Conference Mode

The first day went by smoothly. The conference starts at 8:00am with breaks in the middle for the morning snack, lunch and afternoon snacks. We end at 5:00pm and it'll be free hours for us not unless we have to do some meetings.

Reeve would usually do video calls during breaktime. He would show me Kenji to ease my worriness away. Thank God for technology that we could still see each other despite the distance.

It was only these times that we allow Kenji to be near gadgets. I know the influence of technology so I wanted Kenji to enjoy his childhood. We both agreed to make him play with toys, draw and anything that a normal child would do. Its not that I'm against with technology but I would really want him to play and socialize with other kids.

Now its the third and last day of the conference tomorrow we have a free day and get a tour around the city then on the fifth day we'll go back. As I was about to eat my phone suddenly rang and of course its no other than Reeve.

"Hey Sachie!" his voice was full of energy as usual.

"Hi! How are you? What's for lunch?"

"I just took my brunch though. I had bread and eggs."

"Why bread and eggs only?"

"Because I'm too lazy to cook. Its lonely to eat alone."

"I'll be home soon. We'll get to eat together like the usual."

"Yeah" there was a long pause. "By the way I'm going to my cousin's house. Just saying in case I won't be able to reply or send you a message."

"The cousin that we saw at the mall before?"

"Yeah. I have to go now and dress up Kenji. Take your lunch okay? Take care!" as I was about to bid my goodbye the line suddenly went off. He might be in a hurry because he woke up late. That sleepy head guy.

I took my lunch and went on at the conference. I kept on checking my phone even though I knew he won't be able to send me a message. I typed in a short message. 'Take care and say hi to your cousin for me' then I pressed the sent button. I kept my phone on the side and started focusing on the remaining few topics as the conference comes to an end.


"Okay little boy. I'll park here and then we'll ride the shuttle towards the airport." I picked the baby together with my small suitcase enough for a three day trip well more like two full days if you'll count it.

I took the parking ticket and placed it on my wallet and then headed towards the shuttle. When we arrived at the airport there were lots of travelers. Anyway what to expect it's the peak season.

I gave all the documents at the counter. Good thing that Sachie did all the paperwork since she felt that if one day me and Kenji would travel there wouldn't be any problem. We sat at the boarding area and Kenji was giggling. Looks like he's not that afraid of people.

"Are you excited to see mommy?" Kenji cooed. I hope he won't cry at the plane because I know that some babies do. Sachie would scold me for flying there but we would love to give her a surprise visit.

My phone vibrated and I saw her text message. I felt sorry for lying but I don't want to raise any suspicion. Sachie thinks quick and it would be bad if everything will be spoiled.

Our flight was called and we rode the plane. Good thing Kenji fell asleep while waiting. I placed the baby bag in front of my seat and sat slowly so I won't wake him up.

At last we arrived and Kenji was awake too although he cried a little because he was hungry. We were picked up by the resort together with other guests and it was a a little long ride towards there.

When we arrived at the resort I checked-in at one of their junior suite room because it's the only one available when I booked. I knew that aside for taking Kenji for a trip she would also scold me for taking thjs room. It's not that too expensive well a little maybe?

I went to our room and placed our bags there. It will be like ten minutes before her conference will end. Where should we surprise her? At her room or at the function room? Anyway I could send her a text. 'Sorry I wasn't able to reply. Finished already?' I pressed the send button. While waiting for her reply I fixed our things and played a little with Kenji.

My phone buzzed and she replied with 'Yeah. I'm on my room now." I took the key cards and the baby and rode the elevator. Good thing that I asked for her room number. I pressed the fourth floor and we are going down because my room is on the seventh floor.

At the fourth floor I searched for the direction towards her room. Its on the left side. We walked in a little and we are finally on the door. I took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell. I could her women voices inside. Its like they are teasing other.

Sachie opened the door and she was dumbfounded when she saw us. So I took Kenji's hand and waved at her. She was about to say something but closed her mouth. She's lost for words. She thinks she might be hallucinating or something.

I cleared my throat and then said, "Hi!"

I gave her a big smile and Kenji giggled too.
