Chapter 6: Ice Bloodline Transformation

Chapter 6: Ice Bloodline Transformation

Wang Zhu slowly formed the multiple pieces of Qi together, into a thick foot long stream of pure white Qi!

"Haha! I did it!" Wang Zhu was elated throwing his hands in the air, while sweat poured down his brow.

Behind him, Senior Shi was looking at Wang Zhu as had seen a monster. Even in five-star sects, this kind of talent was unseen. He himself took two months just to sense Qi, yet this young Wang Zhu in the course of half an hour had condensed a strand of Qi! There was only one word that he could mutter - "Monster."

Wang Zhu heard his words and could only chuckle. "Thank you for your appraisal Uncle Shi, but this is only a first step on a long journey."

Senior Shi could only nod in response, "Good. Pride and overconfidence is the fool's path, it'll get you killed eventually."

Wang Zhu took these words to heart. He knew pride caused fights, and fights get you killed.

Now that he'd formed the first string of Qi he took out the Ice Prince's Formula reading again.

'Once the first strand of Qi has been formed you then have to convert it to Ice Qi, this is incredibly difficult for most but not for my knowledge and now yours. As the owner of this scroll, you'll certainly possess an Ice Bloodline, we'll need to ignite it, are channel its power into the Qi.'

'Now igniting your bloodline can be incredibly dangerous, but the results are worth it. How does somebody ignite their bloodline when they don't even have control of their innate strengths that are associated with a bloodline? Simple its impossible, there are different stages of power for each bloodline like there cultivation. This is how demonic beasts measure their strength, and humans can't activate their bloodline until they're at the Body Refining Realm. If you're clever you'll know where I'm going with this? We have to force your bloodline to wake up!'

Wang Zhu's heart started to beat rapidly, he knew forcibly doing something like this sounded incredibly idiotic, there must be reasons that people can only awaken their bloodline at the Body Refining Realm. "Even though it's stupid I need to try right? The whole idea of cultivation is moronic anyway. Living forever is impossible, even immortals eventually fall from the sky. Then I shall embrace idiocy, and challenge the natural order."

Wang Zhu decided to read on and embrace whatever the Ice Prince suggested.

'In this scroll, I've left a slither of my divine sense. Using this I shall invade your body, and try to erase your bloodline.'

The words struck his ears like thunder! Erase his bloodline? What if he succeeded?!

'This should theoretically cause it to awaken and activate immediately. Good luck this is going to be painful.'

As Wang Zhu read the last word and a shot of golden light shot into his body. His breathing quickened, but there wasn't any pain. After a while he heard a faint whisper though, "Interesting, there are two of them. I can only help with one."

Suddenly a sharp pain arose in Wang Zhu's chest like his heart was trying to eat its way out of his chest! Then slowly the stabbing pain traveled along his circulatory system, affecting all anywhere where blood lied.

Wang Zhu howled bestially which shocked both Drek and Uncle Shi. The boy was on his back screaming! Blood leaked out of his orifices and he started to shake as if he was in a seizure!

"Wang Zhu!" Uncle Shi tried to help the boy, but it was no use so he commanded Drek to fly faster. There were healers at the Dark Water Sect, but it was still at least a few days away.

After a few hours the deep red blood stopped secreting from Wang Zhu, he became cold to the touch and his blood started to turn blue.

Wang Zhu laid there lifeless until his eyes shot open! The previous deep blue oceans that resided in his eyes had frozen over, becoming pale glaciers. His face had become far more angular, forming a dimple and his ears had shrunk, although he couldn't be called handsome he was certainly was no longer ugly.

In a far-off land, a woman sat in a lotus made of ice. She wore a veil which hid her beauty, with long white hair that draped out of it. To her side was a giant bird that dwarfed Drek, it had a was pale blue and was sleeping - it was a divine beast a royal ice phoenix!

The woman who was previously calm felt a flutter in her heart, one she hadn't felt for an era. The blood of her people had awakened.

"The Northen Wind shall descend upon all that challenge my line. And so shall they all fall." She smiled to herself, she had been sitting here for too long, it was time stir up some trouble.

Wang Zhu sat up rubbing his face. He felt sore all over, but brilliant at the same time. He'd always been a sickly child and never felt quite right at the moment though it was different. He felt as if he were whole again as if the missing piece to his puzzle has been found.

Uncle Shi saw that he was getting up and his ashen complexion turned a little better.

"Thank goodness your safe. You've been out for almost a day now, it's only a few more miles until we reach your new home." He placed his hand on Wang Zhu's shoulder but it was cold to the touch. He wanted to say something but he kept his mouth shut. Everybody had their own secrets and this boy was practicing the Ice Prince's Formula, who knew what mysteries he had inherited?

Wang Zhu saw Uncle Shi holding back and smiled. How could he not know his Uncle was curious, after all, problems were made to be solved and mysteries to be unraveled. A newfound respect grew in his heart for the old man. He just hoped the other members of the Dark Water Sect could be this caring. Immediately he shook his head, thinking back to You Yin and her arrogance. Most cultivators start around the age of six and at maximum ten, he was thirteen this year and had yet to fully break into the first stage of Qi refining realm.

The moment he entered the Sect he would be proving himself constantly and walking into the maw of the beast. A grin crowned his face as he realized something.

"I've already managed to activate my Ice Bloodline, once I refine a few strands of Qi I should be the equivalent to a Body Refiner!"

A newfound unbridled confidence swelled within his heart, and a smile crowned his face. He was looking forward to the challenge!