After Victory

Clearing the bodies took longer than expected as there were more casualties, on the enemy side. They send word to Fort Won that the battle is over, so the citizens should be returning to the city by now.

The citizens came at the right time when the Mercenaries and guards were clearing the bodies, so they also joined in.

Soon, the clearing work was done but the damage taken by the buildings were still there so they started to fix it. With the help from Mages, it was a breeze.

Even though many buildings were damaged the Mercenary Guild was still in one piece, surprisingly. Seems like the Guild staffs also fought the battle inside the city and defended the Guild while helping others.

The city square took a lot of damage since Rosalia went on a killing spree. She apologized to everyone for damaging stuff and everyone let her off the hook.

Now that the repair work of the city is finished, its time to celebrate! Stores reopened, city's people started to decorate the streets, farmers from the outskirts came to the city for celebrating and the Mercenaries are at the Guild after the money.

The Guild hall was packed with Mercenaries. Mercenary Groups gave their guild card to their leaders while solo Mercenaries showed the card themselves.

The ID card of the Mercenaries count the number of kills they get during the fight till it is refreshed. When it's given to the Guild, they will take a look at it and refresh it then give them their rewards.

Due to this, many schemed against others for money and killed them off for their cards. Many good Mercenaries died due to this so the Guild made a decision that only the Guild staffs should be able to see the number of kills a Mercenary got.

If they can't see how many kills that person has, then there is no use in killing them as the users fresh blood is also required to see it. The secrecy of a Mercenary ID is heighten after those murders, so now there is no more cases like that. Even if you lose your ID card, its just a card without your fresh blood.

With Saito and Herjar as guarantor, joining process for Minos and Vik was a breeze. Though the guild girl was shocked at seeing them first, but she quickly understood about them after hearing the explanation from Saito, Herjar and Rosalia who coincidentally came to collect the reward at the same time they were signing up to be Mercenaries, apparently. (Author: Nah, she must have stalked😜)

Minos and Vik then joined Saito's party. "Great! Now you need one more member and you can create a Group!" the guild girl said with all smiles on her face. "Need one more to form a group?" Saito asked confusedly.

Rosalia said, "Basic requirements to form a Mercenary group is to have five members with all their approval and you can increase the number of your members by increasing the Rank of your group".

"You are a leader of a Mercenary group right? How many members and what rank are you?" Saito asked. Rosalia replied, "My group has around eight hundred members and my group rank is Silver and my individual rank is A".

"Wow! An A ranked Merc huh? That's amazing and you can have eight hundred Mercs when your group reaches Silver?" Saito asked. "That's right! Mercenaries are ranked by alphabets while Mercenary groups are ranked by alloys! You can increase the number of Mercenaries you have in your group when your group rank up and you have to finish requests for Mercenary groups to do that and even you can also rank up when finish a request taken by the group" the Guild girl said.

Saito nodded his head understandingly. So basically, being in a Mercenary group is better than being alone. Having someone to watch your back always helps. Saito then took out his card and Herjar gave his to Saito. Saito gave their cards to the guild girl for inspection while Minos and Vik just stood there with them. They just became Mercenaries so their previous kill record won't be recorded in the card.

The guild girl got one drop of blood from both of them and looked at the card using their method. The guild girl was amazed as she said, "Wow! You guys went on a killing spree! And there is even a High ranked demon recorded as a kill for both of them!".

Saito and Herjar smiled and Saito said, "Well a lot happens on a battlefield, so I think this should be normal". The guild girl said, "No no no! Killing low ranked demons when you are newbies is already amazing, but you killed a high ranked demon! That's even more amazing!".

Rosalia asked, "I did hear that a Huge high ranked demon appeared on the outside with a secondary army, is it true?". Saito said, "What you heard is true, when the first wave was almost wiped, a horde of monsters came but thanks to Minos and Vik arriving at the right time we managed to wipe them out but the second army showed up after that and we had to fight it".

Rosalia smiled and said, "Looks like you had a rough battle than us". Herjar said, "You can certainly say that, killing off those mid tier demons was a pain".

Saito smiled and said, "But you did it without a single causality on our side didn't you? That's commendable". Herjar let out a *sigh* and said, "Give me a break already! I'm not doing that again". All of them laughed.

The guild girl then said, "Well as for your rewards, it will be 1000 gold coins! Is that fine?". Saito and his party dropped their jaws. 1000? 1000 gold coins!? That's hell of reward! They can even buy a goddamn house with that money!

Rosalia was also having her mouth hanging. She hurriedly asked, "How is that possible! They came to the battlefield late and how could they receive such a high reward!?". Everyone that heard the reward for them came towards the reception and started to complain that even they killed more than them but they are receiving less than them? That's cheating!

The guild girl let out a *sigh*. Just then a door in the upstairs opened and a guy with a heavy build walked out.

"Oii! That's the guild master!".

"What is he doing here!?"

"Is he coming to punish them for cheating?"

"I heard that he's an S ranked Mercenary! Is it true?"

Everyone started to whisper among them.

The guild master walked to the reception. The girl bowed her head in respect and he nodded his head. She then gave him their ID cards and the guild master examined them himself and even he was surprised.

He then asked, "Are you Saito and Herjar?" he looked at the two of them. Both if them could feel an imposing aura coming out from him. They nodded their head in reply as they were affected by the aura and were unable to speak.

The guild master then turned towards everyone in the hall and said, "These two killed sixty goblins and one of them is a goblin shaman and fought eight Trolls and killed them all without others help and even participated in the battle! Does anyone still feel like they don't deserve this reward? If you do then speak!". The whole hall was silent, even Rosalia, Minos and Vik were stunned.

Eight Trolls and sixty goblins!? Alone? Were they crazy!? These guys are nuts to challenge something like that! These monsters are nothing when they are alone or in less numbers. An ordinary Mercenary can solo a Troll or even two at a time and he can handle six goblins at once. An extraordinary Mercenary can handle three Trolls at most and 20 goblins at once.

But facing eight Trolls and even sixty goblins, even if there was four extraordinary Mercenaries, they couldn't handle that number. But Saito and Herjar did it and there was only two of them! Others have no right to criticize them.

The guild master let out a breath and said, "If that's all then, Layla! Give them their rewards!". Layla then said, "Yes master!".

She then took out a bag full of gold coins and placed it on the counter. Saito then remembered something. He put his hand inside his robe and took out 28 GrassClove flowers and placed them on the counter, he actually took them out of the pendent.

Layla was surprised again, "This is..... GrassClove flowers!? How did you get them!? And this many!". Everyone was surprised and even the guild master who was about to leave stopped.

Saito said, "We got these flowers inside the cave where we fought the goblins". The Mercenaries asked, "Is there anymore in that cave!?" everyone wanted to know this. This is the only gathering request that gives a nice reward for less work, but those flowers are rare to be found and if there is a mine of those flowers, no one would waste such an opportunity.

Saito said, "Nope, there was only a bag and inside it were these flowers". Everyone were disappointed at the answer. They thought about making money, but seems like they don't have luck. Some even thought about going there just to be sure.

"So coupled with the flowers, the reward is 1,270 gold coins! Here" Layla took out another game with 270 gold coins. Saito and Herjar gulped. This is a huge sum of money to them! They could even buy a mansion with this and live a happy life for a decade if its only them.

They then said their thanks and byes and left the guild. They then started to tour the city.

The street stalls are brimming with customers. People are happily chatting and laughing with each other. A harmonious atmosphere.

They stopped by the stalls and got some snack to munch on while touring the city. "Hmmmm! This is very delicious! I never ate anything like this before!" Minos said.

"It is true! This is rather fine cooking! I commend the chief for this delicious meat!" Vik said as he ate with manners, typical prince. "I should agree, this is rather good! What about you Saito? What's your comment?" Herjar asked.

"Well it is good, but clearly not top of my list" Saito said while eating it. He put the money inside the pendent for its safety and removed his helmet.

Now their party consist of a hot dark Elf Assassin , a handsome Goblin knight, a not so bad looking Necromancer and a good looking Samurai. Yea all the fine men line up for the ladies. (Author: My heart hurts when I write this for some reason 😑)

They all smiled and Herjar said, "I heard that the celebration will continue for three days, shouldn't we book rooms for the two of them to stay as well?". Saito nodded and said, "Yea, we gotta get them a place to stay as well! How about the Inn we are staying? There should be rooms vacant right?".

Herjar nodded, "If we are lucky enough, many people are coming for the celebration so it might get packed if we don't hurry". Minos said, "Guys we both can stay in our house in the forest, you don't have to go that far as to waste money for us".

Vik agreed, "It is true, we can just stay there and wasting money is not a good thing even if we have more of it". Saito said, "I think we should stick together, is that wrong? Or do you guys feel uncomfortable staying with us?".

Minos and Vik gave up. Arguing with persisting ones won't end up good.

The group arrived at the Inn where Saito and Herjar was staying. When they entered, there wasn't a lot of people like there was when the first arrived here. When the bunny girl saw Saito and Herjar with Vik and Minos, she was surprised.

"Oh my! Are you the Necromancer and the Goblin Knight that everyone are talking about?" She asked with a surprised reaction on her face. Minos lightly bow his head and said, "Nice to meet you, I'm Minos, a Necromancer".

Vik bow like a knight as usual, "Pleasure to meet you, my name is Vikkendi, I'm a Goblin Knight" he said. The bunny girl flushed a bit and hurriedly bowed, "I'm Dory! Pleased to meet yuw" and she bit her tongue.

Saito giggled and said, "If you don't mind, can we get two more rooms.... No hold that thought" he stopped and looked at Minos and Vik. "You guys are fine with staying together right?" Saito asked them.

Both of them nodded their head and Minos said, "Sure, we were staying together till now anyway" he looked at Vik, who smiled at him. Saito then turned towards Herjar and said, "Give them your room key, we can stay together in one room while they stay in the other, the rooms are big enough for four people anyway".

Herjar said, "I have no problem with it". He then took out the key and gave it to Minos. "Now that's settled, you guys hungry?" Saito asked.

"I'm starving! I haven't ate a full meal in a long time!" Minos said. "Well I'm also quite hungry from all that killing yesterday" Herjar said. ""Eating good to replenish ones energy is very important for a warrior" my mother used to say this to me" Vik said.

Saito smiled and said, "Miss Dory, can you get us all a feast? These guys are quite hungry it seems and don't worry about the money and blow our minds!". Dory smiled and said, "I'll take you up on that offer then! Gentlemen, take your seats and wait to be blown!".

The four of them smiled and took their seats while anticipating for the food.