Explanations and beliefs

I was lying at the bottom of a wooden hollow in a giant tree. The tip of my index finger ached a little while being touched by cold surface of a black stone.

I remembered what happened to me in that reality. I felt awkward. If he is really able to read my mind, can I trust… myself? Wasn't he lying in the first place?

I realize now that acting in hurry is not an option. I don't believe him about how they can track me using the trails of the stone. Of course, I didn't believe him being so nice and good either. Most likely, he was trying to make me decide faster.

I'm not doing anything for now. I will just go as far as possible.

I got up and threw the ball in the bag, and did the same with the blackened part of a broken sword. Actually, I was able to discern some patterns with letters. I liked the sword and the handle was clearly expensive, maybe I would be able to sell it.

When I got out of the hollow, I noticed a sword stuck in a tree that I could reach. It wasn't easy, I was shaking and pulling it for a long time, but eventually the sword was released from its resting place. Hopefully, I didn't damage it.

It was a plain sword with a beautiful straight blade and without guard, weighing about 500g. One should know how to fight with it. It looked more like a fencing, rather than combat one (the latter usually were much heavier)

I returned to a hollow and found something looking like a rope. That's why now, being able to tie the sword to my belt, I left my shelter.

Looking down, the first thought that crossed my mind was "How did I get here last night?''

The second was about yesterday's lightning… it came through the tree, but it is completely okay… not a trace of a fire...

Indeed, it looked fine, normally the trees that got hit by the lightning burn in minutes, but that was not the case with this one.

I looked around and saw a smoke from some buildings in the distance. Guess I was there.

On the opposite side from the smoke was a forest where I intended to go now.

I started descending from the tree, it went better than I thought, as I managed not to fall. Having picked the stuff that I had thrown down earlier, I headed in a chosen direction.

I believe I could cope with animals with this sword, and it would be harder to find me in the forest.

On the halfway I heard a hollow voice in my head:

— Why so slow?

I remained silent.

— …

I wonder if he could read my mind… would he tell me about it?

— Soon, they will be after you.

Well, it's not my first time running away from them.

— They'll find you.

I doubt it, but I decided to say something neutral aloud.

— Hm, the farther I am from the city, the smoother becomes the terrain.

— That's because big battles rarely happened here. The Higher Ones mostly fought near the cities.

— The Higher Ones?

— That's a rank here. A proud name for those who simply finished the body transformation stage. Bronze, silver, gold, iron and platinum; all of those are subranks that symbolize finishing important stages.

— 'Simply?

— Yeah, our children finish stages while growing and learning without any help, but people here have to spend half of their lives gathering Yang and creating the balance in their bodies. Actually, transformation for them is a process of transforming from wicked to normal.

— So… what's my rank, in your opinion?

— Silver, maybe gold. First of all, the ranks above are skills and control, also body control. It's funny, because considering your amount of energy you could easily be a Higher One… but the arrow is useless without the bow, especially if one doesn't know how to shoot in the first place.

I reached the clearing of the forest.

— Where to now?

Maybe you'll finally make up your mind? I could be much more useful than just a counsellor.

— Not now.

— It can be dangerous out there.

He kept insisting.

— You heard me. I'll make it.

— If one goes long enough through the woods, he can find the city of Fei Sen, an independent city at the border of Unstable Lands. There is a lot of foreigners there, former slaves… so if you stay low and don't get caught by hunters, well, even you can stay there.

He emphasized the last line.

— On the contrary, if you act like I say, we'll be able to get to my homeland, where you will take a proper standing. Think about it, you don't need that hole.

I don't believe him, like, at all.

—Can you show me the direction to that city?

— I can do it.

— Then do it!

I immediately knew exactly, where I should go. Interesting...

— How far are we?

— With your speed? It'll take us three days.

It felt weird that he didn't react to my rudeness and was happy to tell me about everything. My fears are confirmed.

— You said that you could control emotions of other people… is that true?

— Well, not exactly. I usually just transform the ones that people already have within them. For example, I can turn irritation into anger and anger into rage. I can create thoughts and ideas, but they are just words, and person decides if he would listen to them by himself. But if he does, it's stupid not to use it.

I bet it's not the whole truth.

The forest was thick and it was hard to go through it. My companion was warning me about the dangers lying ahead. As he said, animals were mostly ones I would not be able to take down, so I had to avoid them.

For once, I didn't listen to him and run into an animal that resembled wolf and hedgehog at the same time. For the first time I heard cursing from the voice which name I didn't know. To be honest, I didn't really care about that.

I had to sacrifice an important thing. I abandoned my pride, when I run from the beast that was occupied with eating a corpse of another wolf-like monster.

— I had to spend a part of my almost fully receded power because of you. You're starting to owe me more, than I owe you.

He was mumbling something, but I didn't listen and kept moving according to the vague feeling of direction.

When it was almost evening, I asked him something.

— Could you teach me?

— Why would I? You don't listen to me, don't respect me… and after all that I have to share my precious knowledge with you?


So he found a pressure point on me, but I didn't care...

— Maybe because our future depends on me? I can bury you in the forest and then just go away.. anyway, all you do now is talking. Plus, this way I can check whether your words were true, and whether they can track you down. Maybe… you said nothing but lies? Perhaps, no one is even looking for you, and I'm just carrying you with me for no reason.

I was bluffing. One thing I knew for sure after this day, is that he couldn't read my mind, like back then in a dream. Although, he knows my emotions, and I can check it once more.

— …

Did it really work?

— So, if you want profits, you should keep investing.

I said, being slightly annoyed. He responded me listlessly.

— Fine. I can give you a body development technique, but whether it fits you...

Could it be that I crossed the line?

— There is a reason, why I keep asking you to swallow my vessel. If I occupied a part of your consciousness, I would not only be able to scan you better than any artifact and choose the better way of development, but also speed up your training, rebuilding your body from the inside.

Here goes another rant about how wonderful things would be after we unite.

— Just give me your technique, and we'll see.

I don't believe him, but I agree that I need him. While I have him in my hands, I have to use it to the max.

I kind of felt sorry for him. Being abandoned, left with nothing, while your life is slowly being drained from you… At the very least, now he has a hope of breaking free from his prison.

Damn! I wonder if these emotions and thoughts were sent by him?

Nevertheless, his position is pitiful. I felt sorry for him.

Shaking my head, I repeated the question.

— So… what was the technique you were talking about?