Piece of N’rshalaga

To be honest, I did not know what to do with... On the one hand, it was a pity to leave her here - she would be useful, and I even got a little attached to her. After all, she was my the most prolonged partner in this world. But, on the other hand, why do I need it? I would have to take care about her. Besides, I always can masturbate. So, I would let her wake up and wander by herself.

Of course, she probably wanted to talk to me about something, or maybe not, but I hope that this "conversation" satisfied her and she would leave me alone.

Although... there was no souvenir to take with me, and nothing to leave for her. That'd be nice to have something to remember about at cold nights.

I gathered her scattered belongings, brought to her and began to check everything up.

What could I take with me that either she didn't need or didn't look so cheap? An amulet, or rings...

No, jewelry make the girls go crazy, and she would be offended if I snitch one.

Her panties?

Mm... that would do, but..


Oh! I found a rock in her shorts. It looked flat and round, with some kind of carving.

Hmm, that's fine – I would drill a hole and hang on a neck, as the first trophy.

Getting up and patting my pockets, I began to think about a souvenir for her. Looking around the edge, I fixed my eyes on a transparent blank sphere that used to be black inside. Well, I didn't need it anymore, so I could leave it for her - the color seemed beautiful, clean and transparent. Besides, I seemed to me that she was looking for its occupant...

Well, that would be a hint that he escaped.

"A stone for a stone…I suppose the exchange was fair", I thought putting it in her backpack.

I didn't dress the girl up - just let her dry a little and, when woken up, she would do it by herself. I was sure she would. Well, she could not stay unconscious.

What a little pervert – she was apparently pretending!

Looking around I sniffed, determining the way.

"Bye!", I left waving my hand.




"Verrev whoreson!"

"He's pissing out... piece of N'rshalaga."

"Put your dick in your ass!"

"Where're you going?"

"How the hell is that…?"



"Change the pose, you…!"

"Hey, don't stop!"


"Ah, another pause?? Now?"

"That's it! To stop in such moments !"

"Are you kidding?!"

"Put me down...!"



"How can you ever do that?"

"No, I'm flexible, but... HOW?"

"Put your dick back..!"

"So.. hot!"

"I can't even cough.…"

"Eee! Again! A-Ah!"

"Not again?"

"Not my eyes!"


"My ear.…"

"I see, but the nose??"

"Mmm...!! Yeah!"

"Why the hell you're so strong?"


"|Not...any... more…"


"Oh ...."

Eight abusing hours ...

The first hours were full of irritation and anger at him, because it was clear that he was mocking at, exhausting me and himself... nonstoping. At some point, I just wanted to strangle him, cut open his stomach, get the guts out and put his cock inside and make it horny there...

The second half of that time was not better, though. I still remember the first cumming that almost killed me - it broke up my energy channels... But nothing bad happened, and I reacted quickly. And then it became worse. His energy was waving into rushingly, smashing and tearing apart the channels, while I held the core from the explosion, absorbing, accumulating and transforming it endlessly. But at some point, consciousness began to leave me, although I kept repeating all the actions mechanically. I wonder how I even survived.

I woke up when he was leaving. Darn you to become a part of the temple library, shitter.

At least the paralysis's gone.

I was walking through the woods, constantly looking back expecting this crazy woman to follow me. But I hoped she wouldn't get up for the next couple of hours.

It was getting dark, and I was full of energy, so I decided to miss the rest time. No matter what time of day it is - I'm not able to find the way in the woods, though, as I trust my inner feeling. Step by step, I got closer to my target. At least that's what I told myself. To be honest, I had no idea how long I should go.

"Hey, are you here? How far is that city?"

No answer.

That son of a bitch.

"Someone forgot about the total and unconditional support?"

"I remember. And I am ready support you, totally and unconditionally. It's enough to say that I am already supporting you!"

I heard a vicious voice.

"Fucking sodomite. You are not from the ruling class of demons, are you? You'd make a good politician."

"Oh... you're slick, but thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment, you motherfucker."

Frankly saying, he was driving me crazy, as well as infuriating and annoying with his presence and the very existence in this world. But the most irritating thing was that he met me, manipulated me, got into my brain, took a piece of my soul, and now he didn't want to help me. No way, Jose, we're tied now!

"If you still don't get it, we are in a bind. It's me who rules, not you. But I have no idea what to do, unlike you. Now, how I understand this world and its inhabitants, If we keep the same way, pretty soon we'll find ourselves in the same stones as the one that you escaped... or, maybe, even in the same, altogether. Funny, isn't it?

"Ha. I see someone got my tricks, no? And you speak my own words? You're right... I can't deny myself.

"Yourself? Now YOU ARE wrong. I am I, and you're a sponger! And I'll find a way to get you out and put you in the first stone I can find and throw you in the toilet pit if you don't shut up right now!"

"Yeah, sure", the voice laughed. "Anyway, you contradict yourself, and you make a discussion with me, and now you say shut up."


Damn!! I think I bit my tongue.

"And now let's get down to business. Tell me, where we are going, how long is left and what is awaiting for us there?"

I spat blood. Damn.

"What, now you think you're smarty and play boss? Well... now do it and play boss", the voice chuckled.


"There is a town on the edge of unstable lands, with official autonomy, escaped slaves and their pursuers, as well as free adventurers and other rabble. There your pursuers will certainly lose you, but you will also have a great chance to face new captors."


"But still, there you have more chances there than in any other less anarchic town. And in any case, you can always run away in those unstable lands."

That made sense. So I continued walking down that way, that expected to present me a couple of decades of non-stop movement, like my mindmate said.

Nothing strange happened during this journey. Rare predators appeared on the way, sometimes I entered the dug vacant lots in the woods. I also saw old ruins, that I safely passed on the advice of my demon.

We had problems with supplies - the mental attacks of the demon paralyzed small game fow a while, so I could reach it.

Though, he was useless against a larger.

As for the training…

"Do you think it is time for that?", he asked.

Strange, but I couldn't sleep now. Or rather to fall sleep, so I felt sick, though it was not critical. The fatigue just accumulated and I had a chance to have a nap at night. My mindmate was even generous to help me with some meditative practice, as a replacement for sleep.

"It's the basic practice for the forces restoration and accumulation. Not fine as a replacement for sleep, but you are not capable for more.

So, the fatigue kept accumulating. When I finally reached a small lake with standing water, I was extremely surprised seeing my reflection in it. I saw a slightly emaciated face, with a frown look and blackness around the eyes, which I blamed the insomnia.

But I kept the pace quite easily, somehow I could always find energy for daily non-stop (surprisingly) march.

"You exhaust yourself without feeling it. The fact that you have a large supply of energy does not mean that your body is deprived of limits - at one point it will simply give up…"

So I had to have a rest being under the supervision of the inner voice, which began to show more and more attention.

By the time I could see the smoke from the town on the horizon, and then the town itself, a little more than a decade had passed. My clothes were worn out, and I was thin, even though I had a heavy meat diet. Looking mean, as if I was a runaway slave, that I... was indeed.

Well, here we are…