In this battle, battle techniques and all add on people usually, used when fighting opponents were discarded, and only brute force and basic techniques like the jab, parry, cleave, flick, etc., could be used. As the enemy dropped all semblance of civility and turned into a beast as they attacked the rain empire when their weapons broke, they used their nails and teeth to claw and bite at the enemy force. Their savagery was daunting for the rain empire as wars weren't fought like this and some of the soldiers hesitated, in their attack which was a bad decision as they were decimated by the enemy.

As this was happening, Sir Eric and James Uncle Sam went to James side. the battle they have been fighting had cost them, they had lost most of the men in their units which made the formations, they were using to collapse so they were fighting without the power of their formation, and thereby lost track of James and could only find him now.

"James, son I am glad we could finally we finally found you, thank the allfather that I and your father found you. We had been so worried that something disastrous, would have happened to you before we found you "tiredness and profound relief could be seen on uncle Sam face.

"Son, your uncle is right, we were very worried about you, and you should never leave our side. That was one of the conditions, we agreed on for you to come to the battlefield" sir Eric scolded James, relief, anger, and exasperation could be seen in his eyes.

"Sigh!!! Something, is wrong with, the way this war is going. In a normal battle, once they lose and they know that they can't win, they would usually surrender. But in this case, they are fighting as if possessed which is pretty irregular" Sir Eric said a worried look on their face.

"Yes brother, I even saw three transcending mortality experts fall, I also saw Viscount Jason fall, and he is among the top hundred transcending mortality experts in four Seasons Island, and nobles don't usually give their lives for their country".

As James, heard this, he started looking around and also found out, that something was wrong with the solider in, the battlefield as they looked as if they were possessed by demons with a crazed look in their eyes. James didn't notice it before since this was his first war. But now that his sir Eric and Uncle Sam pointed out that this wasn't, the way wars usually went, he could finally see the signs that something was wrong with them.

" father, is there a kind of cultivation technique that can control people, even transcending mortality experts could also be controlled by them, is there really such a mystical technique that can do this, that is very scary, " James said a look of genuine fear flashed across his face. He could stand firm in the face of death, but not being in control of his action, and life and death was a scary and disheartening thing.

"Yes son, I have seen some cultivation techniques, which can control people. But it mostly works on houtian and xiantian experts, but to affect transcending mortality experts whose soul, have become one with the world. And also to affect Viscount Jason who is an expert, who has comprehended profound mysteries and to have an effect on such a large number of people is also scary to me too", Sir Eric said with a mystified look on his face.

"Yes brother, what is worrying to me are the 50,000 cultivator troops that are being controlled like puppets, what kind of devilish technique is required, to do such a thing. Eric, this war is looking more dangerous and gloomier for us" Uncle Sam said to Sir Eric and James with shock and a hint of fear in his eyes.

As this discussion. Was going on the battle entered, its peak so they were unable, to talk to each other. As the enemies, a life for a life tactic was very disadvantageous for the sky empire troops, as they were normal human beings and couldn't match the ferocity of a death squad, which would fight on until death. The advantage the rain empire got from the 'nihility drug' was nullified under, the death squad like actions of the snow empires army.

This went on as minutes turned into hours, soon about half a day had passed, the fighting had reached a point where most of the houtian experts, of both side, were, mostly dead, because their spiritual energy couldn't handle it, even some xiantian, with weak foundation, were exhausted of their spiritual energy and ended up falling. Hence most of the people who had reached, this point in this free for all, were all elites of the elites, their cultivation techniques and, also their fighting techniques were all top notch.

As for James, the only reason he could survive was because of his father and uncles protection, coupled with the pureness of his energy, along with his solid foundation in martial art had made him last longer than, any houtian experts ever could. But he was already tired and he was on automatic, and his five senses were already failing him from the exhaustion.

Toot!!! Toot!!!! This sound was heard followed by the beating of drums.

When James, Sir Eric and Uncle Sam along with the rest of the sky empire, heard a bugle they couldn't help, but look up once they looked up, what they saw shocked and terrified them, as they saw another army of the snow empire arriving at the scene. As the commander of the sky empire saw this, a sense of hopelessness and defeat dawned, as they ordered their troops to retreat.