Made Men

Leo was in his study making plans for the territory they had just taken and how to better manage them. He felt the families former methods of handling affairs was outdated and he sought to change it. He restructured the family into various hierarchial levels with himself at the top.

While he was busy preparing and making changes Antonio had come to inform him that the individuals he had requested from the DA had arrived. He told Antonio to receive them and wait for his arrival to meet them. As Antonio left the study Leo looked to a file stashed away at a corner of his desk and smiled. Picking up the file and opening it, there were detailed information on a group of three, they were the people he was expecting. He had gotten the file a few days ago and although Payne couldn't get him all the people he wanted, what Leo had gotten from the DA was OK for now. He didn't want to lower the standard because these people were going to be taking major roles in the family and he could not tolerate any incompetence.He soon got up from behind his desk to leave the study to meet his guest.


He arrived at the front parlor where his guest were seated waiting for him. He looked around and saw the three of them watching him closely as he came in, he could see the look of surprise in their eyes after seeing him and could guess what they were probably thinking. He quickly sat at the host seat before addressing them.

"Its my pleasure to welcome you all to the Fanucci family estate. I am Leonardo Fanucci, head of the Fanucci family and owner of this estate. I hope you all had a pleasant journey on your way here"

There was no reply as they just stared at him waiting for him to get to the main topic as to why they were here. Seeing this Leo could only sigh and smile before going on.

"Well, I'll cut right to the chase. I have just one question for all of you. What do you think about working for me and joining the Fanucci family?"

They were all silent and just stared at each other from time to time until the only female amongst them asked,

"We all understand that you were the one who got us out, we appreciate what you've done for us but we would also like to know what we're getting ourselves into"

Leo looked at her before he smiled and replied, "Adriana Casali, aka 'Digits', you were originally arrested for hacking government and police intelligence to sell to the highest bidders. Your case was the hardest for Payne to take care of, and I'm truly impressed by your accomplishments. You also have a sister schooling in the capital and a waste of an aunt in LA who is a cocaine addict, am I right?"

Leo only stared at her shocked expression before smiling and going on, "Well, we managed to do our homework on the people we want to hire and for someone with your set of skills am willing to invest a lot to provide state of the art equipment and also satisfy all your needs for you to work for me. Now, I'm not asking you to fight for me, no, like I said you will get everything you need you just have to make sure that every single piece of information passing through Allabo gets by me. I want to know everything, both government, law enforcement and even the other crime families, gangs or organizations

"Your going to be in charge of the family information network. But first I'll teach you how to set up and manage, how fast you learn will determine how long it will take, everything after that will be left for you to handle as you see fit. Joining the family will also make you a member of the Fanucci made men and with the position of 'Caporegime' you will be serving directly under my second in command and underboss of the family. This also gives you the freedom to recruit your own soldiers with a maximum size of 15, who are loyal to the family of course and if any of your subordinates is accountable for treachery I'll have your head along with every single one of you

"You get to live the life of your dreams with a cut of 65% on all business paid as tribute to the family with exceptions in certain cases. As long as you remain loyal to the family, it will also continue to take care of you", said Leo to the stunned young lady.

When he was done with her, he cast his sight unto the next man by his left, "Charles Ruggiero, Federation born Italian, you were pick up for fraud, counterfeit, impersonation and smuggling. But your main offence which the police could find no evidence to prove is your identity as an underground broker. You sell all kinds of goods and services to those who wish to buy and provide customers for those who wish to sell. You were picked up and investigated by the SIU due to being an ability holder with the ability; morph, which allows you to take the appearance of any one you come in contact with.

"I am also offering you the same position as 'Caporegime' and you will be in charge of trade and marketing of the family businesses. According to your records you are very skilled at what you do and am not going to change that, so you will only be in charge of marketing and trade. I want you to build a dedicated and solid trade network spanning the whole of Allabo. You will also have to recruit your own soldiers leaving all responsibilities to lay with you, you could also chose not to, but you most provide enough efficiency to keep up with the family demands. Your maximum capacity for subordinates is 100 men nothing more."

He then went on to the last one, "And finally, Franco Illiano, aka the butcher. You were persecuted for multiple homicides, according to our information you were a hitman for the Valdo family before it got wiped out. You will also receive the position of 'Caporegime' with a max soldier count of a 100, you are giving the duty of executioner. Your job is to protect the family from any threat to its interest both external and internal.

"You are the only capo with the authority to directly report to me if necessary but all other form of reports will be done to the underboss. You are a talented hitman with a sense of justice, I only hope you can make a great executioner", said Leo as he lay back in his chair to stare at the group and analyze their various expressions.

"The family has simple rules to follow and they most always be kept at all cost, anyone who breaks the rules will be trialled and punished by the family. These rules are; no fighting amongst members of the family, all members are meant to report back to the boss every four months for an annual family dinner, members are free to use family resources to partake in or start up their own enterprise but the family will charge a certain percentage on all profits made as tribute, there will also be compensation in cases of loss, the family's main goal is to make money it won't tolerate loss of any kind. And lastly, all members are expected to be Christians, for what are we without religion we all need something to believe in. So, lady and gentlemen, I ask again, what do you think of working for me and joining the Fanucci family?"

The first to reply was Adriana, "I agree" followed by both men in unison, "So do we".

Leo smiled deeper noticing he had succeeded in recruiting them to his side. He knew they accepted because of the benefits involved but he had the confidence that he could build on their loyalty to both him and the family in a matter of time.

"Good, since you've all agreed, from now on you will become made men after the initiation dinner and ceremony tonight. Your training will begin tomorrow and I understand you all are very proud of your abilities which is OK and I don't plan to teach you anything that's not useful. I will simply be your guides in the coming month to help boost your potential as much as I can.

"When I determine that your ready you will officially take your positions in the family and receive the silver ring exclusive to all capo as a sign of identification with the family.

"Lady and gentlemen, welcome to the Fanucci family, may we all try our best and put in enough efforts to protect the family's interests", said Leo as he got up to congratulate his new subordinates and family members with his usual smile on his face.