Something Blue

She looked at me shyly, smiled and then glanced at the little hands she were holding right now. I gulped upon remembering the question I gave her earlier.

"I meant dinner with us" I retorted. I wanted to facepalmed myself at the moment.

She glanced at me again and then replied, "Of course."

"I forgot to tell you that I took a day off today" I explained a little regarding our sudden appearance on the lobby of the building she works in. I also wanted to ease her worries as to why I'm here where I'm supposed to be waiting for her at home and get ready for work.

She took Kenji from my arms then I went back to the couch to get the stroller. We walked out of the building but stopped before going across to where we were parked due to the rains. I folded the stroller and opened the umbrella. I automatically placed my hands on her shoulders making sure we were closed enough so we won't get wet. I made sure that I was holding them tightly while my other hand held the umbrella and securing the stroller on my other side.

I can feel her looking at me as we crossed the road. I don't know if she's getting uncomfortable with our position but my goal is to bring them safely to that car and not to get soaked in the rain. Upon arriving at the car I released her shoulders and then grabbed my keys to open the door. I made sure they were okay before putting the stroller at the back of the car. After that I went to the driver's seat, folded the umbrella placing it in the middle part of the car.

Sachie was holding her handkerchief and then wiped my wet forearm caused by the rain. She wasn't saying any words but her gesture made me feel she cared.

"Thank you for reminding to bring an umbrella earlier." She broke the silence after making sure that I'm good. I wanted to say something but it's like my mind went black and all I could do was smile and then drove the car.


My heart was beating fast after hearing his question. I know he meant 'us' even though he said 'me' and I felt my face blushing that's why I glanced at Kenji's little hands. I took Kenji from him to make my heart from beating so fast and luckily it went back to normal. But it didn't stop there. My heart began beating wildly again when he placed his hands on my shoulders. I know it was to protect us from the rain but I can't help feeling that we were special for him. I looked at him several times well more like I was stealing glances at the blue-eyed man beside me. His protective side is so mesmerizing that I can't help but to steal glances at him. Holding us, Holding the umbrella and the stroller, he's like superman for me now.

Upon seeing him doing everything and saw him somehow getting wet from the rain, I took my handkerchief and then waited until he went it. I wiped his forearm and I hoped he didn't notice my hands that were slightly trembling.

The silence was deafening but at the same time comforting. So I thank him for reminding me about the umbrella earlier. Actually I heard him shout about bringing an umbrella. I really wanted to go back but I'm such in a hurry but I found myself smiling on my way to work.


Sachie was feeding Kenji on our way and then tapped Kenji gently while humming a tune to make him fall asleep. Kenji was fighting I can feel because it took time for Sachie before making it fall asleep. Sachie held the baby until we entered the newly opened restaurant near our condominium. The waitress greeted us softly upon noticing the sleeping baby and then led us to a seat on the corner.

The restaurant has a very nice ambiance. It has a mixture of blue and white theme like the Santorini in Greece. It has wooden tables painted in white and also different chairs with different shades of blue. Above you can see a hanging lamp that illuminates the area.

I laid the stroller in between us so we can both check the baby while eating. Sachie carefully laid down Kenji onto the stroller and tapped for a little while after she made sure that is was completely asleep. She also placed a blanket up to his shoulder and sat down after. We gave our orders to the attendant and then waited until our orders arrived.

I don't know if it's the place that makes us savor the quietness between us. We just glanced at each other and if we were both caught looking we smiled. I wanted to tell stories but my mind was blank at the moment searching for the right story. By the time our food arrived did I manage to say something. "Let's eat" I told her. She closed her eyes while giving a short prayer and then ate. We had small talks while eating mostly about how her day went by. Her workmate who keeps on pestering her to see me ever since we posted a picture of us on her social media. Good thing her workmate did an overtime so she wasn't able to see me. I can see her annoyance at the mention of her workmate having an interest in me or maybe I am just imagining things. Maybe she doesn't like to be bothered by her workmate.

After settling the bill, even though she insisted on giving her share I rejected her right away since I am the guy and I am the one who invited her to dinner, we went straight home. After placing everything, I bid my goodbye to Sachie and to Kenji who was peacefully sleeping on his crib. I was about to go out when she called my attention.

"Reeve..." she called my name. "Would you like to stay for some ice cream?"

I could stay forever if only she'll let me.
