Flash of Speed

Zheng Tian almost shout 'WHO THE F*CK CREATED THIS SKILLS?!' if not for his past experience. Thinkning about the physique cultivation method 'Supreme Pig Body Refinement Method' he really didn't know whether to laught or cry.

After calming sometime he continue to browse all the methods possible with his five-hundred spirit points.




Almost an hour had passed but he still can't find a suitable movement martial skill for him, and the worse thing is all he can see in the column list of movement martial skills are all f*cking name of animals, even their movement is all copied.

Three hours later.


Zheng Tian suddenly jump with his face who knows is it laughing or crying. After searching for more that three hours, thinking about giving up he suddenly captured a movement technique with no animals name.

Right now he was in a state between laugher and tears.

'Finally, hhahah, finally hHahahah. I finally found a 'human' name movement martial skill even if it is just only one.' Zheng Tian happily thought in his heart.

Huuu, hahahah, wait, haaa~~~, hoooo

Calming his emotion, Zheng Tian find it hard to remain tranquil at all and sometimes laugh like an insane man.

Forcefully calming his inner heart and emotion was a difficulty at this moment so he sat crosslegged and cultivate.

Cultivating is also one way of calming one's inner heart and emotion, away from the outside world.

After one-hour of cultivating, Zheng Tian open his eyes that seems to contain the boundless darkness in the void.

Thinking of what he had been doing earlier, he broke up in a cold sweat. He immediately survey his surroundings. He thank the sky that no one seems to see his embarassing acts earlier or he might be seen by others as an insane child with mental problems.

"Spirit , this movement martial skill is" Zheng Tian said in his mind while read the movements name.

----------Movement Martial Skills-----------

Flash of Speed Movement Martial Skill need five-hundred spirit points

" Flash of Speed Movement Martial Skill is created by Foundation Establishment Realm expert. This movement is created when the expert was pursued by his enemies, forcing him in a life and death situation that force the potential hidden in his body, he learned this movement martial skill and not only escape from his enemies but also killed them by surprise by his burst of speed that more like teleporting but only in small distance........" coldly said by Spirit.

"Wow, this movement martial skill is very excellent, it can help someone to burst in speed like teleportation in a moment." Zheng Tian's face was extremely surprise that his mouth form an 'O' shape that can fit a chicken's egg. " Alright I'll take this one then" After that a huge information immediately force itself in his brain but not painful, just a little dazy.

After all the information forcefully imprinted into his brain, he swiftly train on it not wasting any time as soon as possible.

Swish~~faat~~faat~~ swishhhhh

Inside the east courtyard of the Zheng Family, a child age five-years old can be seen as running in a weird pattern, face and body is covered with sweat and, instead of gasping for air, he instead had a calm breathing like he was not training at all.

Sometimes he disappeared like a flash of light then appearing five meters again from where he was a moment ago.

He's our young master Zheng Tian who was practicing his first movement martail skill for almost two-hours.

Zheng Tian's skin now had an occasional shine like a white light sometimes.

Two-hours of training will overload one's body but Zheng Tian's body already embarked in the road of cultivation, thats why he can last long.

After practicing his first movement martial skill for two-hours, he finally reach its early-stage.

Movement martial skills have different tiers and every martial skills are divided into early, middle, late, and peak stage just like cultivation small realms.

"Huuu, after two hours of practicing, I already reach the early-stage of Flash of Speed movement martial skill, now no one in the early-stage of Body Refinement can be my match in terms of speed, I can even surprise some middle-stages." After practicing, Zhneg Tian excitedly thought of his newly gained movement martial skill.

He even thought that he can surprise some middle-stages in escaping, or stop them from fleeing.

Now that he reach this stage he realize that it will be hard to ascend further, because of his lack of knowledge and comprehension.

So now that he had completed his first plan, he now need knowledge about this world.

Zheng Tian walked towards the Library of their clan.

The Library of their clan is free for all clan members and even servant can enter but with limited time because it may disrupt their work or job in the clan.

Zheng Tian is the son of the Family Head of the Zheng Clan so he is free everywhere but not outside.

Along the way, many greeted him shouting; " Greetings Young Master Zheng! ". It is his first time experiencing it, to have a higher status and be respected by others even though 'he' already felt it before but this time it is him who has his past memories who already fused with the present 'him', even with this status he did not put his arrogance in his heart but becoming humble to others instead and greet them back.