Field of dead

Arrival of Herjar was their arrival of hope. Killing five professional assassins in blink of an eye. Even if they were to gank them together, they might not be able to do it. Quantity can overpower quality but the terrain should be to their advantage. If it was an open field, these five assassin might not survive their formation. The soldiers would have took care of them without Herjar needing to come. (Enemies: why do I hear boss music on the background?)

Rou and the rest of the Iron Guards in at city square had took care of the ones over their side. The escaped ones were caught as well. The Hunter corps were not a joke. As their name says, they hunted down those that escaped and brought them back.

Same city square. The duel had been suspended due to the same incident happening in the arena stadium. The enemies clearly did not expect to encounter a top ranked assassin, a samurai, a necromancer and a lord goblin knight and a few thousand soldiers to be in the stadium or else they would've said fuck off to the guild master who gave this emergency mission.

Thirty five minutes earlier, Saito was entering the fighting ground. Ruk was already waiting in his full armored knight costume. Compared to Saito who is lightly armored, this dude is really packing a ton. 'Woah! That guy is carrying at least a fuckton! How the heck am I supposed to break his defense! Moreover, WHAT THE HECK IS WITH THAT HUGE CLAYMORE(also kind of a broadsword but bigger) DOING ON HIS BACK! HE ALREADY HAS A DUAL HANDED SWORD RIGHT! Oh god I'm fucked.' Saito internally screamed but his face was hidden so no fuck can see it.

'If master wishes, I can change your armor to a much protected one.' Nirashi suddenly said in his mind. Saito was shocked for a second. The first thought that came to his mind was that silver devil like armor with baddass looks and powers. 'Nirashi, can you do it?' He asked.

'Leave it to me!' Nirashi said and then Saito began glowing again while walking towards the field. Starting from his legs, the light slowly dispersed.

He marched forward with no care.

He marched forward with no fear.

He marched forward with the will to win.

(Rukkendi: Ho? You're approaching me?)

The moment he stopped the light fully dispersed as it broke like a mirror. His armor, it was not like before. Before he wore a normal like weird looking light armor but now, he had a full heavy type armor. His blue armor covering his full body looked fucking awesome! The Samurai heavy armor with Japanese symbols here and there marked with yellow made it look very baddass. Only his eyes and nose weren't covered while everything else was under the blue armor. His armor was very eye catching. Everyone in the arena stadium was swayed by it.

And at the pace he walked and that aura of a warrior who walked out of a hundred battle and killed a thousand men type, he even gave Rukkendi, a lord knight who no one would want to face head on in a fight, a feeling of fear.

Even Herjar who was far away could feel it. That this was not the "Samurai" Saito and they he was correct, this is indeed not the "Samurai" Saito but the "Special forces" Saito who was a grade A killer who rarely failed a mission. Navy SEALS training, military exercise with Spetsnaz and all those military co-op with MACROS made him the "him" today. He's not hard as steel or tough as iron or any other bullshit. He's just a normal soldier with abnormal capabilities when it comes to combat.

He stopped when he was ten feet away from Ruk. "Nice display of magic there." Ruk joked but Saito didn't comment back. "Hmhmhm." Ruk smiled, a perfect opponent.

The judge was none other than the queen. Since it was a fight between the king and a friend of the future king, she took the role of playing judge.

"Both warriors prepare yourselves!"

She stood from her seat and said. It was like the Roman Colosseum and she was at the place where the king sits. She looked at Rukkendi. He drew out his single hand sword. He didn't even have a shield. She nod her head and looked at Saito and he didn't even draw his weapon but just nod his head.

"Both warriors ready! Fight!"

Rukkendi was the first to attack. His speed was explosive! He was like a bullet which just left it's barrel and he was going for a head on collision with Saito. Saito's instincts told him that the moment he takes that strike head on, he would have a few bones fractured. Rukkendi did an upper slash with his sword but Saito dodged to his right. It was only a hair length difference but he dodged it! Ruk didn't stop and used the momentum to spin and slash downwards.

Saito's eyes became sharp. Even Nirashi and Nobunaga who were inside them felt it.

Everything slowed down it front of Saito. The trajectory of the sword could be clearly seen by him. He then let out his breath which he was holding and then drew out his katana in lightning speed while dodging to the right. He bend forward a little and and his katana slid on the broadside of the sword and stopped when it reached Rukkendi's neck.

Rukkendi stopped and the shockwave of the force stop blew. At that second, a small green arrow came towards Rukkendi's back. Saito reacted fast and caught the arrow. Rukkendi also became alert and took a defense stance behind Saito. More than a few hundred cloaked figures jumped out of the people's side. One fourth of them went to deal with the incoming soldiers while the others jumped into the battle ground. All of them had swords, daggers, bows or hidden crossbows.

Saito looked at Herjar and nodded. Herjar understood the meaning of his nod and disappeared. Vik and Minos took out their weapons. Minos summoned his skeleton warriors and made them attack the Assassins while assisting the army.

The Queen already jumped inside the ground and stood beside her husband with her blade. "I'm taking the two hundred on this side while you guys take the hundred on the other side." Saito said and slowly walked towards them, leaving Rukkendi and his wife.

"Oh my, isn't he confident." Rukkendi said with a smirk on his face. Nefteiry also smiled. The two of them used their explosive speed to dash towards the Assassins. The remaining two hundred Assassins rushed towards Saito at high speed. Saito's katana glowed in silver color which followed by a dark violet color. Saito brought his other hand and held the katana with both hands and span and sent out a sword wave. It was an energy attack. A strike with the combined power of light and darkness.

That sword wave cut seventy or so assassins into two pieces while the rest dodged it in time. They looked at their fallen comrades body for a second. Saito used this second and then.

"After steps."

He ran towards them leaving after images. He was so fast that you can only see his shadow image. He was ten feet away from the first assassin. The first assassin was about put his guard up but suddenly, his throat was slit opened. Only then did Saito's image came and strike where the first assassin's throat was. Saito was ten steps faster. He did the same and cut the remaining assassins open. Since he was invisible and only his after image was visible, the assassins had no chance at putting up guard and he had an easy time killing them.

Soon Rukkendi and Nefteiry killed off the hundred on their side and was about to go help Saito, but they were stunned by what they saw. Saito drew out his blade from the heart of the last assassin.

It was a field of dead.