The Invitation

POV: May

Finally, the semesters have ended. Let's just say, I hope I pass. I am not entirely confident but I am not totally hopeless either. As soon as I reached home, my phone started singing my most favourite song. I smiled as I searched for it in my pockets. It's been a while since I've talked to Jessica. She is my most favourite friend from school. So she gets the most amazing ringtone. I happily accept the call.


"Hi May. How have you been?" She says on her ever flat tone.

"I'm good! How about you?"

"Pretty good as well. Come to Axil cafe, the day after tomorrow at 11 during day. Clear?"

"Yes! I will be there. Till dinner right?" She's the authoritative one among us. No saying 'no' to this lady. A more reason is that I can't wait to meet her anymore.

"Yeah, but I will be having drinks too. Just the girls. Make it the next day morning. That's it from me. We'll talk more when we meet." She is the wine type. Fern and I are the alcohol types, though we were under aged back then.

"Yeah... How's James?" James was one person for whom everyone who knew him wishes him to be happy and healthy.

"He's good. Rest all are coming, but that should not change your decision. I want the six of us together."

Of course. "Of course Jessy. Thanks for telling me beforehand, although I have already assumed so."

"See you there."


Then, line went off. I will be meeting them again. I sigh. We meet every year. Sometimes, whenever one of us feels like it. Last two times we met, all of us weren't able to go. That doesn't seem to be the situation this time from how Jessy spoke. I am honestly scared to face them, there is one secret and only one important fact that I keep from Jessy. I cannot be open with Sai. And James is an entirely different story. We'd be the most happy if we are left alone for a few minutes when we meet. I have no problem with the rest. He is an elder brother to us, whom we had since we knew him.

I wish everything goes fine. Honestly though, given a chance, I might as well skip this reunion.

POV: Fern

Ahhhhh!!!!! I am going to meet Ton this time! Ahhhhh!!!! I should thank Jessy for getting his ass to meet us!

I have gotten a call at lunch and Jessy told me that Ton was coming as well! He's so hot. Before I daydream, I better prepare for the reunion. I take some friends and go to a mall to get a nice dress.

Ton was my senior at school and he was so sexy and handsome. He is a very practical guy. He knows so many things and whatever he speaks has the best logic behind it. It has been almost two years since I met him. He said he was sorry that he could not make it to meet us last two times. This time, he will be here!

I can't wait! As soon as I see him, we will go to a peaceful place for us to not witness any bitter things between Sai and the other two girls. All my seniors have their own issues, except Ton. He is so amazing! Also, I can have my say after Jessy. I am the youngest in our group after all! I don't even know why I am in our so called team. I do like them all but, it's out of normal that you always walk with your seniors. But this seemed like a way to get close to my Ton.

The day after tomorrow will be fun! I pray the heavens that we will be fine when I finally tell him.