
Leo quickly walked over to where the two were in a standoff with each other as he got in between the two people before the American boy could get crushed by the hulking man. He stood facing the boy and completely ignoring the man behind him. He was just about to start up a conversation with the young man when an annoyed voice rang out from behind him,

" You have a lot of guts getting between me and the kid, not only that but you also ignore my presence. I would like to know what makes you feel you can ignore me, Boris Barabanov", said the brute of a man with complete rage in his eyes. It looked like he was about to explode from his rage and seemed like Leo's actions had really infuriated him.

"He's from the Fanucci family. He's the son of the old head and the current new head of the family, Leonardo Fanucci", shouted someone who had recognized, amongst the group gathered around. After hearing what was said everyone's countenance changed. Some had mocking gazes, some disdain and some showed caution. This was because the Fanucci family used to be an influential family in the city but had seemed to have lost the power the wielded, so these reactions were expected from the people around. But for Boris his rage seemed to disappear as a mocking glint shone in his eyes and his lips curved into a smile.

"Hahahahaha… so it's the new head of the Fanucci family. Sorry I didn't recognize you", he said before going on,"But so what if you're the new head. What power or authority does a bunch of Italian idiots and weaklings who call themselves a crime family but could not solve their own internal disputes and were force to stand back and watch as everything was taken from them by their own members, possibly have in this place to interfere with my business?"

"And of what concern is our internal disputes to you Russian swine, who know nothing but to get drunk off cheap and poor quality rum". Right before Leo could reply, an annoyed voice rang from his side. It was Antonio, and he seemed rather pissed off at what the Russian had said.

"This dog! Don't you see me talking to your master and what right do you have to get involved in our discussions. Well, it would seems the Fanucci family is quite strong and overbearing to lacks the respect of a noble family and their dog talk down to an executive of the 'Bratya po Oruzhiyu'".

When everyone heard this name, they were shocked and scared at the man's identity. The Bratya as it was commonly known, was a Russian syndicate formed by three of the top ten Russian mafia families back in Russia as a means to expand their authority and also go into new and foreign markets. It was their branch here in the Federation and it held quiet a considerable amount of power. They were mostly known for being very ruthlessness and brutal towards anyone who tried to cross them, and their love for violence more than anything.

Leo was able to pick up on the faint mumblings of the crowd and was able to understand the backing and identity of the Russian man. Another old gangster amongst the group after hearing what the guy said, unconsciously mumbled to himself, "If he belongs to that organization and his name is Boris, then he should be 'that' Boris, the new rising star with superpowers, Boris the Breaker".

When the crowd heard this old mans mumbling the were shocked even more, people may not have known Boris real name but his nickname was well known and feared. He got the nickname on his first mission for the Bratya; to wipe out a rival mafia family in one night. They say all the members of that family were found the next day with all their bone broken and crushed by his superhuman strength and none of them survived or managed to escape.

When Boris heard the people around talking about him, there was a hint of arrogance and pride on his face as he smiled smugly. He decided to teach the Italian dog before him a lesson so as to humiliate the Fanucci family and increasing his prestige and reputation.

So, he quickly acted before anyone could react and launched his fist at Antonio wanting to crush him with his power as an ability holder.


His fist roared with ferocity as it headed straight for Antonio's face. The aura around his fist

was like a primitive beast that had just woken from its slumber and wanted to devour the world. It kept anyone who saw it freeze due to fear and was extremely fast, crushing all resistance as it arrived before it's target. Leaving group to gasp in shock at it's power.

But things didn't go as everyone had expected. Right before his fist could connect with it's target, Antonio had already dodged the attack stepping forward to grab his wrist and collar and with the help from the momentum of the incoming attack tripped him and threw him through a wall at the end of the bar, crushing the tables and chairs on the way.

Everyone in the bar went silent. They just watched as Boris the beaker out of the bar through a wall. It was completely inconceivable to them how it had happened, the fight had started and ended before anyone could really grasp what was happening, and the man known for his high level of strength and brutality to his opponents was actually defeated so easily. It was even by a member of the weak and declining Fanucci family. Even Leo was not spared from the shock he felt because no one was supposed to know more about the family situation than him. From what he knew the family did not have an expert ability holder any more except his uncle, and confused about what had just happened, prompting him to ask, "I thought you had no powers Antonio? Explain what just happened?"

"I don't have any powers boss, but I did spend four years in the military and the taught us how to subdue enemy ability holders. As long as the ability holder was not above rank 3 I could easily subdue them although, it may take a lot more effort for some. What just happened was a simple method to subdue them using their own power against them".

Leo was now clear on how he had won but he was now more interested in what Antonio had said about ranks. If the ability holders were ranked what was it based on? And how can you identify the various ranks? He had a lot of questions he wanted to ask but his train of thoughts was soon interrupted by a voice tinged with excitement and killing intent coming from the hole in the wall.

" Good I thought you were just some dog but seeing as how you were able to throw me through wall, when I was just using half of my strength. I didn't want to because it seemed unnecessary, but now I don't really mind going all out against you", said Boris as his figure crawled out of the ruble from the broken wall.

When he was done speaking and had climbed out of the ruble, he quickly vanished only to appear right before Antonio. He was so fast no one noticed when he had arrived before him. He launched his fist again this time but the aura around it had completely changed as compared to before. If it was a primitive beast before it was now a tyrant amongst beast that brought death where ever it went, deciding the life and death of others.


Antonio was blown flying backwards through the air and into the other wall before anyone could react to the situation or warn him of the incoming danger. Boris flashed once again and he was already beside the struggling Antonio. He quickly grabbed him and picked him off the ground from the neck sending a barrage of punches to his stomach, chest and head in succession.

Boom boom boom

Was the sound of his fist as it crashed into Antonio's body, causing him lots of pain and finally sending him unconscious. This display of strength was pure and brutal with no mercy, just as the rumors said. When he was done, he easily tossed the unconscious body at Leo's feet, went to the bar, apologize for the commotion to the manager, who had come out due to the noise. He settled his bill, and as he passed by Leo on his way out with his group, there was a look of disappointment at how everything had ended too quick and easy unlike he expected. He looked to Leo who was now beside him as they passed by and said with disdain in his voice.

" It seems the Fanucci family isn't as strong as the make themselves to be, it would be better to give up on trying to rise up again. The world is changing with more and more powerful people joining the mafia and with your family's current ability you would only get more crushed and eventually destroyed. Running a crime organization isn't a game boy, so I would be careful if I were you". Before finally leaving.

Leo was angry at this state but he could only sigh, the guy was correct it wasn't a game and it isn't going to be easy but he had to do it not just for the family but Aldo himself. It was his second chance at life to achieve the impossible and he would crush and walk over the bones and corpse of anyone who tried to block his path. He walked up to the counter as everyone dispersed and laughed as the made fun of the fact Fanucci family tried to challenge an executive member of Bratya and got crushed into a humiliating defeat. When he arrived at the counter he pulled out his wallet to pay for the damages done and settle his wine bill. He then looked to the boy standing next to him and the cause of his current predicament, asking;

" What's your name?"

" Allen, Allen Ware", was the reply he received from the boy's shocked face before he stuck his hand into his coat pocket retrieving a black business card with the family insignia of a gold colored letter 'F' printed in cursive, at the upper left corner of the card and he stuffed it into the boys hands saying,

" Take it. Come by the mansion sometime let's discuss the potential of your product in more detail", before he left with the unconscious Antonio in his arms.

After stepping out of the doors of the bar and placing Antonio in the back seat of the car, grabbing the keys and about to get into the driver's seat, he was blocked by a dark skinned boy with a wooden bat. He looked around him and soon realized he had been surrounded with no where to go.

He could only sigh for his nth time today cause it seemed trouble was not done with him just yet.