Brothers from different mothers

"A....succubus? What is it doing here?" Vik asked confusedly. "That's what I would like to know" Minos said as he scratched his head. "Can anyone explain to me what is going on here?" Saito asked.

Minos and Vik looked at each other and said, "You just beat the crap out of a demon that seduces men". "Huh?" Saito had a dumb expression on his face like he just ate ginger or something.

Vik turned to Rou and said, "Rou, double the guards till we leave and tell them that no matter what they see suspicious, even if it's a tiny insect or they get a gut feeling or anything! They should report it right away!". Rou saluted him by hitting his chest with his right fist as he said, "As you command!". Rou didn't waste a second as he commanded his men to double the guards.

The Goblins all left the room, leaving Vik, Minos, Herjar and Saito along with the demon. "Now, what should we do?" Minos asked. Both Vik and Minos looked at Saito for answer. "Oii, why are you looking at me like that?" Saito asked with a weird look on his face. "Your the one to punch a succubus right in the face I've ever seen in my life, of course I would look at you for answer!" Minos replied.

Saito himself was thinking about what they should do. "What.....the hell happened?" Herjar's voice sounded. They all turned around at the same time and saw him sitting up while clutching his head. "Your up!" Saito said excitedly.

"What happened to me?" Herjar asked confusedly. Minos explained, "You got possessed by a succubus and started attacking Saito's familiar and she knocked you out in just one move then we tried to treat you and the demon came out screaming all kind of bullshit and Saito beat the crap out of it, the end". "Uh.....he what?" Herjar asked.

"No need to continue that anymore! Let's leave it at that" Saito said, flustered. "Ho, why? Do you feel embarrassed about talking it?" Minos asked with a snicker on his face. Saito readied his fist as he threatened him, "I said, LEAVE. IT. AT. THAT! Do you understand!?". Minos nodded his head like a chicken pecking on grain.

"Oh yea, I've been meaning to ask, who is this!" Herjar pointed at Nirashi. 'Now I'm fucked!' Saito thought in his mind with a smile on his face. Saito then started explaining about how Nirashi became his familiar in a way they won't doubt.

"Hmm....well, as long as it's not someone after our head it's fine" Herjar said with a casual expression. "Huh? You don't doubt that explanation one bit?" Saito asked. "Why should I? It didn't sound shady at all" Herjar said.

"Well every teacher gives his student something as a gift for graduating and in your case, he must care for you a lot for him to give you a familiar as a weapon, I'm envious of you truth to be told" VIK said with an awkward smile.

"Does that mean your teacher gave you something as well?" Saito asked him. Vik nodded his head, "Yes, he presented me this sword which goes well with my affinity to wind" he drew out his sword and showed them. "My teacher gave me these daggers, as long as I'm worthy, it will guide me to the path of success" Herjar said.

"Well, unlike you guys, I didn't have any teacher or more like I couldn't afford one, so I always self studied while others had teachers to help them, but I did get help form a friend of mine and she presented me this wand for my birthday" Minos took out his wand as he said that. The wand looked just like a wizard's wand, not like a Necromancer wand.

The wand itself was nothing special, but the atmosphere Minos was giving off, it was way to weird. The three of them looked at him with a smirk on their face. "Well, let's leave the weapons story for later and deal with the problem at hand now" Saito said as he turned towards the unconscious succubus. "What are we going to do with it?" Minos asked. His eyes were cold as ice.

"First, let's tie this thing up and interrogate it" Saito said. The others nodded and went to find a rope. After finding one, Minos used his Necromancy to strengthen up the rope and they tied the succubus. "Nirashi, heal it" Saito said. The rest of them armed themselves just in case.

Nirashi's magic arts healed the succubus in blink of an eye. The succubus slowly opened her eyes and looked around. When her eyes fell on the four she started shouting, "YOU PESTS! RELEASE ME! OR I WILL KILL YO-". Saito threw a punch right in her face before she could even finish talking.

"Shut your mouth bitch! Do you think you have permission to talk?" Saito spoke like an interrogator. "YOU DAMN HUMA-" another punch on her face before she could finish. "I said "YOU DON'T HAVE PERMISSION TO TALK UNLESS I GIVE YOU!" understand?" Saito shouted at her. 'Good thing they don't have human rights committee here' he thought in his mind. The succubus stayed silent and didn't talk. "Good, now answer my questions! What are you doing here and why did you possess my friend?" He asked. The succubus didn't talk nor did it wanted to talk.

Saito smiled, 'Exactly what I wanted!' he thought. He turned towards Herjar and said, "Give me you dagger". Herjar was confused and got shocked as he said, "Oi! Even if she doesn't talk now she might talk later! Just because she won't talk now doesn't mean you have to kill her!". The succubus face went dark after hearing him. Saito smiled weirdly as he said, "You don't have to worry, there are interrogation methods to bring out the truth from her since we can't really use extreme methods that would break her soul". "Um....Saito? Your actually pretty much scarring me right now" Minos said with a forced smile on his face.

"Hehehe~ I'll show you how to bring the truth out of an enemy, watch and learn" Saito said with a weird smile. He slowly walked toward the succubus. The succubus struggled to break free, but no luck. "You can't escape, that rope is imbued with Necromancy" Saito said as he crushed her hope. The succubus was trembling with fear when Saito came near her, but she couldn't shout nor curse. Saito crouched down and put a kind smile on his face, "May I ask you kindly for the last time, what are you doing here and why did you possess my friend?" he asked her in the kindest tone he could. "GO TO HELL!" the succubus shouted at him.

Saito still kept the smile as he said, "I expected this". His face became serious and he suddenly stabbed her thigh. "AHHHHHHHH!" the succubus screamed in agony. The trio looked at the scene with shock. They never thought Saito would be so cruel. "Now, tell me what are you doing here and why did you possess my friend?" he asked with a cold tone. She didn't speak and just gritted her teeth.

Saito pulled the dagger out and stabbed her other thigh. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SPEAK BITCH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE AND WHY DID YOU POSSESS MY FRIEND?" Saito shouted. She still didn't speak. Saito pulled out the dagger and stabbed again and started grinding the meat in her thigh with the dagger. "SPEAK!" he shouted again.

The succubus just screamed in pain. Saito didn't care about her pain or suffering and just kept on stabbing her thigh with the dagger, he was merciless. Vik couldn't take it anymore and was about to stop him. "I'LL SPEAK! I'LL SPEAK! SPARE ME, PLEASE!" the succubus begged. Her legs looked bloody af! Her eyes teared like a waterfall.

Vik put a hand on Saito's shoulder as he said, "Saito, don't you think you went too far? Was that much even necessary?". Saito let out a sigh, it was clear that Vik was not familiar with these type of methods while Minos was also feeling uncomfortable, he didn't say anything because he knew that sometimes, even unnecessary things becomes necessary.

Herjar didn't say anything nor did he feel anything, he was just curious as to how Saito would know such method? Well, even though they are like brothers, there are still something's they are in the dark and only time would reveal them.

Saito asked Nirashi to heal the succubus again and her legs became good as new. "Now, tell us what is your purpose?" Saito asked with his threatening tone. "...." the succubus hesitated. Saito let out a sigh and stabbed the dagger on the floor. "I don't have all day, speak!" Saito said in a cold voice that made the temperature go down a few degrees.

"We....we plan to attack a village near this fort and capture it to summon the rest of our forces here and attack the Syliphid forest alliance" the succubus said with her head hung low. Everyone present in the room were shocked. "Attack!? Which village!?" Vik hurriedly asked.

"VIK!" Saito gave him a glare. Vik stopped on his track and just looked down. Minos wanted to speak, but he couldn't. Herjar nodded his head. Saito turned towards the succubus, "How many are there in the advance force?" he asked. "...." the succubus hesitated again. Saito grabbed her cheek and gave her a cold glare, "How. Many. Are. There. In. The. Advance. Force?" he said, word by word.

A cold shiver run down her spine and she spoke, "There are about six thousand and a thousand of them in that is made of middle ranked demons". "When is the attack?" he asked. "Tomorrow, evening when everyone let their guard down" the succubus answered.

"Vik! Tell the men to get ready, we are leaving!" Saito said. "Eh? But didn't she say they were going to attack tomorrow? Shouldn't we prepare for it?" Vik asked with confusion. "We are doing this to exactly avoid coming across them" Saito said with seriousness.

"What do you mean by that! Aren't you going to help those poor villagers?" a someone said. They all turned to look at the source of the voice and noticed that it was none other than the elf leader. "That is one of the barbarian villages! If we don't stop those demons, then the whole alliance would fall!" he said.

"Look here, you are just a guest and we are just passing by, we wouldn't want to involve our men in a fight that doesn't involve us! It's not your soldiers that will die in the battle but ours if we are to help them as you say, we are not foolish enough yet to blindly walk into a fight that we clearly know we don't have a chance at winning without a bigger force, would you lead your men to their death even though you know they will die if you were to fight?" Saito said.

The elf couldn't rebut. Every single word Saito said had deep meaning. They were on impulse while he was rationally thinking of the outcome. A good commander would think of winning the battle with less loss while a great commander would think of avoiding a battle with unnecessary causality. "I strongly agree with master Saito, we have no relation with the Syliphid forest alliance and our force only has about five hundred while the enemy force is six thousand! Our job is to escort his Highness back home! We can't fight them and if we do, we will lose badly!" Rou appeared behind the elf with his armor on.

"Vik, we know you are righteous, but sometimes you should choose to look away for the sake of those who follow you" Herjar said. "We don't want a dark elf telling us that!" a group of elves showed up behind Rou. "As we said, you are just "guests" and you don't have the right to butt in our conversation" Minos said in a cold tone.

"And you don't have the right to criticize us! Come on everyone! He's clearly a Necromancer! And that guy is without a doubt a dark elf! They are beings of darkness! Why are you listening to them!?" a male elf said in a righteous tone. "Because unlike you rookies, we went through a battle against demons once and one of them was a high level demon! So unlike you, they got more rights to speak and we will hear out their opinion whenever we do something" Saito said in a determined tone. "Why is someone like you supporting beings of darkness?" a female elf asked.

"Because we are brothers from different mothers!"