As James was looking at this, he even felt his emotion coming to the forefront before, he shot it down, the level of the commander speech was nowhere near, the level of the politician on earth, who have turned it into an art, what made his speech have that kind of effect was the amount of emotions, that went into it. Although he had some ulterior motive in this war this was still his home and he loved his home, the other benefits were just icing on the cake. This kind of emotion resonated with the grassroots soldiers thereby raising their morale.

"So men charge with me for the empire, the emperor and for your families, we shall be victorious" he shouted with an air of fervor, around with the men around him echoing that fervor by shouting also. A few seconds later the bugle sounded and the scholarly looking man sir Edwin walked out from the enemy side.

"Soldiers of the sky empire this is your final chance to surrender or you would be mercilessly killed as you can see, there is no hope, in resistance, so surrender and stop any unnecessary deaths" the scholarly robed man spoke with a kind of hypnotic quality to his voice. Which made the soldiers at the houtian level and some xiantian experts, with weak souls, start having doubts.

"Humph" as soon as this sound was heard the doubt they heard was cleared abruptly "Edwin do you think that your flimsy could shake the mind of men with me here, you are a still as always a dreamer" commander Garret barked anger could be clearly be heard in his voice.

" Garret do you really think, that you can win this, you are vastly outnumbered on all fronts, just save yourself the trouble and surrender" with a slight chuckle Edwin answered back" this process is unstoppable so do us all a favor and stop this okay".

As he said this, fifteen more transcending mortality experts came floating around him, while ten more came out from the sky empire camp. It could be seen that all the cards had been rolled out. Then bugles sounded and the battle started, first the siege engines like the catapult and magical cannon were bombarding the city walls with their projectiles while the defenders tried to defend with their divine archers and magical canon.

But it was an exercise in futility as, how the enemy outnumbered them, in the number of combatants, they also had more divine archer's expert and more magical cannon. As James saw this he couldn't help but wonder where they got the resources to raise this number of divine archers and magical cannon, as the resources just to raise one xiantian stage archer is equivalent to the amount, it would take to raise ten normal xiantian stage experts, as they needed to put a lot of focus on their soul in order, to properly use their arrows,

So they usually had soul-force more than their usual level, as the battle was progressing any good spectator, could see that the sky empire was on, the path to losing as they were just outnumbered and outgunned, and that was how it happened, soon the enemy combatant was, at the castle walls and, the battle soon dissolved into a melee where they both used their formations to try, to overpower each other but the sky empire was clearly loosing and even in the transcending mortality experts area were not looking good. The sheer force of numbers overcame any quality difference, the two sides might have.

If there were no enunciating circumstances, the sky empire will soon lose this war. As James was fighting with his unit, after a while he had some respite and looked around the battlefield, he found out that the battle was not really going in their favor and wondered why the army would bring out the big guns like viscount Carey personal storm-wind guard which was said to be one of the top ten division of the whole empire, the men fighting were just the normal troops, as the major troops of the major troops of the empire such as the divine guard of the imperial family and the Raindragon guard of the Raindragon clan, were not participating as the major clans were avoiding this war for some reason.

As he was thinking of this he saw troops of men dressed in blue armor come forward and start attacking the snow empire troops and from the aura radiating from them it could be seen, that they were all late and peak stage xiantian experts, these men were the Stormwind guard the viscount personal guard, these men were trained by the viscount personally so they were more powerful than ordinary experts at the same level.

Once they entered the battlefield, they stabilized the situation although the enemy had shock-troops too, the effect of the way of training which helped them produce such a large amount of cultivators, in so little time ended up producing sub-standard soldiers if not for their numbers they would have been defeated. But they just barely stabilized the situation as the situation was still not really looking good, as they just came to a draw.

As this was happening, James saw a flash of light and soon something which looked like a serpent with wings which was known as a sky dragon flying above the city walls, while on the enemy combatant side a light flashed then a humongous polar bear with wings was seen flying, their aura was so tremendous that the soldiers could barely breath.

As James, saw this, he couldn't help but a breath, deeply as he could see that both of this creature where creatures summoned from high-grade talismans, this was one of the many wondrous application of fourth-dimensional energy, as both of this animals looked very lifelike and the aura they produced were also real.

A few seconds later, both conjured animals, started growling and attacking each other, the level of the carnage they produced was so unearthly, that James even with, his powerful soul couldn't well because of the soul pressure, their attacks were giving off. With the hills and other siege engines and even the city wall, were all destroyed as collateral damage in their savage fights,