Absorption II

My surprise slowly transformed into anger. Control my body?

"Calm down. I have just transferred a part of my consciousness into your body."

"Yes. Of course, it changes everything!"

"Ahem, relax and focus on the inner world."

I fell on the ground like a rubber doll.

"My consciousness is already in you, but my spirit is still in the stone. Let it in."

I tried to focus on myself. The longer I was doing it this, the more imperceptible the surrounding reality became and the least was my connection with the body.

At one stage I found myself in some black space, with smoky funnel, with a black sparkling thing in the center. It looked like a flash of light, or a lightning strike, colored in deep dark. And this thing was absorbing literally the surrounding light.

"Take it.", the voice told me.

As soon as I only had a thought about it, I stood next to it. The surrounding emptiness seemed viscous, and the funnel fog was searing, it gave me a tingling sensation.

And the spark caused both a sense of exclusion and rejection, as well as the admiration and inspiration at the same time.

When I thought about a stuff to take it, some kind of yellow-orange translucent semblance of hand appeared and moved following my will.

When I moved the hand toward the spark, the second reached it and somehow glued to the palm, causing a slight tingling sensation.

"Come back", I heard a voice in my head.


I didn't know what it meant.

"Think about yourself."

I listened to its advice, trying to remember as much as I could. Strange, but I can't remember much, starting with the main thing - my name.

I was stunned. When I forgot it? I couldn't remember a moment when I mentioned him or…

Ok, then… how do I look like? I don't remember.

Maybe I can remember something that's in front of me all that time?


I imagined my hands, forearms, shoulders, body... Gradually, the picture began to emerge and I found myself in a white space, with jumbling yellow, orange and blue flecks.

"Now let it go."

Doubts creeped into my mind. To leave something unknown here…

"Do it."

So, I did it. The dark spark slowly settled in space, emitting black threads that began to spread in all directions.


"It is symbiosis and changing of the core essence.", the voice roared around.

The surrounding white started getting painted with the net of black cracks. Great holes appeared here and there. They tended to fill with its blackness everything it could reach until the whole surrounding is covered with it.

Apathy gripped me.

"Should I congratulate you?"


"You fulfilled the deal. First, the shelter for me, then - a new body."

"So, I have no complaints about you. Good boy! As I promised, I will also fulfill part of the deal. So, don't worry and... sleep."

I looked up wearily. Somewhere in the distance a white spot was still shining. Huh?

Some sort of a second fraction passed and I found myself beside it.

It was a circle of bright golden light surrounding the white space still untouched with the blackness. Watching closely at its edges, I saw the thin lines of an unknown pattern, making up its outline.

"What's that?"

The thoughts were flowing very slowly and almost imperceptibly.

I moved into its confines.

"So, what did you do? What is that?", the black fog around me asked

It was comfortable and cozy inside this place, and I clarity of thought returned to me.

The darkness tried to surge towards the gold outline, tided it, but, as a result, it turned into a thin mist. Time after time, it attempted and retreated.

"It's the seal. Where did you get it?"

I didn't answer. Gradually I was filled with strength and a sense of self-sufficiency. I'm safe here. And the darkness... It doesn't disturb, and how can it hurt me?

Interesting… and body control…

After this thought came to my mind, I felt a chill in my limbs and the whole shaking body that was still laying on the grass.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?", the inside traitor rebelled. I ignored him.

"COME BACK.", he never stopped.

"Role exchange, right? You're pretty unlucky.", I said sarcastically.

Thanks to that seal, he couldn't absorb me.

"My congratulations - you have imprisoned yourself. If you had acted as you promised, we would have become almost brothers. And now…"

I spat.

"When I break that obstacle, I will get you and…"

"In your dreams", I said viciously.

"Oh, yeah, you owe me your techniques, right?"


Though I doubted that he would keep his promise, but I couldn't help teasing him.

Only now I wondered why I ever trusted him at all? How could I be so stupid? He did tell me that he was a demon! But somehow the awareness of this fact constantly eluded my attention. No, of course, I remembered it, but that time I just didn't care.

And this sense of trust? And lots of questions that came up only now.

"You keep your word, right, and you are aware about "the concept of honor", as you said?


He is a demon. From the other world I remembered that they are cunning and mean creatures, so, they have to keep their promise. But here they have thousands of tricks…

I was lucky that time.

"And the rest of the deal?"

"I remember."

I hoped that he wouldn't harm me.

"Alright then", I smiled and stood up. I wonder why he can't control my body now anymore.

"Where was I going to?"


Demoness Kha-Ira

I chased the Estranged's trail that appeared suddenly.

Taking advantage of the unstable warp, I found myself on the outskirts of some small town in this pathetic world. I was surprised.

It was daytime, but the streets were almost deserted. But as a succubus, I felt the swirling emanations of lust - it was so crazy! Local girls just went crazy.

Looking through the house windows, I saw what kinds of orgies they had, sucking up the rest of the local men, who even seemed more frisky than usual to me.

But when the men were exhausted, the eyes of the women turned met.

At first, they were making love in pairs, but then they called their neighbors for partners swapping.

At some point, someone even started doing it right in the central square! And the local guards, instead of stopping it, interfered with process throwing unnecessary stuff away.

If the city was attacked by enemies or animals, they would be defenseless.

Surprised, I watched these events, fussing myself. I confess that a couple of times I could not resist and joined them...

Oh, that moment they didn't even care that I was a demon!

The only bad part of that day for them was that lots of men died of heart attack and exhaustion.

But I couldn't enjoy the rest of this... holiday? I wouldn't be surprised if they started doing this every celestial cycle.

I kept chasing the trail of the Estranged, which led to the nearest forest. I must catch him up.

I don't know why, but he seems to have been captured in the sphere of souls. That Estranged!

And now it was in the hands of some sleeping chump. I decided to end with him, having sent the Simplest Obsession.

Minutes passed, but nothing happened. Although a man like him should have dried up a long time ago.

"That's interesting ", I whispered, and approached him.

I was a little horny after the scenes I had seen in the town, so I decided to have some fun with him, although I prefer women.

I lowered his pants - he was horny, too.

Well, seems that the obsession works. I straddled him, invading his dreams... but something went wrong.

He soon woke up. Himself! He survived and broke the illusion.

I'm curious... but ...

When I woke up, it was dawn and he was gone.

The energy in me has exceeded all limits and… I guess it has expanded the outer vessel. But it is its concentration I was struck more.

Now, he's become a more interesting target to me than the Estranged one.

I found him on a small clearing. He was talking either to someone, or to himself.…

But considering the fact that he was in contact with the Estranged...

I need to talk to him.