
The ambiance in the resort is so good. It's surrounded by trees so you won't feel the heat of the summer that much. Very mother earth friendly place for me that's why no wonder it has lots of clients. Kenji fell asleep and Reeve wanted to do the same so me and my cousin decided to go for a swim and roam around too.

I chose to wear my two-piece with an haltered style that covers my tummy but definitely shows my back. Mihaela wore her ever favorite swimsuit. Does this girl can see see the future? How does she knows that we'll go for a swim and definitely brought one?

You can hear the bird chirping and kids playing on the pool. You can even smell the smoke of grilled foods which stimulates my hunger a little. We tried to find a good spot where there's not much people around and it lead us to the hot springs.

Everything looks natural like its surrounded by rocks in different sized. I really liked the design it gives a very cozy vibe. We hopped in to one of the pool which is enough for four to six persons. That's how private it can be. The water was comfortable warm. I rested my back and placed my arms on the pool deck. Mihaela dipped herself and went towards me.

"You have such a nice family. Like when and how? You didn't even bothered to call us? We could've been there you know... To support you in any way." I know she still has a lot of questions in her head. These past few months I was immersed in my own little world that I forgot about them. Starting a family is not good. I know how all of them would react.

"It's kinda a long story... Not a good one actually..." I know there was a bit of hesitation on my side. I sure don't know how to start.

Upon sensing it she said, "Hey you know I won't judge you. I'm here to listen."

"Actually... He's not my kid... Like I didn't gave birth to him but he's was placed under my name..."

"What?" with a puzzled look on her face. "Whose kid is that? I thought he just got all the genes from his dad."

"He's not the dad also... He just happened to be there when I needed someone."

"How messed up is that?" she scratched her head in confusion.

"One day after coming from work Christie left him in the crib with the keys, letter, birth certificated and his baby bag. He's my child on paper. I don't know what went inside that head of hers." I am playing with the water now with my hands. "Like how could you carry someone for nine months and then just leave them behind?" I looked at my hands on the water. "Is thay baby just a puppy you can give after all giving birth to them?" I looked at her in the eye. "I honestly don't get it..." I embraced my self. It send shivers to my spine having those thoughts.

"He really does look like Reeve for sure. Maybe a relative of his or something? Or could he be the father?" she asked

"I don't know really... But with the way things are happening I think its fine. You know at least in this setup Kenji has someone he can call his dad right?"

"You know I'm thinking of something. It's not that I'm siding with Christie but I think she know that he will be in good hands. She's concerned about you too that she even bothered on messaging me so I could have time to visit you. She knows how stubborn you can be?" she chuckled a little.

"What if she comes back and decides on being a mother to him? What if that happens?" I felt tears coming out of my eyes so i dipped myself inside the water so at least it won't looked like I cried.

"Legally wise he's yours..." she embraced me by the time I emerged from the water. "I'm here Sasa... Whoever Kenji's parents are we will still love him like our own flesh and blood right?" I pouted. I don't want to cry but these has been bothering me eversince Kenji came into my life.

"Cry baby..." she teased.

"Aren't you and Reeve together? Ayieeee..." she's teasing me more.



"Not yet...?" I hesitated on my reply.

"You look good there you know? You looked like a legit family without the wedding rings. He's so cute by the way..." I saw her blush. "Don't worry I'm not into him" she elbowed me. "But Honestly I won't object if you two end up together. I see it in the way he treats and looks at you. There so much love you know" she acted with lots of giddiness.

"Well he said that he likes me and that he's willing to wait and told me to enjoy things like that..."

"Ayyy... I know you like him. I can see how you look at him"

"Nah... It's too early you know and besides I want to enjoy everything. What if you know... Having a relationship with him will just ruin everything?"

"Do you like him?" she forced me to look at her.

"I do... Like a lot... But sometimes I feel like this is all a dream. Guys like him are hard to find. I like him... I like everything about him bit I don't want to tell him yet."

"He confessed already right? Why don't make this family for real? Don't you want that for Kenji?"

"I do but I think that this isn't the right time"

"When is the right time?"

"I dunno..."

"Sasa... At this point, do you love him?" there was a sudden seriousness on her face. I thought we were having a drama with the Kenji story but it still ended up about my lovelife.

"Honestly... if this isn't love I'm feeling towards him then I don't know what this is..."
