
Reeve was still asleep on the couch. I didn't bother waking him up so he could get more rest for their company's team building. Did he prepared his bag already? Could be. Maybe he left it in his own flat. Shall I prepare him snacks? What is he? A kid? I don't want him to laugh at me but at least I could get him something like his favorite snacks. I can't help but sigh.

"Kenji would you like to give dad some sweets?" he cooed. Well it might a be a yes. Since I'm absent from work might as well buy him some snacks. Anyway my lower abdomen is feeling fine. I took my wallet and carried Kenji towards the mini mart at the lobby.

I went around the chips, cookies and candies looking for something that Reeve would bring but I ended up buying my favorite sweets. It's the time of the month when I crave for sweets. I scratched my head and then looked at Kenji who was smiling at me. Well I know Reeve will take it for sure.

By the time we headed back, Reeve was still asleep. After putting Kenji to sleep, I prepared the snacks I bought and placed it on a blue Eco-bag. I can't help but my smile at my own mischief.


Wow Reeve is still asleep and it's already night time. I decided to prepare beef steak for dinner and made sure he eats before leaving. I glanced at him every once in a while since I'm worrying if he was comfortable at the couch.

I heard sounds while Reeve was stretching. "What time is it?" sounding so sleepy.

I pressed the home button of my phone to check the time. "It's 7:00 in the evening. At what time do you have leave?"

"Ten" then he turned to right side facing the couch.

"Sleep more. I'll wake you up at 9:00" I said while getting back at cooking.

"I'll eat dinner later 'kay" then he dozed off to sleep again.

"Okay" I whispered and then added the white onions. Now it's sure he'll eat dinner before leaving.

I took the clothes that I took to laundry earlier and then sat on the vacant part of my three piece couch and started on folding them while waiting for the time to wake him up. I was seated on the single couch near Reeve's head.

I finished five minutes before 9:00 and decided to wake him up. I bent slightly and tapped his shoulders.

"Reeve... Reeve... Wake up. It's time."

"Five minutes" Oh no he's to lazy to wake up. So I started shaking him up a little.

"Reeve. It's 9:00 and you have to prepare for your team building"

"I want to sleep" Oh no. I didn't know that waking him up will be this hard.

"Reeve!" my pitch was rising a bit. I need to wake him up now or else he'll be late. He took my hand that was resting on his shoulder and then turned towards my side and placed it on his place as if it was a pillow.

"Five minutes more Sachie please..." his voice was pleading while his eyes were closed. I sighed and sat beside him since he's holding my hand. I observed his face. His hair was all messed up but still looks smooth and silky.

He opened his eyes and smiled at me. I was caught staring at him. He blinked his eyes several times.

"I want to stay like this" Is he dreaming? Sleep talking?

He sat up and now we are facing face to face. He was still holding my hand. We are both looking eye to eye. Are we having a staring contest? None of dared to blink at the moment. He rested his forehead on my shoulder and I didn't dare to move. I guess he's so tired. I know I took too much of his rest days in order to take care of Kenji.

I leaned my head closer to his and said, "Thank you Reeve..."

He lifted his head a little and placed it back again. "For what?" he said.

"For simply being there..." a smile spread across my face. I can feel may face blushing from this cheesy stuff that's happening right now. I took a deep breath and then continued speaking.

"I don't know what will happen to us if you weren't there... You know standing there as a father for a child that's not even yours. I may not say it but I'm truly grateful that you're there. For simply being there..."

He let go of my hand and encircled his arms around me. Every time he embraces me it's really warm. It's like I can let go of my worries since I know I have him.

He lifted at his head and looked at my face again. "Crybaby" he teased. I frowned.

"Let's eat. I wanted to eat your beef steak earlier but I'm too sleepy to eat" he grinned at me.

"Come on. It's past 9:00 and you have to go to your company's team building"

We headed for the kitchen and ate. He left for a while to prepare and then came back with his bag. He kissed Kenji on the forehead and bid me goodbye.

"Wait!" I called him before leaving the door. I took the blue bag I prepared for his snacks and handed it to him.

"What's this?" he peeked at the contents.

"Sweets for sugar rush" I said avoiding his gaze.

"Thanks! You'll make a good wifey in the future."

With one last look he left and closed the door behind him.

My heart was thumping from his last words. It's like my heart was pinched.

I combed my hair with my hands and let my hand stop at the back my head.

This is bad.

Bad for my heart...
