Battle for FrogWell

"Still, you sure you can convince him? Commander Bolgan I mean" Herjar asked as they walked through the forest path. Saito was thinking the same thing. Letting a dark elf into the city itself must have been a huge headache to him but will he still let a monster race and a Necromancer into the city just because he said? Saito was having all kinds of thought.

Herjar let out a *sigh* and gave up on asking. When they reached the road, they saw people running from the city and Mercenaries running towards the city.

Saito and Herjar understood something bad is going on so they asked a Mercenary who was running towards the city, "Hey! What's going on!?" Saito asked.

The Mercenary stopped and looked at them and said, "What? You guys don't know? The city is under attack! The people are being moved to Fort Won and Mercenaries are called back to the city for the battle! The city guards and the gate guards can't hold on for any longer! Hurry up!". A girl priest tugged him and said, "We need to hurry up Wall! Let's move!" The Mercenary nodded his head and both of them ran towards the city.

Saito and Herjar couldn't believe what they just heard, attack on the city? The city is under siege!? The heck! Herjar shouted, "WHO IS ATTACKING THE CITY!?". The Mercenary stopped and said, "DEMONS! LET'S HURRY! MOVE!" he then left them behind and ran.

More and more civilians and merchants left the city and ran towards that Fort. While common folks have been running away from the city, the Mercenaries ran towards the city. Saito and Herjar also ran towards it. They could see all sorts of injuries on the people they cross.

Saito gritted his teeth and swore in his heart that he will slaughter those demons. As he was a soldier in his precious life, he had the duty to protect the people. But seeing the injured people before his eyes, he couldn't control his anger.

An elderly man tripped and fell on the ground. His granddaughter quickly came to his aid, "Grandpa! Please walk carefully!". Saito stopped and helped him up. Herjar also stopped and said, "Saito! What are you stopping for? The city seems to under heavy battle! We gotta hurry! Let's go!".

Herjar understood the graveness of the situation. Even though he's a dark elf, demons are more dangerous! So he can't over look this.

Demons side with no one except themselves. They kill or eat other beings or even violate them in some cases. They are clear definition for barbarians.

Saito said, "We can't these people like this! We have to help them get to the fort!". Herjar saw deep anger and hopelessness in Saito's eyes so he said, "I agree, but only us won't be enough".

"Master Saito? And Mister Herjar? What are you guys doing here? Are you not joining the battle in the city?" A male voice said. Saito and Herjar turned towards the source of the voice and was surprised. It was Philip and his party!

Saito asked, "You guys still haven't entered the city?". Philip was embarrassed to say this, "Well, we are very weak don't have much battle experience so fighting demons is a bit..... Difficult for us".

Saito could understand him. Going against a demon without enough experience could be fatal. Saito then got an idea and asked, "Are there others like your party!?".

Philip was taken back by his question and said, "Well only veterans like you are fighting the battle so us rookies are headed towards the Fort to defend it in case the battle reach there".

Saito then said, "Then I got the perfect job for you all! Gather other rookies like you and escort the normal people to the fort and protect them! We will head to the city!" He then stood up.

Philip was kinda pumped up and immediately accepted it. The old man then said, "Thank you for helping us Mister Mercenary" his granddaughter also said her thanks.

Saito and Herjar left them with Philip and his group. Philip's party started to gather the rookie Mercenaries and the disoriented people and moved them to the fort accordingly.

Saito and Herjar smiled when they saw this. Both of them then hurried to the city.

Smokes rise from the city. A lot of places in the city seemed to be set in fire. They saw the the gate wide open and the gate guards were trying their utmost in fighting the demons.

Saito looked at Herjar and both of them nodded their heads and started to run towards the gate. "I'll take the wall!" Herjar said while running. "Then I'll take the gate!" Saito said as he ran. Both of them drew out their weapons.

Herjar jumped on the head of a demon and used it as a boost to jump on the wall. Saito just cut down a gargoyle like demon that came at him. Mercenaries working together with the guards to get rid off all the demons.

There were more than a thousand low ranked demons but only gargoyles that can fly pose trouble to the Mercenaries. Herjar was going on an all out rampage on the wall with other. The guards were trying their best to help the Mercenaries in killing the demons.

A lot of demons died and so did some of the guards and Mercenaries. These are just low ranked demons. Individually they don't pose a threat to these veterans of the battlefield but when there is a lot of these bonkers, that's quite troublesome to handle.

Saito was doing his best killing the demons while helping others. This is his first battle in this world, so he should gain everything he can from it. The Battle at the gate was piping down a bit but he has no info on the battle inside the city.

Just when he was about to head into the city to help those inside since the battle outside the city was reaching an end an unexpected turn of event happened, monsters like goblins, ogres, trolls and demon wolves came at them from the forest.

Tens of ogres and trolls, hundreds of goblins and demon wolves run towards the battle. "This is getting more and more pain in the ASS!" Saito said as he was getting sick of it.

He turned to look at the field and saw Commander Bolgan fighting off a group of demons by himself. Saito hurried to him and cut off the heads of the demons while they were focused on Bolgan.


"Thank you for the help Mister Saito, but it seems we are not done yet" Bolgan said as he catch his breath. Saito looked at the horde coming at them, "Yea, we will be very busy and we are also losing light, battle with demons at night is the worst case scenario we can possibly encounter".

Bolgan smiled and said, "It was good fighting with you Mister Saito". Saito punched his shoulder like a friend and said, "Saito is good enough and we didn't lose this fight yet and you are not dead, so don't go giving up on me now".

"Hahaha, seems like it isn't it? Then how about this? I'll buy you and your friend a drink... No more than one drink if we win this fight before dark! How's the deal?" Bolgan said.


Saito took his stance and said with a smirk on his face, "You better not bail on me then!". Bolgan also took his stance. Bolgan looked at Herjar going on a rampage on the wall and was awed by it. "Wow that dark elf friend of yours is pretty good, he's cleaning them off like they are nothing" Bolgan said.

Saito smiled, "Well he is my buddy after all!" he said. Some of the guards and Mercenaries that killed off their opponents came to their side and formed a single file.

"HERE THEY COME BOYS!" Bolgan shouted. "YEAH!" the guards shouted back.

"GET READY MERCS! LET'S SHOW THEM WHAT WE CAN DO!" Saito shouted. "HELL YEAH!" the Mercenaries shouted.

They were about to engage, but something unexpected happened again. The ground started to give off an ominous feeling. Soon black miasma was released from the ground and what came out of it shocked both the Mercenaries and the guards.

Skeleton soldiers. Wearing a leather armor and a helmet and equipped with a sword an a shield came out of the ground. what surprised them the most was that the skeletons turned to face the horde when they got out and formed a defensive line before them with their shield in the front. Twenty skeletons formed a single file defence line before the guards and Mercenaries like they were defending them. They were confused but didn't let their guard down.

"Looks like we made it in time" a voice came from above. They all looked up in unison and saw a guy flying. He was wearing black robe with a hood on.

Others were confused as to who is this and why is he here? But Saito immediately identified him, "Minos! What are you doing here!?" he asked. The others including commander Bolgan was confused who that was.

The horde was nearing them. The skeleton soldiers got ready to engage. Suddenly, a strong wind blew and the next thing they know was that the heads of the ogres and trolls rolling.

They turned their head to look behind them and was once again shocked. A Goblin at the height of an elf was standing there with a hand on its sword. It wore an leather swordsman outfit and stood there with one hand on the sheath and one hand on the handle, like a knight.

"Hello Saito, looks like you are having quite the fun here and you didn't invite us to join, how rude of you!" Vik said with a smirk on his face. Saito couldn't hold it anymore and laughed, "Hahahahahaha! Damn I never thought you guys would come!".

Minos landed and said with a smile, "Well you are our friend, don't friends help each other?". "Yea! And you did promise us something, so we can't have you dying on us like that!" Vik walked over.

"Yea that's right and since you guys are here, give us a hand" Saito said. Both of them smiled and said, "With pleasure!".

"Uhmm... Mister Saito? Who are they?" Bolgan asked. Saito said, "These are the new friends I made in the forest today! Minos the Necromancer and Vikkendi the Goblin Knight".

The others were hanging their mouth wide. A Necromancer as a friend!? And a Goblin Knight!? The heck does that even mean!

"Leaving the Necromancer aside, Goblin Knight!? Does something like that even exist?" a Mercenary asked. "He's not from around here, so why not?" Saito said.

"And how did you get a Necromancer as a friend!? That's just way too suspicious!" A guard said. "He's not a bad guy once you get to know him! That's how!" Saito replied.

"Mister Saito, I'll ask this only once! Do you trust them?" Bolgan asked. Saito replied without a hesitation, "I trust them as much as I trust Herjar! And that is more than my life! In fact, I was planning to talk to you about letting them inside the city when I return, but the circumstances is different now".

"Wait! He's the one you said?" Minos asked. Saito nodded his head. Minos walked to him and extended his hand with a smile, "I'm Minos, a Necromancer, pleased to meet you". Bolgan was baffled for a second before accepting it.

"Well if he said you are a good guy then you must be, but I'm sorry that I can't welcome you right now as the circumstance is clearly different from please lend us a hand will ya?" Bolgan said. Minos was all smiles as he asked, "Then this means you accept us right!?" even Vik was eager to know. Bolgan smiled and nodded his head, "As commander of the Gate guards of Frogwell welcome you two to our city".

Minos and Vikkendi were both pumped up so bad that they want to do some killing. "Wow that's unexpected, but it still worked right? The plan?" Herjar walked to them. Behind him followed the Mercenaries and guards of the Gate.

The field was filled with bodies of dead men and demons. "Wait! What plan!?" Bolgan asked. Saito said, "Talking to you about letting Minos and Vik stay in the city, why? Any problems?".

"Uh, no I just misunderstood it" Bolgan said. Only after their pleasant talk did they notice the corpses of goblins and wolves.

"Uh... Mister Minos, what level is your skeleton soldiers?" A mage from the Mercenaries side asked. Minos said, "If I have to compare then it would be...... C rank?". There was total silence among them.

Only Saito, Vik and Minos looked normal while the others looked like they seen a ghost. "Is something wrong?" Saito asked.

"Saito, you don't know about the power of his skeletons?" Bolgan asked. Saito shook his head. Bolgan let out a *sigh* and said, "A normal skeleton is F ranked while a skeleton soldier is E ranked, only skeleton high mages are considered as C rank! These guys are equal to skeleton high mages! Do you even understand!?".

Saito then asked, "Are they...... Strong?". Bolgan said, "I'm gonna refrain from commenting on that". "Yea, he is skilled but not knowledgeable" Herjar added. Saito didn't say anything from that.

Minos said, "Come on guys, I'm only an apprentice and not a real Necromancer". The mage group was stunned again. "Wait....... YOU CAN SUMMON C RANKED SKELETON SOLDIERS EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE AN APPRENTICE!?" a mage from their group shouted.

Minos said while scratching his head, "Well...... I did practice a lot". "Ahhhh man! I'm seriously envious of you!" Another mage said. "Exactly! Even I'm an apprentice and I can't do any fancy magic like you at all! You really are a genuine genius you know?" A younger mage apprentice like Minos said.

Minos was starting to get along with the mage group as he is a genius among the youngsters. Saito said, "Thanks for getting along with him fellas". The mage group turned to look at him, "Well Bolgan has our respect, so if he trust you guys then you are not bad and this kid also doesn't look like someone bad either" an elder mage said.

Saito and Herjar and even Vik was relieved after hearing that. Seems Bolgan is well respected even though he's only a commander of a gate.

"Guys we still have a battle go fight, care to join us?" More Mercenaries came and one of them said. "We just had the appetizer, main dish is still to be served! Let's go men!" Bolgan shouted. "YEAHHHHHHHH!" the men shouted.

*Earth rumbling*

They all looked at towards the source of the sound. Their faces turned grave. A giant demon with two horns and sharp teeth, like an real ogre from the Japanese fantasy, walked towards them with its huge sword over its shoulder. Its skin was Violet and its eyes were red. Behind it was another army of demons and this time, there was more than before. Saito, Herjar, Minos, Vikkendi and the Mercenaries as well us the guards faces were turned grave.

A High ranked demon appeared.