Its mid-winter snow is falling in a manor in the sky empire a young boy of about 15 years old with blue hair and a pale complexion the room he was in was decorated nicely but not too extravagantly showing that the family which lived here was well off but not too rich

around the bed the boy was in there were 3 maidservant and 2 guards in front of this people was a man in leather armor while just standing there he radiated an aura of authority that can be felt by anybody around this was an aura which is cultivated by being in power for long time everyone one's eye in the room was focused on the bed with love and concern in their eyes

"what happened," the man in leather armor asked no one in particular but the aura that he was radiating made it that he demanded a reply immediately one of the guards came forward bowed slightly and said

"Sir Eric young master James was walking around the manor when he came across the knight in training you know what happens when he felt so frustrated that he asked to be brought a horse he then went riding a few minutes into the ride he suddenly fell off the horse we rushed and brought him here then called the doctor he came and said the young master breathed in halesbane and thereby causing the young master to faint" .

"Humph so it has finally started mused the man in leather armor

ahh! came the sound of someone waking up immediately the eyes of everyone in the room turned back to focus on the youth on the bed when the youth opened his eyes one would feel a sense of confidence in his deep green eye along with this confidence was a sense of confusion this air that he radiated caused everyone in the room to be surprised because the young master always radiated an aura of depression and lack of confidence

"What happened where am I" James croaked while looking around the room immediately one of the maids rushed to him with a glass of water young master you are in your room u fainted while horse riding so we brought back to the room in order to rest

"Humph why did you behave like and run off riding like that u know a raindragon should always be forthright and should face a problem head on why then did you run away from your problem although you can't cultivate you should not lose the face of Eric Raindragon chief knight of baron Edwin, "said knight Eric

"you should that the empire is in a flux and we have many enemies we can't show any weakness in word or in action you shouldn't have done that and I expect you to never do that again" immediately after he said that he ordered the servants to leave and then left himself

"ahh what's up where am I what are all these memories"James mused when he woke up he was very confused since the last thing he could remember was Andres poisoning him and then him dying then he woke up to see himself surrounded by people and in room that looked medieval in style after which that man in armor started scolding and as he was scolding him a flood of memories started entering his mind this memory as he sorted out the sudden flood of information in his mind some parts of this inexplicable situation suddenly made sense although it was a very weird kind of sense.

it turned out that he had been transmigrated into the body of a youth of the main dragon clan of the sky empire called James although he was very far removed from the main lineage which had control over the rain duchy in which he was in all descendants of the main dragon clan will be granted a nobility title but the grade of the title is determined by how far removed their bloodline is from the main family or how talented you are in cultivation or strategy, yes in this fantastical world there is a very well ordered system by which humans could gain unnatural strength by drawing energy from the heaven and earth and passing it through something called a celestial vein by which it would enter the human body thereby strengthening the body and soul.

what was disappointing to James was that the body he transmigrated in was born without celestial veins if he was born in a normal family it wouldn't have mattered because a large amount of the population also didn't have celestial veins and thereby couldn't cultivate but he was born in the great rain dragon clan who couldn't cultivate is not destined to achieve much even in the entire empire and continent those who couldn't cultivate weren't really respected even if you are excellent in other aspects which were why the young master whose body he transmigrated into was so depressed

"Hmmm so I have been transmigrated while I cannot do anything about what happened with Andres I can try and live my life to the fullest in this second chance that life has given me" James murmured to himself

"I should first try and know more about my environs and about this cultivation stuff and what I can do about that" he started feeling sleepy so he decided to have a nap

Early the next morning James woke up a few minutes after he woke up a maid came in and told him it was time to take his bath and then come down to breakfast a few minutes later he had his bath then went to the dining room where his father and his Uncle Sam were eating breakfast.

These three were the last remnants of their part of the main dragon lineage. James through the memories he got he also knew that his mother died when giving birth to him and his father and uncle gave him all the love they could give him even though he couldn't cultivate this made him feel good will towards them because he didn't have a family in his past life his family died when he was pretty young and he started living with Andres family which was why he was good friend with him and trusted him even though sir Eric scolded him yesterday he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

"Good morning father, good morning Uncle "James greeted

"Hahaha good morning James how have you been I came back yesterday and heard you fell while you were horseback riding" chortled Uncle Sam

"How are you James" said Sir Eric solemnly " I see you have gotten better from yesterday's incident you should know that what happened to you wasn't an accident the empire is in a flux because of the crown prince competition and the other lineage of the main dragon family is trying to overthrow Baron Edwin in the confusion that is why they are attacking me and by extension you that's why I always tell you to keep your head so that nothing bad happens to you".

"Yes father I have heard you, "said James apologetically