Chapter 11: Desiring Power!

"Yes!" Wang Zhu urgently blurted out, with a sappy smile on his face. Taking the Jade Slip the technique was stored on and hugging it tightly to his chest, not daring to let the old man take it.

The reaction caused Librarian Zing to smile, and his heart to be slightly warmed.

"I take it we want to go find you a movement technique?"

Wang Zhu nodded happily in reply.

"Movement techniques are everywhere, but seeing as you'll be using a staff I have a particular one in mind."

Librarian Zing went over and picked up a book called the 'Gracious Crane Steps' - learn to step like a crane, swoop upon your enemies, dance around them, make them look like fools.

Wang Zhu quickly snatched it off him hugging it deep into his chest as well. Now with two jade tablets in both his arms being squeezed tightly he couldn't help but be delighted and protective of them like they were his own offspring.

Librarian Zing couldn't help but give a chuckle, and he felt safe knowing such a protective kid around.

"If he matures into a powerful practitioner heavens save those that offend those he loves," he muttered under his breath.

"Now, little one. You should be off. Shadow is waiting for you outside, it's not nice to keep him waiting."

Wang Zhu was surprised, his name was Shadow? "That Senior Cloak is very strange. Who is he?" Wang Zhu asked.

"Don't worry about that. All that you need to know is that he's incredibly powerful, and utterly loyal to this sect and would never betray the Sect Master. Understand?" Librarian Ming gave him a deep look, which Wang Zhu could only nod to in return.

"Now, do you know where you're going to be staying?" Wang Zhu gave a big smile and nod again, being careful to not drop his jade tablets.

"Run along then. You need to get in as much practice as possible!"

Wang Zhu was delighted, he wanted to practice these techniques as soon as possible running off out of the library. When a shout came from behind him, "Be sure to put them in your spatial pouch!"

Wang Zhu's face went red like an apple, embarrassed by the fact that he thought he could protect them better in his arms rather than a closed-off space.

As he ran off to his quarters a shadow appeared beside Librarian Ming.

"What do you think of him, Old Ming." It still contained an eerie tone, yet it conveyed much more respect.

"It's too soon to judge him. But according to what that young-en Shi said, he's got a bright future at the very least. Get hammer hands to make him a staff."

The shadow took a bow and the smoke that surrounded him dissipated into the ground with him as he vanished.

Librarian Ming chuckled, "My sea serpent sect may have been obliterated, but perhaps there's even hope for the future. We'll slither out of the watery ruins and constrict that damn mummer's tiger."

Librarian Ming sighed sending his sense out, "Too bad. Only mortals managed to learn their techniques, the heavens have shown the rest mercy. But those five... welcome to the jungle."

These words were unbeknown to Wang Zhu, who was running in the crowded halls of the great spire to his place of residence.

As he was running a group of three large boys blocked the hallway a few feet from his room.

The three were all dressed in white robes with a dark wheel embroidered across its back. Out of the three though, two were extremely fat. Pig-like, whereas the one in the center was skinny with long lanky arms.

"You there. Little one." The fat one on the far left called out in an oppressive tone.

"Yes?" Wang Zhu replied, wondering what these people could want.

"Don't you know that there's a hall tax? Why aren't you paying up?" he snorted, as little flecks of snot were spat out of his nose, which made Wang Zhu want to vomit - profusely.

"Hallway tax? What's that?"

"What don't you understand? The tax or the hallway part? Are you a retard?" The fat boy spat on the ground.

"Oh, you smell bad." Wang Zhu muttered under his breath.

"Hmm! Do you dare defy our Tie Clan? I'll have you know that we're the overlords of Vass City!" The hog Tie smiled.

"Where's Vass City?" Wang Zhu was genuinely confused.

"Ha! You haven't heard of Vass City? You truly are a retard!"

"I don't think insulting someone's intelligence about something they've never heard of is appropriate right. If I questioned you about something such as how to thatch a roof could you answer?" Wang Zhu questioned, thinking about when he would watch local roof thatchers in his village and be intrigued by how the many pieces of straw would converge into one roof.

"It's like trying to test a genius monkey and fish by asking them to climb a tree."

Seeing this the Tie hog's face lit up in fury.

"Boy, you dare insult our Tie Clan?" Tie Hog clenched his first waiting to unleash his unwavering killing intent at any moment until a snort came from behind him.

It was the long thin armed boy, "Don't cause a fuss over him, there are far fatter prizes than him that'll come down this route and once they know we're here they'll avoid us. Let him go."

Tie Hog bowed to the skinny Tie, "Young Master is so wise. Beat it retard!" he howled at Wang Zhu.

Not taking a second to spare Wang Zhu ran off as fast as possible, quickly opening the door to his abode with his jade slip and slamming it shut behind him, allowing the formations to work their magic.

Panting he leaned his back against the door slowly sliding down until sat on the ground.

"I'm going to have to get strong!" Wang Zhu took out the three methods he had.

Laying the Gracious Crane Steps, the Water Horse Technique and finally the Ice Prince's Formula in front of him.