Cleaning up Things

After leaving the mansion they headed south of the entertainment district an area called the Hotspot, it was an area were many gangs came to hang out, which was Fanucci territory but had been taken over by a gang called the south city Creepers; the Creepers was a very notorious Mexican gang which was terrorizing this part of the city. They dealt in extortion, rubbery, rape, drugs and even murder; just for the fun of it. The claimed ownership of the Hotspot and because of that, the crime rate in the area had reach a unprecedented high level even the cops could do nothing about it. The Creepers had a lot of affiliations so it was hard to track their movements and the citizens in the area were to scared to snitch.

Leo chose the Creepers because they were the current biggest gang to go against if he wanted a powerful level of prestige amongst the local gangs. He needed a strong opponent so as to deter others from taking him lightly, this was the reason he had Benedetto gather as much information on the Creepers as he could. With what he got, he had a planned out strategy to settle things without even breaking a sweat, they just needed to get there.

They arrived right outside a rundown motel by the corner of the street with a bar at the front. Four black cars parked outside the motel with fifteen people dressed in black overcoats stepping out, the gang members in front were on alert after seeing this and were getting ready to fight. Leo had ordered that all members of the family most be in a black suit when going out for jobs, the only exception was Marco who only wore a black vest and black stripped corporate shirt with an underarm gun holster with two standard pistols. Marco walked up to the other side of the door and opened it for Leo to step out. When he was out he gave Antonio the signal to inform them that the Fanucci family head wanted to see their boss.

The message was passed along immediately and they were invited up without delay. They were guided through the bar and lobby before arriving at a door at the top floor which seemed to be an office. Leo had left eight guys at the front with the cars; four drivers and four sentries, he also left three at the bar and two in the lobby with the rest following him into the room.

The leader of the Creepers was called 'Jefe'. He was a tattoo covered freak who believed himself to be the messenger of the devil. He ruled his boys with fear and extreme ferocity, giving him complete rule and control over the gang. For a lawless gang like the Creepers such is expected from one who wished to be called leader and not shot in the back for the throne.

When Leo walked into the room they were about ten guys at different positions watching their party. Jefe sat at a desk at the end of the room sizing up Leo as he walked in. He was just like Leo had pictured; with tattoos all over his hands and face, and a lean body that could easily be broken under the slightest pressure. He had vicious wolf like eyes which spat out killing intent deterring anybody from making a move against him, with his wolf like nature and character he had an air of cunning and intelligence about him, but Leo wasn't the least bit bothered by it and just found himself a seat facing Jefe directly.

Jefe was also sizing up Leo, trying to understand why this Fanucci bastards were here to see him. When he first heard about their appearance from his boys and how they mobilized themselves, he had thought they came for war, but he didn't have any beef with the Fanucci's to instigate a war, and although the territory originally belong to the Fanuccis, the Creepers already had complete control over the area making them untouchable. He wanted to test them by releasing some of his killing aura and with the help of his rank 1 ability; wolf man, which gave him the nature of an alpha wolf it seemed not to have any reaction at all, not even against the young man who walked peacefully with a smile plastered on his face to sit before him. But before he could think about the situation any further the young man spoke first.

"So, your Jefe, you look just like I pictured; a tattoo covered mexicaca with nothing but ambition for things you shouldn't try to take", said Leo while staring straight into the mans eyes.

The whole room went chilly after Leo made that statement. All the guys in the room were affected by the killing intent released by this boss. The Mexicans were about to draw their weapons when the boss controlled his anger and signalled them to stop. He made sure to calm down before he spoke.

"I'm glad you appreciate my tattoos, but I know the young head of a fallen dog family like the Fanucci would not visit me just because of my tattoos right?", Jefe could sense something was not right, it seemed to him like this young man before him was trying to provoke him into acting. Thinking about this, he did not want to fall into his enemy's pace and get entangled in a trap, so he calmed down his anger and his men from reacting in order to find out exactly what the Fanuccis were here for.

"I truly respect your endurance, I almost thought you would blow up a minute ago but it seems you controlled it quite well. Anyway, lets get down to business, I'm here to get what belongs to me and my Fanucci family. You and your boys have been running amok in my territory for far too long, but, because of the fact that I appreciate talent like yours to be able to lead such a group, I'll give you two options; surrender to me and become my underlings or refuse me and I will end you and your petty group of hoodlums immediately. So, what's it going to be?", said Leo with a smirk on his face looking directly at Jefe.

The room went silent after hearing what Leo had said. They were stunned by what they had just heard, but it only lasted for a few seconds before the whole place burst with laughter, they just really couldn't believe what they were hearing, the Fanuccis were threatening them; the south city Creepers, in their own headquarters, no one had ever attempted this before most of all a declining power like the Fanuccis.

Jefe on the other hand didn't laugh like his boys, he was still starring back at the boy before him with the confident smile. His experience and intuition were telling him that what the young man said was not a joke, but the fact that the Fanucci family no longer had any power was well known to everyone, so Jefe didn't know were their confidence came from making him a little cautious. But the more he thought about it the more he felt there was no reason to be. He had about 30 men in the building, with the number advantage and his ability as a rank 1 he felt there was no need for caution even if the Fanuccis had gotten themselves a secret backer.

He got up from his seat with boundless rage and killing intent as he spat directly at Leo, before stating, "Your Fanucci family may have owned this area before but things have changed and there is no way a wolf would spit out the chunk of meat in its mouth for anyone. I don't know were your confidence comes from but for your insult earlier and suggesting to take the meat from me, I plan on killing all your men then torture you for a few days before handing you back to your family for all of what they have. If I don't do this then more dogs like your family might get the wrong idea and decide to challenge me again".

"Is that a no?", asked Leo with an undisturbed attitude like the threat wasn't meant for him but someone else.

This infuriated Jefe the more as he replied, "Hell fucking yes its a no. Someone grab this little piece of...."

He could not complete his statement as Antonio and the other men in overcoats pulled out an automatic rifle each from under their coats and fired continuously at the in expecting men within the room. It happened before anyone of them could react and by the time they understood what had happened, they had all been turned into sieves, leaking blood as their bodies fell to the ground dead. The only exception was Jefe, who Marco had a gun pointed to his head preventing him from even moving from his position.


Like a signal the men in the bar also brought out their guns gunning down everybody in the bar, the two in the lobby followed suit and the ones at the entrance also began shooting. There was some resistance at first but when the thugs realized they were out gunned by the men's fire power, they attempted to escape making them easy target for the rifle to plough them down. The sound of guns firing lasted for a couple minutes before dying down to complete silence.

When Jefe heard the place return to complete silence he could not stop himself from shivering. He had completely underestimated his enemy, he didn't expect them to have such overwhelming fire power, now he knew were their confidence came from. He soon realized his enemy already had the initiative the moment they stepped into his building and the reason the young man tried to provoke him was to make him not notice the minor details like their oversized coats. It was then it also struck him; the Fanuccis never planned to give them two options in the first place, everything was just a rouse to get him to act firsts so they could have the moral high ground for killing them all, even if he didn't lash out the Fanuccis would have still found someway to terminate them completely.

Thinking up to here, Jefe could only feel fear overcome him, he was wondering what part of this was an act of a declining family. The Fanuccis were no longer the family they had thought it was and they had paid the price for underestimating them. Jefe turned to look at the young man who kept smiling cheerfully at him as tho, all that had happened was within his expectations, which made him feel dread even more.

"By now I expect you've realize the consequences of your refusal to my proposal, and for insulting the head of the Fanucci family I declare the Creepers gang no more in Allabo. Don't think too much about it Jefe, its simply business", said Leo as he stood up to leave and as his last sentence fell the last gunshot rang leaving a bloody hole in the head of the leader of the Creepers gang, who fell back slumped in his chair dead with nothing but despair and regret on his face.

Antonio then walked forward taking out a red card with a black skull printed on it and placed it in Jefe's pocket before turning around to follow Leo and the others out.

As they walked out, the whole building was filled with the stench of blood and it seemed nobody had managed to escape the onslaught of the bullet rain, and all 30 members of the Creepers gang were buried in their own pool of blood on this very night.

Leo could only sigh as he and his men got into the cars heading off to their next target.


By the end of the day, the 13 other gangs within Fanucci territory faced the same fate as the Creepers with three of them choosing to become subordinate associates of the Fanucci family. They were giving the position of soldiers and allowed to continue their various businesses with certain amount of returns paid to the Fanucci family as tribute.

When the news of the incident had finally spread a few days later, all the other families and gangs that were eyeing the Fanucci business and territory had to think twice before making a move against this so called declining family.

As Leo saw this he was glad his performance had given him the desired effect he wanted and bought him enough time to continue his build up of the family, before the other families started to move against them again.

He finally got some good news at the end of the month as the brew was fixed and completely equipped and ready for production and also his agreement with the DA was about to pull through as the people he requested were soon going to be sent to the family.

Leo just smiled after reading the news from behind his desk in the study, with a ting of excitement in his eyes as it seemed the coming days were going to be very interesting.