
Saito, as a soldier in his previous life, couldn't digest the words. Thirty nine out of fifty thousand coming back alive is....... He never really heard anything like this happen before. There were cases worse than this like no one returning and all, but only thirty nine out of fifty thousand returning...... He can't understand how they would feel. After winning a gruesome battle but losing a lot of their friends, no one would want to live after such an event. Their first thought would have been "Why should I live? Why can't it be me instead of him? Why? Why?" like that they will lose their mind while looking at their dead comrades.

But staying sane and coming back alive without killing themselves, these Goblins are more than what eye meets. Herjar also understood this fact. He also fought in a war and lost his friends, comrades and dear ones in it. There were times when his own dagger pointed his own neck due to despair.


"I'm sorry your Majesty, that is indeed unfortunate but regretting something that happened in distant past is meaning less! Right now, there is a fight approaching and it ain't gonna be small! They will come at us with every intention to kill and we have to do our utmost to win with minimal loss so I got only one question, are you with me in this?" Saito asked. The ministers whispered among themselves. Rukkendi and his wife looked at each other. Vik and Minos did the same while only Herjar nodded with a smile.

"Saito, does that mean..." Vik asked with confusion. "Do you want me to sign a certificate or something? Of course I'm joining this fight and if you want me to lead, I don't mind doing so because I don't want to betray your trust and yes of course, you are still a newborn baby when it comes to leading so watch and learn." Saito said while teasing him. Herjar let out a light laugh while Minos died laughing.*smack*. A fist landed on Minos head who already lost his balance, making him fall down.

"Thank you mister Saito, I'm extremely greatfull for this and as a father, I'm very happy that my son made such reliable friends." Ruk said. "Yea yea, we three can't let this guy lead an army alone or else we don't even know if he will return, let alone an army." Saito criticized with a grin. "Yeah fuck you." Vik showed his middle finger towards him.

Vik knew that he was being made fun off by Saito so he did that. But he had forgotten where he was. Ever since he joined this group, he's been very easy going and feeling free. That feeling was always there whenever he was together with the three. These guys are like four musketeers.

"Vik........ Did you forget court etiquettes? You are in front of your father and the King of this nation! Mind your manners, you are the future King." Vik's mother said in a not-so-soft manner. "I am extremely sorry mother, it's just......" Vik only then realized that he was in the throne hall. He forgot that he was here when talking with Saito.

"It's fine dear, seeing our son like this itself a blessing to a father who is a King, being free even though he has burden forced on his shoulders, he is still free, which King wouldn't want this?" Ruk said with a smile while looking at his wife. She blushed and looked away. That eyes, she had fallen for that eyes and still can't look at them head on after all these years. Looking at his satisfied expression, she understood he was happy for their son. She smiled and dropped the matter.

"Alright, if that's all then shall we have a strategic meeting?" Saito asked while running his hands. "Wait a minute mister Saito, even though Vik wants you to be the commander of army, I'm not convinced." Ruk suddenly said.

"Then what? Do you want me to lead a small force and go exterminate hordes of monsters to prove it?" Saito asked. "You don't have to goto that extend, just have a duel with me." Ruk simply said.


Everyone inside the hall were silent. The King, the ruler of this nation, a rivaled Knight who is said to be able to said toe to toe with Hydral's top swordman and the beast king of Raizon Kingdom is asking a normal Mercenary for a duel. No matter how you look at it, the odds are against the Mercenary.

"A duel? Name the place and time." Saito said without hesitation. He didn't know why, but ever since he came here he's been earning for battles that will break his bones. He even began doubting his sanity and started wondering whether he became a masochist or something.

"HAHAHAHA! Interesting, no one ever readily accepted my challenge on the spot but you did, that's very courageous of you but are you sure? I won't go easy on you though." Ruk laughed. "Are you sure? He's a monster you know?" Vik said with a worried tone. Vik and Minos looked at each other. Well, he is not wrong.

"Yes, you better listen to your friend and think it through mister Saito." Ruk said, like he already won. "Father, I said that for you not him, I'm not worried about him even a bit, if anything I'm worried about you." Vik through a mud pie right at his face (lol). And once again, the hall was silent.

"Your Highness, even if your friend is strong, he can't be compared to his Majesty." one of the ministers said. "Do you really think that highly of me Vik?" Saito asked with a confused tone while pointing himself. This guy...... He was undoubtedly trying to get him in trouble. A big one at that.

"Come on, I trust you can do it because you killed a High rank demon during the battle at Frogwell." Vik said. "That time I was not alone! I had you, him and him to cover for me!" Saito pointed Minos and Herjar.

"Isn't it fine? It's just a friendly duel, you can do it can't you?" Herjar said. "But....." Saito hesitated. "Saito, my father personally trained me, even though I'm not as strong as him I'm still sure that you can beat him." Vik said confidently.

"Hahaha, seems like I lost the support of my son! Very well, I shall fight mister Saito in a duel after two days time, rest and prepare well until then." Ruk laughed and announced his challenge formally. "Then I shall wait for you." Saito said with a grin.

"Send word about this to the people, those who wish to watch our duel shall come to the arena after two days." Ruk ordered the ministers. "As you command your Majesty." the ministers said in unison and left to prepare everything for the upcoming duel. This is gonna be a festival.

Saito originally agreed quick due to overconfident but seeing how Vik spoke highly of him, he began to doubt his choice. Nonetheless, he later began to regret accepting the challenge.

"Oii, from what you guys say, he's a monster among monsters!" Saito exclaimed. Currently, its day one and all four of them are inside the bedroom discussing about the upcoming duel. Herjar said what he knew and combined with Vik's praises, Rukkendi is classified as a monster among monsters.

"But Herjar, are you sure about the fighting power of that beast guy whatever-his-name is?" Saito asked him. "100% sure, he's a hard nut to crack, if I ever failed then it is in killing that guy." Herjar said it normally but it sent shivers down Saito's spine.

"And you said your dad can go toe-to-toe with him?" He looked at Vik. "Yes." Vik simply gave an answer. "Will I be alright? I feel like I just walked into a pit dug for a bear." Saito said.

"Don't worry too much, this is only a friendly duel, you don't die in it, probably." Minos said as he threw a small grape into his mouth. "Probably huh? Am I supposed to feel assured with this guy here?" Saito pointed at Minos. Herjar just shrugged his shoulder.

"Your dad testing me personally is a bit over the board if I say so." Saito said as he fell on the bed backward. "Testing you?" Vik asked confusedly.

"Well yeah, he's going to leave the life of his son and god-knows-how-many soldiers in my hands, of course he would test to see if I have the ability to do so, but what makes me feel confused was not the fact that he's leaving the lives in my hand, but something else." Saito said.

"So you also noticed huh?" Herjar said. "Yeah, he's looking for a hardass battle that will make his bones break or so his looks said." Saito said as he looked at the ceiling.

"My father is not battle crazed though." Vik said as he sat on the bed. "Maybe, but that look in his eyes were not that of a battle junkie, but of a warrior looking for a strong opponent." Saito said.

"Exactly, I've seen many with that type of eye, sometimes, they are not good news." Herjar said while looking out the window. For some reason, he liked it this way. Sitting on the windowsill and looking out while the soft breeze hit his face. Sort of peaceful.

"And I'm going to fight him, I don't know if I should be happy or terrified or doubt if I am losing my sanity for accepting such a request." Saito said. "Third one I guess?" Minos said with a finger on his mouth, as if he was thinking. "Don't rub salt on my wound dude." Saito gave him a look.

"Anyway, you better come up with something to defeat that father of mine or you can't be the commander if you don't impress him." Vik said as he stood up and was about to leave. "Why should I fight for the commander post? Isn't it better if I just stay in the background as a side character?" Saito asked as he sat up.

"Saito, understand one thing, I don't want to lose too many lives in this war and if I want that to become true then only you can do it, I have faith in you leading us and bringing the men back safely, I don't know why but I just have this feeling that we might win this war of generations, now if you will excuse me, I have some matters I have to attend to." Vik said and he left the room.


"We can't do anything now, I'll just face him head on since Vik has that much trust in me." Saito said. "Don't worry, me, Herjar, Vik and Lily are all supporting for you! You will definitely win! Be more confident!" Minos encouraged him.

They have been together for quite some time now and they understood each other well. Herjar might look cold buy he care's for his comrades. Saito is the type that wish to face things head on or bolt it if it is too hard. Minos is the silly but serious type. Vik can be considered as an immature prince who still needs some experience. Lily is still the cute deadly Loli NEKO.

Who gives a damn about others? As long as they are together, fuck Orcs, even demons are easy.