
The guest were shouting "More! More!" after Reeve ended the song. He got shy at the cheers and were whispering with the vocalist.

"You want more?" the vocalist asked and then transferred the mic to the crowd. They said a big 'Yes!'

"Looks like we had a good crowd tonight... So Reeve will you sing for us another song?" Me and Kenji were blending with the crowd cheers. I made sure I have a video of this and a couple of pictures too.

"See daddy's singing" I told the baby and he laughed. "Daddy's voice is good right?" He cooed.

Reeve cleared his throat which made the crowd silent. "The next song is new from Ben&Ben. Each of us have our own love stories to tell but even so I can say that... Ours" he is looking only at me, "is a different kind of love because its with you..." then the crowd went wild again. Some were cheering him and some women were getting giddy.

"Another love

Another loss is gone

Another night

Another day is done

I'd be the last one to deny that it's so hard to be alone"

I liked the beat. Yes this a new song. It feels like I'm being serenaded tonight.

"Came across a gentle melody

Love allowed it, so I let it be

Why'd it take so many seasons

Now I found a reason to live for

This is oh-oh-oh-ours (Oh, oh)

This lo-oh-oh-ove (Oh, oh)

From the sta-ah-ah-ars, we are above

Oh-oh-oh-ours is a different kind of lo-oh-oh-ove

Find our names up in the sta-ah-ah-ars

From the sky we are above"

There are songs I haven't figured out

The one of ours I think I know by now

We go on and on, and on

With the flow we go along, yeah

This is oh-oh-oh-ours (Oh, oh)

This lo-oh-oh-ove (Oh, oh)

From the sta-ah-ah-ars, we are above

Oh-oh-oh-ours is a different kind of lo-oh-oh-ove

Find our names up in the sta-ah-ah-ars

From the sky we are above"

I found myself singing with crowd. And Reeve was encouraging the crowd. If I don't know him I might think that he usually does this. Like he goes for gigs.

"With the flow we go along

With the flow we go along

With you when the day is done

With the flow we go along

Stay until the morning comes"

On the last chorus the band stopped and the crowd sang. It was as if its his concert. After the song ended the crowd applauded and was shouting for more again.

"Thank you Reeve! Let's give him another round of applause" he waved his hand and then gave the vocalist a bro hug as well as the other members of the band. He went down the stage smiling as he headed towards me.

There were another round of love songs as we continued our meal and paid for the bill. We went back to our room as we continue to feel the gentle breeze of the night.

"I feel like I was serenaded tonight"

"Yes you are"

"Yes I am" I chuckled. Then I started humming his last song.

"Ours" he said.

"What Ours?"

"Ours is the title of the song" that's why he said ours is a different kind of love because it was part of the lyrics.

We went to the eight floor and entered his room. I was a little shocked cause he got a nice room. It was one of the suite rooms here.

"Don't say its expensive anyway its kinda seldom for me to go on a trip like this so its okay to spend once in a while" he started even before I could react.

I was making Kenji fell asleep and then placed him on the middle of the bed and I laid beside him. I was tapping him and humming the song.


I placed a blanket over them. Sachie also fell asleep. I switched of the lights and laid beside Kenji and watched the two.

Although we were on the same house, its our first time to be in one room. I have to admit that I missed her even though it was only for a few days. Finally seeing her again made my heart at ease.

I just hope the song delivered what's on my heart right now. I wish I could say it but I know that now isn't the right time. I don't want to rush things and just want to enjoy these moments. Maybe for now I'll just make sure to do my best in taking care of them.

I'll always be thankful for them. They are my sunshine. I kissed Kenji good night on the forehead and patted Sachie's head. I know she has no plans of sleeping here but anyway I'm glad she fell asleep.

I stared at the ceiling and smiled as I recalled the events for today. Who would've thought that I got the chance to serenade her tonight. I know she won't take it seriously but still I hope she'll me in a new light. I guess I'll just do my best to make her feel my love. My love? I don't know if its love yet but it feels right.

In time, when everything is in its proper place, I'll let her know.

Yes, in time, but for now i'll just go with flow...

Yeah... with the flow we go along...
