"It not an idea in the full sense of the word you know how I have been going to the library lately I also developed an interest in botany. I thereby developed a drug, which can kill most houtian experts and scatter the spiritual energy of xiantian experts. Which I found from an alchemical formula I found there although it can't do anything to transcending mortality experts I believe that if it is used correctly we will be at an advantage"

"And you have tested this and you are sure it would work"

"Yes father I tested it on the bandits on my here so can you get in touch with Viscount Carey father"

"NO but I can get in contact with commander garret he had asked ,that the captains upward be allowed to see him whenever, they want as they might have good information ,when he is sure of our claim he can then get the information to viscount Carey come son lets go see commander garret" Sir Eric said with a calculating look in his eyes.

A few minutes later they were at commander garret quarter ,the vast difference in class between him and sir Eric could clearly be seen, the building in which his office was in was ,the very well decorated two golden lions could be seen, at the entrance projecting an air of majesty and dominance .two guards wearing a blazing red armor with the insignia of the commander. which was a blazing flame could be seen an by the aura that they were projection it could be seen that they were both peaks xiantian experts.

"Halt state your name and, purpose of your visit or you would be killed mercilessly" the guard voice boomed as soon ,as they were within three meters of the mansion.

"I am captain Eric raindragon of the third battalion and I this is my son lames we have come here on important business, which concerns the war can you pass our message down, to him I would appreciate it," Sir James said politely.

"Okay wait here I will pass to him wait here," one of the guards said gruffly then turned and went into the mansion a few minutes later he came out again"

"The commander is currently busy and will see you in a few minutes come inside the mansion to wait for him "the guard ushered them in.

As James and sir, Eric went into the mansion, the opulence of the owner could be seen by how the mansion was decorated with, Deerwood carpet from the earth empire ,and fireworm silk from the gold empire, could be seen sprawling all over the place.

While sculpture of various great men of war and paintings of various war scenes made by a famous artist could be seen all over the place. You could see from the decorations, that commander garret was a proud man who liked showing off his power and prestige,

James couldn't help but think about how extravagant the commander was being

The guard guided them through the mansions passageway until they reached a courtyard where he handed them over to a beautiful maid.

"These are the commander's guest you should entertain them until he finishes with his business "the guard turned then left.

"Good day sirs I am bright moon and I will be your entertainer for tonight will you like some refreshment and, which one would you if you are in need of entertainment like singing and dancing. it can be provided for you while you wait for the commander?" she said while bowing courteously without that much subservience you could see, the pride from being a maid under commander garret, could be seen clearly in her posture, while she guided them to where they would sit

"Yes we would like some tea while we wait for the commander and there is no need for entertainer's thank you we would like just to wait for the commander in silence, "Sir Eric said.

"Would the commander the commander belong because if he will be I and my son would appreciate it if you could get us some reading material while we wait to thank you"

"I don't sir about the commander's schedule, but what you requested will be provided to you" then left a few minutes later, the tea and some snacks and a book was brought to them.

It was only a few hours later, before commander garret could come and see them as James looked at the bald muscular man he could see that worries about the situation of the war weighing down on him he seemed fiercer than he usually was and looked as if he could explode like a volcano at any second.

"Hello, gentlemen sorry for keeping you waiting I had some very important work to do I heard from my staff that you had some very important news for me" a scowl could be seen on commander garret face as the most important thing to him now was about the war. as he knew some real information about the war and the benefits it can bring to him.

"Well sir can you please tell your staff to go somewhere for a bit the information we are about to pass to you must be kept as confidential as possible" Sir Eric said looking very solemn

"Hmmm is that so all", "you should move back fifty feet from here," he said without turning back although he wasn't radiating any aura and he spoke mildly, but the majesty from years of authority in his stance brooked for no disobedience immediately after he said that all the staff immediately left.

"Now they are gone you can tell me what the whole secrecy is about," he said radiating an aura as sharp and piercing as a sword.

"Your grace we believe that we have something in our possession which could dramatically change the course of the war once you see it in our favor" Sir Eric said with a serious look

"My son James will explain the rest since he was the one who built the weapon and therefore knows it best "all eyes in the courtyard then turned to James

"Commander Garret my father is correct I had invented a drug I call the nihility drug its main purpose is it use the spiritual energy in a person's body to kill the person".

"It will first scatter the individual spiritual energy, then it will redirect the spiritual energy of the individual, thereby killing the individual, "he turned to both his father and the commander a look of utmost pride could be seen in his eyes.

"But as a result, of my lack of skill and the ingredients it can only kill houtian experts and injure xiantian experts, but it can't kill them. Because of the amount of control they have over their bodies? "He cautioned but even though it had this obvious flaws he could see the scorching gaze the commander was giving in his direction.