Lily the deadly Assassins

The two of them woke up and met up with the girls after getting ready to go out. The girls were waiting for the two of them downstairs and greeted them when they came down and so the four went to the market to get their supplies.

The whole city was talking about the incident about the group named "Serpents" being slaughtered over night by someone or some other group. The officials were tense that there might be another thug group forming in their city and this time the group being stronger.

The people were afraid that there might be killers going around killing people at night. Saito and Minos were silent as they walked along the market street while looking for what they need. They know who that strong and powerful killer is and why he did it and everything but they can't go on and tell this to anyone. If someone heard that a dark elf Assassin came into the city and night and slaughtered a whole organization, then the city will be in chaos and moreover enemies of Herjar will know of his whereabouts or at least get a clue about it.

The four of them were searching for some good daggers that Herjar asked them to buy when Sana suddenly asked, "Mister Saito, do you think we can also join you guys? Being adventurer is not a bad thing and all but.....these guys are always looking to pick us up using accompanying us as an excuse, what do you think? can we come with you?. Mana's face immediately lit up when she heard her idea and looked at the two of them with eyes full of expectations.

Saito and Minos looked at each other and didn't know what to say. Saito looked at the girls and said, "Well if being adventurer boring or anything or you don't want to be Adventurers anymore, you can just become Mercenaries or do some other jobs". Sana looked said as she asked, "Does that mean...". *sigh*. Saito sighed and said, "I'm not saying, I'm telling you that I can't accept you to my group until you two become Mercenaries and if you plan on becoming one then go to Frogwell and tell the gate guards that I sent you and tell them you want to become Mercs, they should help you and we can complete requests later, kay?".

The two girls smiled and nodded their head and accepted his suggestion. Saito and Minos finished their purchase while the girls got some stuff of their own.

The four of them then left the market area and headed towards the gate. Just as they thought everything was going great the guards stopped them, "Who are you? I don't remember seeing you". Saito was started to get annoyed by this guy, he paid them when he entered the town and yet they are still pretending like they don't know him. He seriously wanted to cut them down to the size.

Minos could feel that Saito would most likely go on a rampage if he don't intervene. "We are going out on a quest so can we leave?" Minos asked in the humblest tone he could at that time.

The guards looked at each other and smiled. "Well we will let you go after a small interrogation of course the girls will also join us or we can end this the easy and quickest way, what do you say?" one of the guards said.

Saito tightened his fist and wanted to punch them to pulp but Minos grabbed his hand and shook his head. Minos walked towards them and put four silver coins on their hand. The guards face glowed after seeing the coins and immediately moved aside and gave them way out.

The four of them walked out of the gate and split up. The girls headed to Frogwell while Saito and Minos head towards the cabin inside the forest. Both of them reached the cabin after two and a half hours and when they went inside they saw Herjar almost half dead due to boredom and Vik talking with Lily and boasting about how great Goblinia is.

After seeing Saito and Minos enter, Herjar regained his life force and walked past them. "What are you waiting for!? Let's go! I'm bored to death!" Herjar said while standing outside. Vik looked at them and smiled, "Well he was really bored and I had nothing to do so I was talking with Lily about my childhood and all". "Wow Lily, I feel sorry for you" Minos teased.

"That's rude you know" Vik said with a smiled. Saito said, "You guys ready? We are going hunting". Vik got up from the couch and smiled at them with a hand on the hilt of his sword which was hanging on his hip.

Lily also stood up and smiled cutely at them. Saito smiled and said "Then let's go people! We got some goblins to kill!" he then walked out with rest and joined Herjar.

All five of them enjoyed their journey to the fort. Camping inside the forest at night with Herjar on guard because he volunteered to guard and said that night time is his time so they couldn't argue with him about taking turns.

Herjar took the night watch and slept when they take breaks at noon so he didn't have any problem. They hunt wild animals that are edible to eat to save rations and picked fruits from trees.

They planned on reaching the fort within three days but due to circumstances they reached a day later. They trained Lily in the way by letting her hunt monsters. Both the number and strength of monster increase if she cloud defeat the previous wave on her own.

And so on their "Assassins training session" became "Commando training session" and the previous cute little girl became a deadly Assassins under the supervision of Herjar, Saito, Minos and Vik.

Currently, Lily was sitting on top of a tree branch while brandishing her new draggers that Saito and Minos got for her in Margna. She looked cheerful and smiling while playing with her daggers.

Saito and the rest were hiding in the nearby bush and were seeing what she's doing. "Perhaps, maybe we went overboard in training her?" Vik asked doubly. Minos said, "Nah don't sweat it, it's probably fine". Vik didn't say anything else and just smiled. Vik taught her swordsmanship while Herjar taught her Assassinship and Minos taught her ways to dispel curses and cure sickness and treat injuries while Saito taught her basic Samurai techniques, she's basically a mixed product of an Assassin, a Knight, a Necromancer and a Samurai.

She waited for a little more while humming and soon her target for hunt came. Seven pig faced huge Orcs came walking along the path. The Orc pack reached the tree where Lily was sitting on.

Lily opened her eyes and fell backwards from the branch. The moment she reached the Orc's neck she didn't even flinch a bit and immediately slit it's throat. The Orc's eyes went wide in shock and didn't know what to do or what to think and fell on the ground grabbing it's neck as it died.

The other Orcs realized what happened and immediately turned around to face Lily but too bad, Lily had disappeared a long ago. The Orcs were on high alert and didn't let their guard down.

The remaining six Orcs stood back to back while holding their clubs and eyes filled with rage. "Hehehe~" a sweet cute sound of a little girl laughing was heard. If it was a normal situation then the sound would have been pleasant to hear but this time, that sounded like death god coming after them.

"Shadow steps"

A dark circle formed on the ground centering the Orc formation. Lily jumped out of it with daggers on both hands. Her black hair fluttered and glittered. She did a spin while in mid air and cut the spines of the Orcs like it was noting but cutting cake.

Blood splashed everywhere and some even landed on Lily. She turned towards the bush where the four of them are watching from and smiled. She looked like the reaper's daughter with a cute smile in that getup.

"Maybe we did go a bit overboard in training her" Saito said and others awkwardly agreed.