What we are losing the war James said shocked because it had only been a week and some days since the war started and if they were already disadvantaged then it meant thing was really going wrong

"Yes young master the opponent had seven earth realm cultivators who periodical swept through the army they also had showing arrays which raised the battle prowess of their troops and reduced ours it was only through the ingenuity of viscount Carey that we are still holding up barely up but we have already lost a fifteen baronies and also fort milo which is the first major checkpoint kip looked wrecked with worry and concern because they were just two forts away from fort milo and they would be next"

What about the capital are they still not sending reinforcement? James asked also looking working worried

The battle between the princes has reached ahead right now and nobody wants to move their armies away from the capital because anyone who did that who be collectively attacked and annihilated so we at a stalemate the heaven realm ancestors are not coming out.

which made this struggle more chaotic than it should have ever been even the third prince who the viscount is supporting and the raindragon main clan don't have troops to spare so they are prepared to abandon this region instead they are going to stop them at mount turtle-snake you know how defensible the fort there one man could hold back a thousand so it is more advisable to fight the war there.

"How is father in the army although he send me some letters he doesn't say much about what is going on there with him so what do are men there say "Kip James looked pensive because he was worried about his father he could be used as cannon fodder since he was just a knight and didn't have any backing

"The master and sir Sam are doing well I just heard that master had been viewed kindly by viscount Carey for his courage and ingenuity in the last few battles thus he had been made a captain in the imperial army," Kip said pride could be seen rolling off him in waves.

"What father became a captain and is viewed favorably by viscount Carey then one good thing came out of this war James face was a mixture of pride and shock because the imperial army was the most powerful visible force of the empire and joining one was hard to talk less of being an official in it James believed that if his father survived this war doors will open for him but he couldn't help but shake his head and because he knew that his father was talented but not this talented.

"I also have to strength myself this is a chaotic era and if I and my forces are not powerful enough we would most likely perish" James mused

"I should go and ask Bernard some question about my practice I have been practicing that fist art for months now but I am still not making headways in it I should ask Bernard what is wrong since to refine my marrow would take me more a month since then this is the only way to quickly increase my strength" James was a very decisive person as soon as he made this decision he immediately started walking to Mr. Bernard's quarter's a few minutes later he was in front of the door of Bernard's room since most of the knights squire and knight in training are either at the waterfront or at their parents manor Bernard was mostly in his room or at the training field training with his giant hammers so anybody could find him without looking too hard for him as he came to his room and was about knock he heard

"Come In young master James" from the from the room he opened the door and came in

"How did you know it was me from the other side of the door" James asked trying to hide the surprise on his face ever since he broke through he had a sense as if he was floating on clouds and barely a sound would be made as he was made a sound as he was moving around,

Although before he had the control of a xiantian expert but his body and mind weren't in sync because of the large disparity in-between them but now that he was a houtian expert the disparity wasn't that much with his control so there were no leaks in his aura too so he was quite surprised

"Young master when you break into the xiantian stage the seed which will form your sea of consciousness will form this will give you an ephemeral sense of your surrounding and because I have spent a long time with the young master your aura is imprinted in my mind but enough about that what does the young master want to talk to me" about Bernard said looking as stoically as usual.

"Mr. Bernard I came to you because I have been having a problem with the first art I am practicing I have been practicing it for months but I haven't gotten a basic grasp of it what should I do"

"Hmmm, I see young master do you know that we have a saying that you don't choose your weapon your weapon chooses you so before choosing a fighting technique you should first try to find a weapon you resonate highly with then you should practice a fighting technique of that weapon".

"Thank you Mr. Bernard I can see what they said about with an elders guidance that your cultivation path would be more smooth I have read all the book in the manor but I didn't see anywhere where they wrote this if you didn't explain this to me I would still be pouring all my effort on practicing that fist art".

"It is nothing much young master you would have eventually have heard," Bernard said with a smile on his face although he was a proud man he also liked being praised

"Sir Bernard could you come and help me find the weapon I resonate with and also and also help me pick a suitable fighting technique," James said this because he realized from this episode that he didn't know much of this world and asking the question would help him bypass some useless hurdle

"Of course I would be glad to help you young master "Bernard then got up from the lotus position and followed him out then they both went to the weaponry.

"Young master when you find the weapon which resonates with you, you will know because it would feel that a missing limb which you didn't know you had was returned to you and under that class of weapon the degree of completeness you feel will show which weapon which best resonate with you"

"Yes Thank you, Mr. Bernard, "James said while going around and touching the weapons as he was touching the myriad weapons he didn't feel anything and thought something was amiss when he touched the sword and felt the completeness that Bernard said he couldn't help but shout out found it

"Good young master now try and find which type of sword resonate strongest with you that is the fighting technique which would come easiest to you"

"Yes Mr. Bernard thank you" James nodded

Then he stopped moving about randomly and started touching only the swords as he moved along he felt different resonance toward the sword some were high some were low so had very low resonance to the point that it almost felt that he didn't have any affinity to it at all

But when he touched the broadswords he felt a sense of completeness as if he was returning to a mother embrace and a sense of a vastness and earthiness which almost overwhelmed him, he had a feeling as if he had come was only a few minutes later before he could come back to his senses

"What was that just now I almost felt I was under hypnosis "James was shocked and a little scared because he valued his mind above all thing and that someone could take control over his mind made him feel quite insecure

"You don't have to worry young master this is just a mechanism which the father and the ancestors of humanity put in our bloodline to make the development of experts of humanity easier and faster by tapping into their subconscious mind and help them to find weapons for themselves based on character and inclination thereby making it easier to raise experts so young master there was no malicious intent in that state right now, would you like to come and choose a weapon with me now"

"Yes Mr. Bernard can we go please "James still looking quite a bit shaken hurriedly dropped the broadsword then immediately left the weaponry as if he didn't let go of that sword he wouldn't be able to let it go and y0u couldn't blame James as this was a soul technique which made someone feel goodwill and love toward something but if your soul is at a high level you could resist it or even completely shake if off but because James had a powerful soul the technique didn't have the complete effect on him which made him as if he was being controlled like a puppet which would shake anyone else up if it had happened to them

A few minutes later James and Mr. Bernard were both at the martial arts repository after they came in Bernard first brought out some rudimentary broadsword techniques and then after he brought a tightly bound which in bold was written in front" boundless waterfall"

"After you practice those five fighting technique to the expert level you can then practice the boundless waterfall this is a fighting technique which has been written by an expert who has comprehended mysteries of the world and without it the practitioner can't break into the earth realm this technique will help you summon a hint of the mysteries which the maker used to fashion that technique and can also be used as a guidepost to that particular mystery when you reach the transcending mortality stage… " James said while looking apologetically at James because martial art does not have a path to reach the transcending mortality stage although the art of refining hypothesized a path nobody has ever succeed

"You don't have to worry about me Mr. Bernard," James said with a light in his eyes he believed where other failed he would succeed and ascend to higher reams than that

"Well thank you, Mr. Bernard, I am off to practice this technique"