
"I am sorry but I can not support you in this war", that was what Leonardo Jilani said to Johnny Fazio, the second son of the Fazio crime family. Leonardo was the advisor and close friend of the late Don Fazio. He was one of the few people still alive who help through their 50 years of struggle and blood to make the family what it was today. He held an influential position in the family due to his friendship with the Don and his many years of contribution to the family. Don Fazio passed away before the new family head was chosen between his two sons; Phillip and Johnny Fazio. Sides were chosen amongst the executives and their soldiers, and an all out war raged within the family in which blood flowed like an endless stream. Leonardo was the only high authority in the family who hadn't picked a side. Due to his influence both sons were trying to recruit him to their side and with his help they could easily trample over the other person.

He was invited this morning to Johnny's villa for an important meeting and the topic for discussion was how to quell the current family situation. But things didn't quite go as planned because Johnny was still trying to recruit him against his older brother. The problem Johnny never took into consideration when making his plans was the old mans stubborn personality to stick to his decisions no matter what. He tried to talk some sense into the man but he just wouldn't listen.

Leonardo understood what Johnny wanted from him but he had already made an oath to his friend not to participate in the internal struggles between the sons. Yes, it was just as anyone would guess, Don Fazio didn't chose the next head so that his sons could go to war against each other. He was hoping that out of the ashes of the war a stronger and more united family would rise.

As Leonardo took the last sip of his wine all he could feel was pain. Unimaginable pain, that tipped him over and out of his seat unto the floor clutching his throat in a struggle to breathe. 'Will of the Enchantress'; they say it took your breath away like staring at the most beautiful enchantress in the kingdom. It was a slow acting poison which attacked the lungs of its victims in a vicious way. This was Johnny's scheme all along. Since he could not convince Leonardo to join him, he had to eliminate him. He had already infiltrated deep into Leonardo circle of authority, but Leonardo's presence in the family would still cause some minor inconveniences. With Leonardo dead he had all he needed to take care of his elder brother and rise as the new head of the Fazio crime family.

As Leonardo felt his life slip away from him in the most painful way he could ever imagine, he was still able to guess the reason for his current predicament and true reason for Johnny's invitation. He could have guessed it all along but he didn't. This was because he still saw them as the little kids they were a couple years ago. Oh how time flew. He was now old and at the verge of death at the hands of his own godson and he could feel nothing else but defeat and annoyance. Annoyance at the fact that he wasn't ready to die but there was nothing he could do about it now. What truly made him frustrated were the words Johnny spoke to him before his lights went out. They were the words he said to all his enemies and boasted about as his catchphrase for past fifty years;"Don't think too much about it 'uncle', its just simply business".


He could feel his consciousness falling but no matter what he did he could not stop or speak or even move, he just kept on falling down and down into an eternal abyss. He could no longer remember how many days he had been falling, for the concept of time kept eluding him by every second he still falling in this place.

It finally came an end as he fell into the light at the end of the abyss which imprisoned him. He could feel his body and his ability to control it return to him. He tried to move and open his eyes, but all he could see at first was a blur until his eyes finally cleared up and he could take in a proper view of his surrounding's. He was surprised by what came into his vision. It was an Italian styled bedroom, with a high ceiling and luxurious bed. It all seemed like a room made for a rich Italian prince. He noticed an overly decorated and expensive mirror on the wall at the end of the room and when he looked at what was reflected in it, he was even more surprised. He tried to crawl out of the bed he was in order to get closer to the mirror so as to get a clearer view of himself. He fell a little light headed and sore around his chest as he moved but he could care less about that at the moment. What he saw when he got closer was really what took all his attention. He was looking at a young man barely over the ages of 21. He was handsome in a rich Italian kind of way and brimming with youthful vigor as compared to his former self.


While he was still thinking about his reflection a sound akin to a bomb going off rang out in his head then all he could feel was pain from his aching head. It felt like his brain was about to explode and nothing he could do to stop it. It kept on for a few minutes and the pain kept getting worse as though his brain was being forcefully expanded and filled countless memories. Memories of the previous owner of his current body.

He grit his teeth in an attempt to endure the pain but he couldn't resist letting out a loud scream before it all stopped. When he came back to his senses he was drench and sprawled over the floor. Through the memories of the body's previous owner he was able to find out that he had really died back on earth, but he seemed to have been reincarnated into the body of the only heir to the declining Fanucci crime family in a new world slightly similar to the earth he was from.

It was then a maid rushed into the room because of the noise from earlier and spotted Leo struggling to get up from his position on the floor. She did not attempt to help him get up but hr couldn't blame her, he could see the shock and fear on her face as she bolted out the same way she came in to announce to the whole mansion what she just saw.

The young master has finally woken up.