd.

Than turning his eyes to the bed which has been kept the same in hopes of not destroying the evidence didn't have much other then the blood from the body.

Ghost knew the bed being the main crime scene meant nothing was left there.

The problem for Ghost was that he couldn't throughly check the dead body.

"This guy cleaned the carpet before leaving, why?"

Ghost paid attention to the blood filled bed

"Jigar didn't smell the blood. what did that guy do?"

Ghost looked at the whole room before opening the big window which was on one side of the door. He paid a bit of attention to the curtains, feeling few part's of it before pulling them down before throwing them out of the window. He paid close attention to the window ledge before moving on. He went to the bed looking at the bedsheets for a moment before picking them up along with the pillows. He went to the window and threw them out of the window.

"Now, Let's see how you went around to your job. Why did you had to dig her heart. Why did you kill her first"

Ghost jumped on the window ledge softly before turning towards the room with one of his leg hanging outside the window.

His face turned expressionless and he closed his eyes. He closed one window with other one still open a bit; he himself still half on the window ledge with a leg hanging outside.

Atmosphere around him started changing as he stepped into his zone. There was clear image in his head with a moon hanging above the mansion. A black shadow sitting on the window ledge with one window door closed and other opened the same length as Ghost had done.

As the shadow moved into the room slowly closing the window door behind it; Ghost was doing the same. Moving the curtain, which were no longer there same way as the shadow did in his mind.

Peculiar thing was that Ghost was touch the pseudo curtain on the same location as the one's he had felt on the real ones.

He leisurely moved to the bedside before taking out a fist sized rock and placing it on the bedside cabinet.

He looked at the sleeping Martha, her face, her body outline under the bedsheets. He crouched down by the bedside before lightly lifting the pseudo bedsheets and sliding his hand under the sheets. Between his index finger and middle finger he was grabbing a really sharp and really small scalpel with which he gave Martha's wrist a small cut after which he retracted his hand and stood up.

After as few minutes he removed the bedsheets of the top of the now dead body. He made quite a big cut on her tummy before shoving his hand inside and taking something out of under her heart.

The shadow opened his fist to take a look at the thing he fished out before closing it.

Seeing this much Ghost finally opened his eyes and looked at his closed fist before muttering to himself.

"So what did you took exactly"

He looked at the mattress which had a big blood stain before he took out his phone and called someone.

"It's Ghost... I want to get your customer record for the last year... Yes... Send them to me now"

3 minutes latter Ghost received a .pdf file on his smart phone. He opened it to take a look.

"finger scarlet scalpel. finger scarlet scalpel... here. two hundred and seventy two"

He took a quick look at the list of names before looking for something else.

"Pim stone... pim stone... here. Thirty five"

"7 names are in both the list"

Said Ghost before a bright smile appeared on his face

"Unnamed. haha. interesting. I would have to make a trip to Morocco it seems"