So to say

So hell to the O to the yo! Welcome to another useless chap of me b*llsh*ting chap with no actual content.

So we actually hit 100+ votes but, that was because I myself also voted along with you guys to ensure that. Which means technically, you lose. Buy hey, who cares? We hit 100 one way or the other right?

So here's the thing, I'll restart uploading chaps but a day or 2 later cuz I'm currently stuck up in a goddamn hospital along with my dad in suspect of covid-19 aka Novel Corona Virus (don't call it Chinese Virus or Ching Chong Virus, that's racist).

So I'll be out of this prison in a day or two and then I'll give my all to writing and then give you all the content you want. (Please pray I don't have Covid, cuz I'll be stuck here longer and I already hate it here even though the facilities are good, the bill is making my heart ache, I'll die from heart attack than a freaking viral attack).

So there you have it, please stay safe and enjoy life. You only live once. And expect more content soon enough.

Until then, this is Sai Kirito.