
Just die!

In a hotel building somewhere on this earth, before the front desk were standing two guy's. One of them was scared shit-less right now while other was leisurely eating potato chips while letting some small bit's of it fall on the ground as if he owns the place.

After a while of watching his friend making this mess on the shiny marble floor of this hotel Kyle was really irritated.

"Ghost, please be a bit careful. I hope we won't be the one's who would be licking them off the floor later on"

While Kyle had a voice with a little anger and fear Ghost answered him with a really laid back voice.

"You must be jocking right..."

"Jocking, Don't you know how they are. You talk business with them and they will treat you like you are a long lost family member but the second you cross them they go 'Excommunicado' and shit"

Still scared Kyle had a bit of rushed voice not even letting Ghost finish his sentence.

"No, I wasn't talking about that; I know that. What I was going to say was that they love there floor and your tongue is more nasty than the floor so you don't have to worry about that"

Looking at Kyle like this Ghost was a bit astounded. while he did knew about the scary information desk he never thought that Kyle would be this scared. Looking at him like this he couldn't help himself from playing with Kyle.

"How can you say that? I am scarred shit-less over here and you are joking with me"

"I am just telling the truth"

Said Ghost with a straight face.

Kyle was going to continue again but he saw a beautiful brunette with long hair, long leg's and just a voluptuous body. Any women who saw her body would be jealous and any man who saw her would be infatuated.

Kyle when he saw her had his jaw fall just for a second before he sucked his breath in and got his posture right. Ghost on the side found it really amusing and was laughing in his heart but on his face he got expressionless. He just kept eating the chips form the bag.

Soon the lady came to the two guy's with her back stretched and had an air of authority around her. She approached Kyle with her hand extend and a smile on her face.

"Hi, my name is Emelda. You must be Mr Kyle."

Kyle looking at this sexy lady started projecting his own masculinity holding her hand gently and even pulling it a bit in a playful manner before raising it to his head kissing her fingers.

"Emelda, such a sexy name of even sexier lady. May I ask what are your plans tonight"

Ghost and Emelda had their eyes widened but Emelda was the first one to get normal and even had a playfulness in eyes.

"Mr. Kyle, I think you were here for business. I think we should talk about that"

Kyle not having enough yet pulled her hand pulling her closer to himself.

"I know we have to talk business but I think it's just a bit boring. I know a really interesting place nearby"

Ghost on the side had already gotten over his initial shock and was still eating chips while looking at them as if watching a good show.

Emelda on the other hand still had a playfulness in her eyes. She didn't mind getting pulled by Kyle even taking a extra step closer to him getting face to face with Kyle who could even smell her breath now.

He already got a smirk on his face before he sucked some air in. If anyone else was watching they would think of him tilting a bit towards creep sucking this young girl's perfume like that but Ghost on the side had a happy face looking at Emelda grabbing Kyle's balls with her other hand which Kyle wasn't holding while her heel was digging into his shoe as if trying to drill a hole into it.

"Mr Kyle, I think you should concentrate on the business you are here for"

She was looking straight into Kyle's eyes while smiling while Kyle still had his smirk on his face. He didn't even flinch. After a while Kyle released her hand after which Emelda released his ball's and removed her heel from his foot playfulness slowly disappearing in her eye's. While this happened she never took a step back just looking at Kyle straight in eye's as if showing whose the boss here.

But just before she was going to take a step back Kyle moved in really fast and gave Emelda a peak on her lips. Emelda had her eyes widened not believing what had happened but going over her reason he didn't just stop there. Peak became a kiss and kyle sucked her lips as if he own them.

Just when Emelda got to herself and tried to make distance she found that Kyle had already taken few steps back still smirking.

"You really taste good"

Kyle still not having enough of this game, even teased her. Emelda had her face heated up becoming red. She never thought Kyle would tease her like that. A sharp glint crossed her eyes earlier playfulness completely disappearing. She got a gun out of nowhere pointing it at Kyle who was still smiling.

"Just die!"

She was really serious when she said that. She never had been humiliated like this. She took action right away but when she tried pulling the trigger she found there was nothing in her hand. She got shocked before looking at Kyle who was still smiling.

"You cannot kill me that easily. Not till my best friend is here at least"


She than heard some metal falling on the ground. When she saw the floor there were some gun part's there. It was her gun parts. Than she looked at the man who was like a shadow till now only eating chips quietly on the side. When she looked at him, the chips he was eating till now had suddenly disappeared and he was holding a clip of bullets in his hands now. He was looking at her with a harmless smile.

"If you want to beat him up, crush his dick, strip him or anything else, I won't step in"

She was shocked after hearing that but she quickly realized from the words he said he was stating that he was the real controller of the whole situation. Subtly he was saying that 'you cannot kill him or harm him'"

She got really pissed of by his attitude, specially because this was her turf but before she could say anything or call anyone Kyle said something which shocked her to her core.

"Now this is the best environment to talk our business. Without further ado, Ghost would like to challenge the information desk"

Those last words would shock anyone out of there mind. And it wasn't just her who was shocked, the whole place got so quiet that you could even hear people breathing. Those words had that much power because that was challenge to 'The Information Desk'.

Soon the place started emitting a heavy aura. Some people started coming out of different shadows. Some ladies behind the front desk who were sharp enough dropped on the floor right away. Kyle didn't wait either, he jumped to Emelda pushing her down.

As soon as they touched the floor Ghost had already started spews bullets from his gun's which he had pulled out at some point. After shooting a bit he jumped towards a pillar. On the other hand Kyle didn't stay put he grabbed the still stunned Emelda and jumped towards exit as he knew it will be closed soon.

"You sure show that you are tough but in real situation you get stunned real quick"

Emelda only now came out of her shock and after listening to Kyle blushed. While Ghost was traveling in the building like a ghost, appearing behind some men killing them, killing other's from angle where they couldn't find him. He was slowly making his way upstairs.

Kyle on the other hand had already stepped out of the building and was flirting with Emelda at the moment who was blushing now rather than showing her earlier authority.

"I don't think you would be continuing your work today. Let's go out for some food"

Before Emelda could respond, Kyle had already grabbed her hand was taking her towards his car. She at this moment was still a bit shocked at how this all happened and specially at the confidence this guy had. Thinking like that she just let herself go letting Kyle lead her.

On the other side Ghost had already killed enough of those men in black and was talking to the manager of this place.

"Mr Ghost, I have heard a lot about you but I never thought you would come challenge us of the Information Desk."

"I always wanted a relationship with the Information desk because of there ability in gaining knowledge but specially after this resent case that I picked up I just had to become on of the 'self reserved asset'. You guys treat them well but for now let this be test of my ability"

"Ghost for you to try become our guest elder is a honour for us as your abilities speak for yourself but this path you have chosen is not right. Only a legend can rub their sole on our face and than walk away after that. Of-course if you are alive after this month you will get one wish. According to the rules you will get your 6 hours of your preparation as soon as you leave my office after that you will be playing a death game with us. Just for record is Mr Kyle part of this"

"No. I will see you in a month"

"Yes Mr Ghost I will see you. dead or alive. Have a good day"

Without replying Ghost put his guns in his holsters before taking his leave. This time the men in black didn't try to stop Ghost from leaving and Ghost leisurely walked out of the building while eating some nuts.

Looking at the leaving back Ghost manger of this site of information desk made his call.

"Yes, this is code 77*****. We have a challenger. Name:Ghost file no:970058. Yes, Grace period starts now"