Story of Alathia (Part 3), The Shadow cause.

It took time for them to recover and Trunk was the first one to speak, "Just what the heck is going on? First that guy comes and says that our little Thia is some lost princess of a fallen country and second a blacksmith is an assassin from an unknown group? Are we supposed to run into lunatics today!?". The others didn't speak cause it was too much for them to take as it is there first time coming to the human world.

"For now, let's hear your part of the story" Ella said. Brock also said the same thing as Flinn like how they were tricked and how their nation had fallen and how the Shadow cause is searching for her, the same stuff. "And that's the end, your Highness" said Brock. "Ok we get it, so what are you saying? Don't beat around the bush!" Ella said as she was losing patience.

Brock's face then turned serious, "We want you to come to Dorgan with us!". His words shocked them to the core! She was their little sister and their princess! As if they will let her go with them just like that!

Edith was the first one to wrath out, "what...what.... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SHITTING YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!!!" he then drew his sword and was about to cut his head off. But Brock, who was kneeling on the ground, disappeared! Edith then felt something cold and sharp on his neck. Everyone around him, except Flinn, opened their mouth in shock. Brock was behind him with a dagger on his hand which was at Edith's neck.

"I do not want to do this, so don't make me" Brock said in a cold tone. He was about to let go of him, but suddenly roots emerged from the ground and got him on hold. Now it was his and Flinn's turn to be shocked. "This..... This..... This is nature magic! How could this be possible!? Aren't you supposed to be a swordsman!" He said. Alathia let out a *sigh* because these guys are being over protective!

She then looked at Edith and said, "Brother, that's enough, let him go". Edith could do nothing but obey her order and let him go. His gaze was sharp, too sharp that it might pierce through him. Brock was still surprised and suspicious of his action from earlier. Nobody could just pull off the nature magic just like that, it was even a big deal for the wizards from the Academy of Elements or the Flare Hone Academy. There are only two races that are known to use the nature magic, one of them is the elves and the other being Ents.

Edith came back to Alathia's side and stood near her with his face clearly showing hostility towards the other party. Rest of the Ents were not any better. They never thought that a human, who they came here to talk because he asked them to, would attack them out of nowhere! 'Well this is how the human world works anyway' they thought.

Alathia looked at Brock, who had his head bowed and said, "OK, I'll come with you on one condition". The Ents were shocked by her words. They never thought that she would agree that easily, that guy put a dagger on Edith's neck! The Ents looked at her with a questioning kind of face. She know she have to explain, so she said, "I know what you are thinking but..... After hearing what he said.... I want to know myself that if its the truth or an act". Her words sounded reasonable. After all, he didn't attack them because he was plotting something, it was a pure act of self defense. Edith then said, "Fine... If that is your wish.... We do not want to get in your way of decision but! We will not let you go alone! We will come with you for your safety!" the rest nodded their head in agreement and Brock showed no oppose to the idea. She smiled and was about to say something but Brock cut her off by saying, "Your highness, what is your condition? Whatever it is, we accept!". Her smile didn't fade as she said, "My condition is fulfilled, don't worry about it, let's leave tomorrow morning and brother Trunk, I need you to do me a favor" she looked at Trunk. Trunk then turned serious and said, "Whatever it is". She nodded and said, "Inform father about what happened here, every single detail and let him decide the next course of action that he will take and tell him that it might take me a while to get back home and the rest are with me, so no need to worry". Trunk nodded his head, "I shall leave at first light" he said.

Alathia nodded her head and looked at Brock and asked, "Mister Brock, I need a favor from you". Brock immediately went on his knee and his hand on his chest as he said, "Brock of the shadow cause at your service, your Highness!". She then asked, "Does your... Shadow cause have spies?". Her question confused him, but he still answered her no less, "Your Highness, Shadow cause is not like the regular Palace guards or gate guards or the country soldiers, We are rouges, We are thieves, We are Assassins! So spying comes under our speciality". Hearing his words, Alathia's face bloomed into a smile. She asked him, "Then could you spy someone for me?".

Brock's face turned into a serious one as he asked, "Whoever it maybe". Her face showed a satisfied smile and she said, "Good, gather your men in the city, I'll give you the details once they are here". He nodded and said, "They will be here before midnight, your Highness" he turned towards Flinn, who was still on the floor kneeing, and said, "Gather our men, tell them to come here and say, 'The time for the night to rise again have come' they will understand and come without delay, now go!". Flinn simply said, "Understood!" and he got out of the shop through the back door.