Why I am still being treated wrong?

The sweet intoxicating scent of Torsha flower is lingering in the air.

Under the flaming red sky with no moon or sun, Deia finds herself sitting on the dry and hot rocky ground. It's difficult to breathe because of the smoke and ashes in the air. She looks back and sees dark smoke rising from the mountain. "Volcano?"

Mogrok is up at the spirits in the sky. They haven't noticed them. If they come to attack, it will be a hotheaded fight. The spirits from this realm are stronger than the spirits from the human realms. He opens all of his thousand eyes and looks for his master in all the directions.

Deia wraps her hands around herself. She's scared. This place is strange. The Dark God is sleeping. Kyo hasn't awakened yet. Mogrok is looking for Kresi with his 1000 eyes. She wants to help too.

The vision comes to her like a distant dream. Damin is half-naked. Someone is striking his back with a thorny lash. He's not fighting back. The ground beneath him is covered with his blood.

She snaps her violet eyes open. She fists her hands to stop them from trembling. She takes a deep breath. Why she is being upset? She has seen the visions. He left her after being done with her. She was a chore for him to complete. If he treated her like a mate, he wouldn't leave her like that. He went away. He came for the Dark God and taking him to the dema continent was his only goal. He tried to leave the realm without her. He didn't even have the decency to say goodbye once.

She's angry. She doesn't care about that Dema. She's thankful that he saved her and attached her channels with his core. Thanks to him, she can feel faint ehr flowing through her body.

Keep getting hit. She doesn't care. She doesn't give a damn. She concentrates and tries to look into the near future. She finds Damin lying inside a dark prison. Alone.

She can't let her spirit. No, he's her mate. She can't let her mate end up like that. He might not want anything to do with her, but he is someone very important to her.

After a few hours, his pupils rotate around his eyes until one of his eyes catch a glimpse of Damin in Sor Kaya, being punished. He can't see his master anywhere. Damin must know where she is.


I don't like this quietness. We are walking through a tunnel built inside the ground. My heart is thumping loudly. Fear. I can't hide it from the person walking in front of me. He doesn't turn back once or say a single word. I stare at the end of the chain in his hand. I still can't sense any ehr or summon any rune. It must be because of this chain.

"Why I am chained?" I ask him with a smile. "It's not like that I can run away. This is Dema continent. I don't know how to summon a gate. I won't recognize use a Cina's gate. My magic level is basic too."

He doesn't answer me.

"I feel awkward like this. You see, I am a human with some pride. Being chained like this make me feel like I am a slave." I say the words from my heart. "This is a violation of human rights."

"Humans don't have any right in this realm." His looks down at me. "This chain prevent you from ehr and keeps you undetected. Don't ask me any more question."

If I don't ask you anything, how will I get to know what's coming for me? I ask him more questions, but he doesn't answer or speak another world. We come to a wall. He mumbles a word that sounds like the name of the rune. I am extremely sensitive to runes. So, I could tell easily. The wall disappears. He pulls me to the hall.

The chandelier is made of gold. The cutleries on the dinner table is also made gold. The frames of paintings hanging on the walls are made of gold. One of the paintings attracts my eyes. I see Kyo. No, it's the Dark God. He's standing beside the man with silver hair. I have seen the same painting in the castle inside the cursed realm.

My chain is the only metal that's not made of gold. The grouchy man leaves after tying the end of my chain to the chair made of gold. There is no one in the room. I make myself comfortable and sit on the chair. At least, the cushions aren't made of gold. That would be too much.

Can I steal a cup or two? I am lacking money. Stealing gold from a dragon? I resist temptation and pour myself the wine. I want water, but I have to make do with the cool wine. It's delicious. I like good alcohol. I start filling my empty stomach with fruits. I need strength to deal with whatever is coming. When I am done, I pat my tummy with satisfaction. "It's so good. I want to eat more, but there's no space in my stomach."

"That's a shame."

I jump in my chair and looks in the direction of the voice. The man with silver hair is sitting at the other end of the table and holding a glass. He is watching me with a shrewd smile on his lips. I didn't sense his presence until he made it known. He must have been there for the whole time.

"I apologize on behalf of my foolish son for treating you wrongly." His eyes are silver. "He is still young. He doesn't understand much."

I keep myself calm and pick up the cloth to clean my mouth as elegantly as I could. I hit the chain against the chair's foot. "Why I am still being treated wrong?"