
"I will emphasize it once more... Both of you are crazy about doing this! What we did are breaking the rule here!"

That's protest given by Viltus towards Haruto and Kimura when they walking towards the Ship Girl dormitory. They must walk near the forest part as it quite dense for them to move there unnoticed, but they still need to be cautious as some guard will patrol that are too.

Kimura only chuckles after hearing Viltus' protest for five times and then he says,

"You don't need to worry about that, Viltus."

"You know it's better if we interact with them outside our work time to know them more. After all, our work time isn't sufficient to know most of them inside out. If we know them better, I believe the result of the mission will be better," continues Haruto

"Well... What you say is true..." said Viltus

"And please refrain from shouting once more because that will draw the guard attention," said Haruto once more

At last Viltus surrender with the situation as Kimura and Haruto will not hear any of his explanation at all. And he also already agrees to join them, so rather than make more ruckus he choose to be silent. Kimura and Haruto look at Viltus and they show their victorious face as Viltus already accept his defeat. They clap their hand and continue to walk towards the dormitory.

But when they arrived at the back door of the dormitory, they see two guards stand there. Both of them are fully armed and really focused on anything that will come to them. Haruto then says,

"Tch... There are two guards there."

"That one really a big problem," said Kimura as he observes if there are any guard nearby them

Kimura then sighs and then he says,

"Viltus, I'm sorry about it. But, I think the party will be canceled... Huh? Where is he?"

Haruto looks behind him after Kimura says that and really surprised to see Viltus isn't there. Both of them thinking that Viltus will sell them off, so they will receive harsh punishment. Both of them looking around for a while and didn't find any trace of Viltus or whatsoever. When Haruto looks again in front of him, he could see the two guard already missing from their spots. Haruto says,

"Kimura, the guard is missing!"

"Huh?" says Kimura as he looks in front of him

"Hey, let's go in there. I already took them off, so there will be no problem at all."

Both of them really surprised when Viltus already behind them and pats their shoulder. Kimura looks in front of him and then at Viltus. He then says,

"Wait a minute! Did you just say that you already take them off?!"

"Yes," answer Viltus short

"What did you do to them?" ask Haruto

"Not your problem. Just let's go. I hope your party will have enough booze to keep my mood up." said Viltus

Kimura and Haruto look at each other and they only could think something quite odd about Viltus. But because Viltus already ask them to move, they start to enter the building without anyone notice them. They walk slowly towards one room and when they open the door, they could see a lot of Ship Girl already gather there, including Viltus' unit.

The moment Aoba see them, she stands up and says,

"At last you arrived, Kimura! You are really late!"

"Ahahahahaha... I'm sorry about that. There is some guard at the back door." says Kimura

When Aoba looks behind Kimura, she is really surprised to see Viltus stand there. She then says,

"Wait a minute! Don't say the one that you will invite is Admiral Amarov?!"

"Yes, he is." answer Kimura

"How in this world you could invite him here? What kind of spell did you use to make him follow you?"

"Hey, what did you mean by that?"

Aoba then chuckles after hearing Kimura's response and then start to walk again towards one table. Kimura follows her and asks,

"Aoba, are you sure you already fully recovered? I hope you didn't impose yourself too hard."

"Don't worry. The mechanic and doctor already healed the wound and because the wound didn't as bad as expected they already healed without a problem," answer Aoba as she swings her arm around

"I know that's good. But, please don't push yourself too hard. If you still feel unwell, you could just stay in your room."

Aoba looks at Kimura for a while and then makes a dejected face. She then says,

"Kimura, are you really don't want to see Aoba face at all? Aoba really sad to hear that, especially Kimura the one that invites Aoba to this party."

"Ah no... It's not like that. I just worried about you, so please don't make that face!" said Kimura as he panicked a little bit

Aoba then sticking out her tongue and giggles after that. When he finds out that Aoba just pranks him, Kimura then pats Aoba head and says,

"You really..."

"Ehehehehehehehe... It is easy to prank you," said Aoba

"Alright. Alright. You win. Just make sure don't push yourself too hard."

"Aoba know."

"Alright then..."

Kimura then takes out his camera from his bag and gives it to Aoba. Aoba really surprised to see that and she hears Kimura says,

"Now you will be the one that will be responsible to take the picture of this party. I will check the result later."

"Hueeee... Are you sure about that?! Wait, don't say that you will laugh at Aoba's result?" said Aoba


Kimura then leaves Aoba and start to gather with the other Ship Girl. Aoba that sees him only could sigh and start to take the picture as much as she wants.

It's already fifteen minutes at the party and everyone could see a different perspective from Kimura and Haruto as both of them are easily interact with the Ship Girl. Kimura has a lot of stories that he could tell to the Destroyer that joining the party, while Haruto could easily play a trick at other Ship Girl that didn't notice him at all.

On the other side of the room, Viltus only observe two of them and then sighs. He can't blend in with the situation there and feels very uneasy about the possibility of punishment that will await them if someone knows it. Even his unit didn't dare to come near him as he shows an uneasy aura around him.

Houshou looks at Viltus and walks towards him. She then pats him and tried to says something. But, suddenly Viltus grabs her arm and locks her against the wall behind them. When Viltus notice what he just do, he let Houshou go and everyone inside the room is looking at him.

He then bows to Houshou and says,

"I'm sorry about that! It's just my reflex when I am in a foul mood."

"Fufufufufu... That's alright, Admiral Amarov. That's alright." answer Houshou as she smiles towards Viltus

"Once more, I'm really sorry about that..."

When Viltus looks at Houshou face, he suddenly loses his strength to stand up. He immediately falls at his knee and looks down. Even though Houshou smiling at him, he could feel the killing aura behind that smile. The same thing that always been shown by his sister, Shiro, when she is mad.

Kimura then immediately walks there and says,

"Houshou, please forgive him. I believe there is a reason for him to do that."

"Ahahahahaha... That's alright. I forgive him, Kimura. Fortunately, it's me the one that receives that. If someone else becomes the victim..."

Houshou then looks at Viltus with menacing aura and says,

"I will not forgive you."

"I'm really sorry, Houshou. I will not do that again!" says Viltus as he bows at her.

Cold sweat rushed through Viltus' body as he looks down. 'Her Aura is the same as Shiro' is what inside his mind right now.

Houshou then chuckles a little bit and leave Viltus there. She joins the other Ship Girl and the party continues again. Kimura and Haruto walk towards him together with Aoba, Harusame, and Shigure that worried about him. Yuudachi that sees what happen only could laugh at him, but later she also walks to him.

Aoba then looks at Viltus that already stands up and asks him,

"Admiral, could Aoba call your name without using the title?"

"Hmmm... Yes, you could," answer Viltus that still afraid with Houshou

Aoba then nods a little bit, takes out his notebook, and asks,

"So, Viltus... You just said that this happens because of a reflex. Aoba believes something must be driving it. What happens to you as you develop that kind of reflex?"

At first Viltus quite hesitant, until he says,

"It's because Big Sis always playing hard with me. Most of the time she will lock me down to the floor after she pats my shoulder."

"Hooo... But, why if the other pats your shoulder you look calm, but when Houshou do that you reflexively do that?"

"How to put it... Her aura is the same as Big Sis. Maybe that the reason..."

Aoba, Harusame, Shigure, and Yuudachi look at each other and then they laugh at Viltus. Viltus looks at them and he quite irritated with them as he looks away from them. Kimura and Haruto then ask Aoba what really happen and immediately Aoba tells them. After hearing that, both of them also laughing at Viltus. Viltus that become more irritated suddenly shouts,

"Arrrggghhh!!! Bring out the booze now! I want to forget about this humiliation!"

After hearing that, the other then continues to laugh at Viltus and joins him to drink with him to help him forget about what really happens. They continue the party until midnight. The three Admiral then leaves as they need to make sure no guard notice that they are not in their room.

When all of them walking towards the dormitory, Kimura ask Viltus,

"Will you join us again if I make that party again?"

"That party? Probably I will, "answer Viltus

Haruto and Kimura look at each other and laughs after hearing Viltus' answer. Then three of them are talking about what happened at the party together. Meanwhile, at the Ship Girl dormitory, Aoba already arrived at her room and enter the room. And when she walks towards her desk, she just realizes that Kimura's camera still with her. She says,

"Ah... Kimura's camera!"

Aoba immediately closes her mouth and sees Kinugasa that already asleep. Aoba smiles at her then sit down and look at the result that she takes. Sometimes she only giggles when seeing something stupid happen at the party as shown in the picture that she takes. Until she starts to a little bit sleepy. She then says,

"It's better if Aoba sleeps now. And when tomorrow comes, Aoba could start to train with Kimura alone..."

The moment she says that she feels something inside her chest. She says it once more,

"Aoba and Kimura alone..."

After says that, she immediately shakes her head, puts the camera on the desk, and change her clothes. After that, she immediately sleeps to prepare her power for the next day.