What a day.

After all the powerhouses left, only the Iron Guards and the Wyvern riders along with Vik and others were left. The Wyvern riders began to load the provisions Iron Guard brought with them. Vik introduced his father to the rest while they were doing so.

"HAHAHAHA! I never thought that my proud son would befriend a Necromancer and the "Grim Reaper", one of the greatest assassins alive! And a powerhouse human as a bonus to it! I really want to hear what you been through, let's have a "father and son" talk when we reach home" Vik's father said.

Nobunaga sighed and walked towards them as he said, "Oii! You there, look after this brat till he wakes up" he looked at Nirashi while saying that. Without even waiting for a reply, his armor and his presence, everything of his existence just disappeared along with a black smoke that his body emitted.

Saito had long lost his consciousness and fell on the ground. The four retainers of Nobunaga also vanished. Before his body even hit the ground, Nirashi tried to catch him but Herjar beat her to it. "We're gonna have a nice talk later" he whispered to his ears.

Everyone looked at the two of them with complicated expressions. "I don't know where this is going to end but I'm sure as hell I'll ride it till the end!" Minos said. "Lily will also ride it!" Lily said like the cute little loli she is. Vik then suddenly remembered something and asked, "Oh yea father, how did you come here this fast? I mean you came here pretty fast with the air force and so did the elves and Sylivians and even the Hydral air force was here as well! The powerhouses can use teleportation methods but you can't teleport an army that big! How did they mobilize that fast? How did you manage to mobilize that fast?" he asked his father.

"It's only normal you don't know about it since only the powerhouses of the continent has the right to know about the "Demon emperor contract" which is very confidential" Herjar said as he walked to them while carrying Saito on his right shoulder.

"The Demon Emperor contract? I never heard of such thing even when learning history, does that even exist?" Minos asked with a confused expression. "We can talk about that when we get back, so for now get ready to go back" Vik's father said and gave a look to Herjar and it was not friendly. Vik understood it was not something to be spoken in public so that's why he said that.

Herjar knew it was confidential. It was something equal to a godly secret. But he mentioned it because he trust the ones near him, except Vik's dad since this is the first time seeing him, probably. The Elven guests were released and the provisions brought by the Iron Guard soldiers were loaded on the Wyverns.

Since there was at least a few thousand of them, it wasn't hard to load all the stuff. Plus, the five hundred soldiers also got a fast ride home. Just as they packed all the provisions they brought with them as well as the ones they collected in the forest on the Wyverns, they were greeted by some uninvited guests.

The elves of the Sylive forest alliance stood before them with their weapons drawn. "We have not come to fight, we just want to resolve this peacefully so we wish you would cooperate with us." the Elf who looked like the leader announced.

"Oh? Then may I know what is the reason for you visit? If you don't mind, I would like you to hurry because we are leaving." Vik's father said as if he was willing to cooperate with these bunch of elves. "Very well, we won't take much of your time then! We want you to hand over the dark elf and the human with him as well as that Hobgoblin over there and we will leave you on your own." he said as he pointed towards Vik.

These elves were truly testing Vik's father's patience. Asking him son's friends to accompany them is clearly with no good intentions because he can see it in their eyes, they want to take them in as prisoners. But for them to even ask for his son to become their prisoner and more than that calling him a Hobgoblin.... He's a freaking High Goblin also called as "True Goblin". Now they really ticked him off.

"Hehehe, what if I say I can't comply to your request? What will you do? What "can" you do? Take them away by force? I dare you to try it." he said in a cold friendly tone as he drew his sword out and stabbed it on the ground and stood before them. Even the Goblins got pissed when they heard it. Asking for their prince to come with them? What? Are they gonna have a nice little tea party with them? They seriously doubt that.

"I don't know who you are nor do I care! I was ordered by the queen to bring these three with us and that's all there is to it, if you resist then we will have to use force to resolve this matter and I suggest you not to make me use force because sometimes, I can't control myself." the leader elf threatened them. Now even Herjar wanted to beat this guy to an extend that he won't even be able to stand up for the rest of his life. They truly don't know who they are facing and they are acting all high and mighty mother fuckers.

Herjar was about to do a number on these guys but he was stopped by Vik's father. "Hahaha, Mister Herjar, I doubt these pests are your opponent, please let my men deal with them and let them learn their place" Vik's father laughed as he hand signaled. Four Goblins came forth and Rou was one of them. The three others were from the Wyvern riders. They had their weapons ready in their arms.

"You are truly foolish, we are the elite eight of the Elven palace guards, these four lowly Goblins won't even stand a chance against us! Stop underestimating us and send them, we got matters to attend to." the leader guy sighed as he said that. "Stop talking shit, if you can defeat these four, then I'll send them with you" Vik's father confidently said.

"Truly foolish, what more can you expect from mere goblins?" he said as he made a move. The rest of the elves following him also darted at them. All their blades were sharp and their eyes had killing intent overflowing.

Three minutes later...

All eight of the supposed to be "elites" were lying on the ground with fatal injuries. These guys were bloody af. Only their leader was left standing with blood oozing out from him shoulder injury as well as from his head injury. "You.... Who the hell are you guys! Mere goblins can't do this much damage! Who the hell are you all!." the last man standing finally asked it.

"Nobody, just your bad luck." Rou said in a mocking tone. "DON'T GET COCKY YOU FILTHY GOBLIN!" he finally snapped and darted like an arrow shot from a bow. He aimed at Rou's head. Rou's eyes became sharp. He tilted his head a bit to the side and the blade just gazed his armor, doing nothing but a scratch. Rou immediately followed up with his special "Iron punch" and sent the Elf flying off the mountain. Who said Goblins are weak? Those who look down on their enemies are the weak ones.

The elf lost his consciousness when the impact of the punch sank in. His life was about to end. But suddenly, he was caught mid air by someone. "*sigh* First elves and now Sylivians? What a day" Vik's father sighed.

"You attacked a high ranking warrior of the Elves, I hope you have a good reason" the leader of this group of Sylivians said. 'I seriously want to end their lives and go home and have a nice chat with my son...' Vik's father thought.

"They were the first ones to attack, we were just defending ourselves" Minos said. "I don't remember asking you, human... Necromancer? Interesting." the Sylivian said. "You asked a general question and I generally answered." Minos replied, not afraid of what they might do.

"You are acting all arrogant just because you got a few thousand Goblins and Wyverns behind your back? I can kill you with one hand and my eyes closed." the house fly-guy mocked them. "Oh? I dare you to try it! I double dare you mother fucker!" Minos said. The Sylivian smiled as if he succeeded in what he was aiming. He passed the Elf to his subordinate and flew towards Minos like a bullet, he even closed his eyes just like he said. "Haven't your parents taught you? You shouldn't close your eyes when your facing an enemy." Herjar's cold voice echoed in his ears and the next thing he knew was sharp pain coming from his wrist. He stopped and looked at his hand. His wrist was actually cut off clean.

"AHHHHHHHHHH." blood was pouring like a fountain. He couldn't take the pain and started crying. Herjar couldn't even bare to look at this scene. These guys are like kids. Just because they know some moves doesn't mean they are pros of battlefield. "You all can come at me for all I care, I don't want to waste anymore time." Herjar said in a cold tone which sent shiver running down their spine. 'So this is the cold blooded killer Assassin "The Grim Reaper" huh? Not bad.' Vik's father thought.

"That's enough!" A female voice echoed. Soon, someone they did not expect to come had actually came. The current Queen of the Sylivians had personally made an appearance along with her personal guard. "Greetings your Highness, as the rumors say, your beauty is unmatched." Vik's father started sugar coating. "But it still doesn't interest you does it your Highness the King Rukkendi?" the queen smiled while looking at him. "May I know how she knows you?" Vik whispered without even flinching. "I'll explain later so be quiet for now" Vik's father whispered back. Vik nodded his head and gave Rou a look. Rou understood and signaled the troops to be ready. The hunters took position and readied themselves.

The Sylivians also drew out their weapons. "Now now, I don't think we old friends should be this tense after our reunion in a long time." the queen smiled. "Heh, friends? You Sylivians ever considered us friends? Wow, that's actually funny because you "friends" were never there when we fought the Orcs all alone twenty three years ago! You Sylivians and Elves betrayed us and now you dare come here saying nonsense like "friendship"? Do you take me for a retard?" Vik's father said in a pissed off tone.

The queen didn't reply. The mood of the Goblins began to worsen while the Sylivians mood dropped. "If that's all the we are leaving" Vik's father turned around and headed towards his Wyvern. The rest did the same. "Wait! Just tell me why does your son have the "Blessing of the Wind"? It's something only the Elves and Sylivians get! It's a treasure for us! How did he get it?" she asked.

"Isn't if obvious? The gods have forsaken you for good" he said and continued towards his Wyvern. "We have nothing else to do here, let's go" she said as she turned to leave. "Your Majesty! How can we let them go like this after they offended us? Wouldn't it make us look weak?" one of her guards said.

"If you want to stop them and teach them a lesson, go ahead and be my guest but remember that I will not interfere with it and nor will the Kingdom, the last thing we want is to offend Goblina" she said as she flew away. The guards just gritted their teeth and followed her back.

The Goblins all got on the back of Wyverns. Vik got went with his father while the others got on the ones who were free. With that, they flew towards Goblina, the country of Goblins.