
I was playing with the keys while rehearsing several lines through my head. Arghh this is so hard. I don't want to look like I'm inviting him to live here. I'm just giving him a spare key that's all. I was deep in thought that I didn't notice that Reeve was staring at me for a while. He stayed for the night since he was quite worried because I cried again.

'Reeve, would you like to have a key?' If he wanted, he should've asked but he didn't.

'Hey Reeve here' while imagining that I'm handing him the keys.

'Reeve I think its about time to give you a spare key' I think its too polite

'Reeve..." my train of thoughts was interrupted by him.

"Sachie?" I was startled that I suddenly threw the keys at him which he caught right away.

"Oh!"I covered my slightly opened mouth from the shock of what I did. "Sorry!" I bowed several times. I wished there was a hole I could hide in. It is not that way I practiced it!

He laughed while signaling that it's okay. He came near me and handed me the keys back.

"Keep it. That's yours" I said. He tilted his head sideways and confirming if I was mistaken or something.

"So you come in anytime you want and you don't have to wait until I open the door." I was explaining to justify what I did.

He smiled like a boy when given a reward. "Thank you!" He was looking at it while smiling before attaching it to the set of his home keys. I think he's happy with the keys so I was glad I decided to give him a duplicate.

"Sachie let's go to church." He went to the crib to carry Kenji dressed in a cute pair of red and white shirt and pants. Reeve loves dressing him up more than I do. It's our usual family date every Sunday. We go to church, eat out for lunch, grocery shopping and strolling somewhere. Reeve will just drop us home and then he'll stay at his flat before going to work.

We arrived just in time at the morning service. We've been attending here for weeks so the ushers will greet us and the baby and lead us to our seat. The Sunday service will last for two hours and the nice thing is Kenji is so behaved. It's like he's listening to the sermon and to the songs well he'll cry only if he's hungry.

After the sermon we went to a nearby mall to have our lunch. Kenji was placed on his stroller while Reeve was controlling it. Most of the restaurants are currently full and we'll have to wait. We were still busy figuring out where to eat. It's a family day so its kinda crowded.

Reeve spotted a familiar guy and called his attention. This guys looks similar with him except his eyes are kind of green. The guy approached us and gave Reeve a bro hug.

"How are you man? Is this your kid?" where he kneel to play with the baby's tummy and he got a smiling reaction.

"Yeah" I know it's difficult to answer when the kid isn't yours but he always says yes even though its a big NO. He took me by my hand and introduced me. "By the way this is Sachie. Sachie this is Ren my cousin" I bowed my head slightly and his cousin offered his hand which I took as a sign of formality.

"Wow!" He exclaimed. "You got yourself a lovely girl and a handsome kid. He must've gotten our genes." Reeve laughed. Yeah when this kid grows into an adult like them I think he would break many hearts but I'll keep my fingers crossed and hopefully he'll be better.

"Kean just went to the grocery to buy something" I saw Reeve's face grimaced upon hearing that name. "He'll be glad to see this little one." he added.

Reeve looked at his watch. "Bro nice bumping to you here. But we have to go and get our lunch. I'll stay have work tonight so I got to rest after this."

"Why don't we have lunch the four us?" he suggested.

"I think I'll pass. Right Sachie?" I was looking at him with a puzzling expression but somehow I get it. I guess he's not in good terms with the Kean guy. I just nodded in approval and mumbled a "Yeah" to confirm everything.

Ren gave us a pout and just raised his hand in surrender. "Okay, I get it. But man he's still--" Reeve stopped him mid-sentence.

"Not working bro." he shrugged and gave his cousin another hug before leaving.

"I'll visit you!" he shouted at us. Without looking back at him Reeve just gave a thumbs up sign.

Reeve was walking a bit fast while I was trying to match his pace. This guys has long limbs while me I'm too short. I'm just around his shoulders. I know he's bothered. Although I wanted to ask him what's wrong I just kept quiet and walked beside him.

He was quiet as in really quiet from the time we spotted a restaurant until we sat. He manages to smile at Kenji but I can sense that his mood is very bad.

"Reeve?" He looked up to me and smiled.

"I have your favorite Twix Ice Cream bar at home." He smiled and like he usually does.

"You really know how to cheer me up. Thank you..." He looked at me but I can still the sadness in his eyes. I won't force him to open up to me anyway we still have a long way to go. I don't know who this guy is. But I just want him to know that I'm here. From the times that he has been there for me. For being someone so strong that I could easily lean on.

I hope I can make him feel that I'll be there for him and that I'll stay as long as I can.

As long as he wants me to.

As long as it can be...
